
Testamonial:  "My god, you people are depressing."

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Messages - Sweety

Literate Chaotic / Foucault's Pendulum
May 30, 2006, 03:32:30 AM
yeah good book, though some of the beginning borders on boredom (the 80s computer stuff); in general Eco tends to babble a bit (doesnt obviously edit much out), anyway, quite ok stuff- and: for the insiders who know about the occult: a few mistakes can be found therein, too (cool huh)...(about Crowley cant remember exactly what it was)...btw, "Umberto" himself is a bore: I attended one of his linguistic lectures in Milano and nearly fell asleep (and hes also completely full of himself)- anyway, I loved those south american scenes and that gentleman-magus type, some good quotes etc...