
Yeah, fuckface! Get ready to be beaten down. Grrr! Internet ain't so safe now is it motherfucker! Shit just got real! Bam!

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Messages - Jasper

I'll be the busybody manager that goes around playing waiter and obsequiously asking customers "and how is everything tonight?" as they vomit streams of zero gee ragout past my head.
"The restaurant at the end of your appetite"
Yeah, not doing it.  Just finished the video.  She's a nice lady, and needn't see that.  *snicker*
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: HEY!
February 03, 2012, 03:09:12 AM
over the weekend, I had a wisdom tooth start coming in. 

With rent due and 300 in the bank.

Fucking February.
JGF may or may not decide to avail herself of the dangers by watching the video.  Seems iffy.  :lulz:

I just had a vivid thought.  What if, instead of loving it, they had the gut wrenching feeling that they were going to fall, and couldn't eat?

Oh well, at that point they're sure as shit not getting back their money.
I've heard stories where he used small doses of LSD to cure smoking and alcohol addiction.  (That's cure without quotation marks.)
Screw the edge of the atmosphere.  Put it at just the right altitude to view the Earth all at once, but still close enough to realize how fucking immense it is.  People would love it.
Ok.  I thought there might be something like that at play.  Dang.

What about some kind of space station / device outside of Earth's gravity that uses a very long cable to pull things out of orbit?  It could be powered by a nuclear reactor and sunlight.
I take the stance that everything we are, and ever will naturally evolve into, are mutations.  Whether they are called diseases or not are a matter of success.  Can people with ADD live functional, happy, productive lives?  Sometimes yes, sometimes less so.  It's hard to call it a disease based on that.

This is just my opinion.  All biology I know is self-taught.
I don't know how strong the laser system would be.  Enough to conquer Earth's gravity?  Maybe slowly.  I don't know.
The young are simply too dumb to live
The old are weak and unclean
The ones in the middle, they also must die
Their ways are obtuse and obscene


I've been thinking, and now I'll just blurt it out. 

If we had enough satellites harvesting solar energy, couldn't we use small rockets to get a craft up to LEO, then have our solar energy satellites power it's final escape with lasers?  I've seen a lot of noise on laser propulsion systems for spacecraft.
Quote from: Cain on February 02, 2012, 04:58:34 PM
You should try living in close proximity with them.

"You're young, rich, living in one of the most exciting cities in the world and have an unlimited curfew.  And you're spending your free time watching Family Guy on DVD in the common room?  At least I have a good reason for hanging around here all day."

Fortunately, at 26, I am still able to enjoy most of the benefits of youth which they are squandering, so I do not get angry, I just shake my head and think "idiots", while I go to blow a fortune drunkenly trolling Young Tories in the bars of Chelsea.

If they'd been living with the explicit limitation that they must only ever watch funny DVDs and stay inside and only talk to people around the house, there'd be jailbreak and riot.  Instead, the world is open to them so they limit themselves.  I chalk it up the the basic cussedness of all human behavior.
Oops.  I just skimmed the wiki as I was posting that, and one of the facts got mixed up in my head.