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Messages - trippinprincezz13

Quote from: East Coast Hustle on May 04, 2017, 06:20:26 AM
Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on May 03, 2017, 09:39:17 PM
I guess you could say I do have an ethical problem if this is the shit you find humorous. That's fear induced laughter. Violence seems way more appropriate.

I just want to point out that FUCK YOU for telling anyone else what they should or shouldn't find humor in.

Seriously, go choke on a Buick.

And also, this
Quote from: Junkenstein on May 03, 2017, 11:44:44 PM
Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on May 03, 2017, 11:12:12 PM
I don't think you get that the only thing that laughter gets you is to be put in the category of non-factor along with the audience of colbert, noah, the British nerd and the rest. You've become the laugh track of the big bang theory.

Dear fellow, I'm not sure you're able to understand quite how wrong you are.

Laughing a lung up at something is a holy rite(tm pending) and you're going to remain incomplete until you learn it.

While Nero fiddled, The ancient order of HA HA was born. We Laughed at the plagues. We laughed at Napoleon. And again at Napoleon. And again at Napoleon. We laugh every time someone marches at Moscow in the winter. What can we say beyond certain hats are amusing? We Laugh at the 3 Stooges, Auschwitz and the continuing decisions to throw nuclear bombs around for testing purposes. We Laugh at Tommy Cooper's last show. We Laugh at the ways of Clinton Clifford and Little Larry. We Laugh at corruption and watch to see who isn't laughing because that's where the bribes went. We laugh at how much asbestos is in your house and workplace right now. We laugh at radioactive clocks which are still more common than you may think. The constant appearance of HA HA ONLY SERIOUS is everywhere if you know where to look. Just look at anything, you'll find it.

Sitting there with your straight face hanging out may work for you. If dying of a heart attack at 30-odd is your goal. By all means let these things be VERY SERIOUS for you. That's not an entirely bad thing but by doing so you give them a level of importance they quite frankly don't deserve.

Power can suffer practically anything apart from people's laughter. Do you think idiot hates the media because it takes him seriously? The cretin hates SNL because people laugh at a caricature of him. It undermines his very sense of self as a WEALTHY IMPORTANT PERSON. It kicks his inner child and reminds them that they were once a small screaming human with no control over his bowels. And he's close to the other end of the scale now so that's a serious worry for him. One of the last posts was specifically about prosecuting someone FOR laughing. That alone should give you an understanding of how much power hates HA HA.

The world is very large and complex. I can affect and change a relatively tiny part of it. Even with a couple of lottery wins tomorrow, I would still only be able to change a tiny fraction of it. But yet with modern technology, I can know about vast parts of it. And I'll be FUCKED BLUE if you're telling me not to laugh at it.

Because you've got to laugh at all of it. Dictators with toupees and crazy ideas are fucking hilarious. People acting in vast numbers against their own best interests is downright hysterical. The determination of hordes of idiots wanting to be the boot that stamps on others is a god-damn riot. The only reaction these things deserve is a solid HA HA directly to the face.

So please, take your humourless arse outside and laugh in somethings face. It's liberating, if you have the balls to do so. Or you can sit there and fret about how very serious and sad it all is and try and work out what to do. Here's the thing though, one of us will be having a fucking good time.

Probably me, because I'll be laughing sputum and spittle into your goddamn face. And then I'll laugh at your reaction too for good measure.

TL;DR - Shove your big bang theory up your arse. Sideways. With gusto.

Few pages back, so god knows what shit show I'm wandering into (my guess, a big one?), but I really like this. I don't see HA HA as complacency or acceptance. There are and will be many unfunny things happening. But HA HA has gotten me through much more than which politician (or group thereof) is destroying the world . What else are you gonna do? Curl up and cry? I say laugh.
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on March 27, 2017, 12:04:02 AM
Quote from: Trivial <insert joke> on March 26, 2017, 07:11:00 PM

For some reason I find this image somehow emotionally soothing.

That was my first thought, as well
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on March 16, 2017, 05:15:50 PM
Quote from: LMNO on March 16, 2017, 03:36:33 PM
I am also glad you are not dead.

It does help to hear this. Thanks LMNO.

I know I haven't had much in the way of interaction with you here (and well, it's been a rough 2 years or so, so mostly been in lurk status as it is), but glad to hear you're still with us. One of my best friends killed himself almost a year and a half ago, and it really tore so many lives apart - probably a lot more than he expected. The effects are still being felt, and will certainly be for some time to come.

I get in a bad way myself sometimes, even since then, but it's in a big way the thought of the people who will be left behind picking up the pieces, whether you believe it at the time or not, that makes it not worth it. It may sound cliché, but hang in there and know that you do matter in this world.
You mean, could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot even HE couldn't eat it?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: RP still not getting it
December 13, 2016, 06:38:48 PM
Quote from: xXRon_Paul_42016Xxx(weed) on December 11, 2016, 11:05:37 PM
You should read snopes brah.

Maybe it's been a long week/months, but this just really made me laugh. Then I realized it was a serious article and laughed a bit more.

No child porn's not funny, but c'mon, look at that guy's face, and the article....and whatever point that FB user is trying to make

I'll let you get back to regularly scheduled programming. The internet is for laughs for me today, and people here are expressing my dislike of Trump better than I have a mind to at the moment.

And sure, I spoke to a few people that supported Trump because they believed that he'd fix the economy and/or was a D.C. "outsider" and would hire "the best" people to help him to do the job. And for a brief moment I considered perhaps so, despite his general repugnance, maybe at worst it'd be some sort of bizarre status quo. But with every new appointment, it seems like he is going out of his way to pick the worst person for the job. It's like assembling a cabinet of specialized super villains. A bit of hyperbole, maybe, but still....
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 07, 2016, 05:57:10 AM
HOWWWWWW did I never see this thread?

Ditto. Though looking at the dates, I have an inkling.

Awesome all around. Love the OP.
Or Kill Me / Re: Sleeping Pills
November 28, 2016, 05:54:56 PM
Really good piece, Freeky. Very relatable.
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on September 08, 2016, 09:45:50 PM
Quote from: Cain on September 08, 2016, 02:23:32 PM
#WhatIsAleppo is now trending, thanks to Gary Johnson


OMG I saw that!  :lulz:

What a great Presidential candidate. I'm sure he would have NO trouble getting up to speed...

At first I thought it was some statement from him meant to point out how people are ignorant of/turn a blind eye to situations that don't involve them (or at worst some weird "Who is John Galt" reference).

Apparently I give people too much credit sometimes, because then I watched the news yesterday and  :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: wow....
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on August 09, 2016, 03:06:19 PM
Quote from: Cain on August 09, 2016, 03:22:40 AM
Enjoy California, Wizard Joseph.

EoC, did you install MGSO?  As I'm using OpenMW, I've not installed any as I want a complete vanilla playthrough before I start modding, but because the engine is better optimised, some of the textures and meshes display better.  Also MGSO doesn't work with OpenMW, so I'd need to do some research into textures that are compatible and that I like.

TBH I'm more interested in installing Tamriel Rebuilt once I'm done, and Skyrim: Home of the Nords once it's updated.  But I have to complete Tribunal and Bloodmoon first...

Yeah, I played about 10 minutes vanilla and decided I couldn't get past the graphics. I went with MGSO because I've never modded and it seemed like a pretty foolproof method. I just don't want to end up tinkering. I went with a pretty middle of the road setup, but everything is markedly better than before. It's now what I remember Morrowind being like. Memory is funny.

Things I miss:
constant sense of danger
overwhelming scale
general Morrowind weirdness

Things I didn't miss:
glitching into trees
follower one shot killing me with an AoE spell while I meleed a rat
god damn motherfucking cliff racers

:argh!: :argh!: I almost forgot about those assholes. Minding my own business, skies are clear, all of a sudden, three out of nowhere attacking the shit out of me.

Cliff racers aside, it's been forever since I've played Morrowwind - someday I'll have to get back to it...
Nice! Love your writing style, and love murder-mysteries, so can't wait!  :)
I see stuff pop up all the time on my Facebook feed that I may think is repetitive or uninteresting. Lucky for me, my computer comes with such rare devices as arrow keys and a scroll wheel on my mouse. And goes on. If I took the time out of my day to comment on every post I was uninterested in to say "haha wut a dum post" "stop mooing like a cow already", I'd be wasting a lot time out of my day and probably have a lot less friends. Since you know, my friends aren't obligated to post about only things I care about or entertain me 24/7.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on July 15, 2016, 12:43:43 AM
So, last of the poking and prodding is done.

Not cancer, not popcorn lung, not emphysemia.  Nothing wrong with my lungs at all.  Apparently, I have managed to burn a hole in my epiglotis (sp?) with pure bile (despite Nexium).  Due to the local anesthetic they had me swallow for the tube, my voice sounds like Lemmy after a box of cigars.

But I shall survive to be a pest for some time yet.

Glad to hear it's nothing too serious (hopefully/theoretically - burning holes into your insides probably isn't the greatest thing either). But no cancer is always a good thing  :)