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Messages - barumunk

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Lollercaust?
April 03, 2008, 03:39:17 PM
Quote from: Professor Cramulus on April 03, 2008, 03:00:33 PM

- The world is fucked up, let's have pie

,its a lie


whats a good way of organizing the nominations?
what about a post-poll to decide the "main" long piece, the one with the most votes is it.

i agree that choosing the "main"/central piece is a good first step. it will help dictate which others may become irrelevant. or moar relevant.

Quote from: LMNO on April 03, 2008, 03:03:03 PM
And editing the text.  I think I might have a "clean" version of Cain's Apocrypha.
that would be helpful :)

Quote from: Professor Cramulus on March 31, 2008, 11:45:53 PM

How about:

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I had to! :
i quite like it :) i can safely say that its one of the first metaphors that i actually wish were longer. which is quite  strange, cus normally i find my self thinking the opposite about alot of the stuff i read.

but in the beginning after the sirens and before the head bang on the bars, i felt i was reading something akin to 1984 when the dude is in the ministry of love (or whatever).

i kinda thought you jumped into the metaphor way quick as apposed to letting the reader realize it themselves (possibly a little slower)

BUT i liked it. esp the barstool/bar in the end.

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Lollercaust?
April 03, 2008, 07:34:36 AM
fuck!!!  :lulz:  (not so subtle) hint taken

im starting. I'm gonna select pieces from crams list near the OP, (that I like) and go from there.

Quote from: Netaungrot on April 02, 2008, 09:51:06 PM
Quote from: LMNO on April 02, 2008, 04:41:21 PM
Protip:  If you think something should be done, DO IT YOURSELF.

Most of use consider the text on this site is Kopyleft (I know TGRR's isn't, though).

I put together the first BIP pamphlet in Word, for fuck's sake.  Syn took it and ran with it from there.

Grab what you like, cobble it together, and present it.  Without a doubt, someone will add to it, make suggestions, host it on their webpage, whatever.

But the person with the passion has to go first.  Don't waste your energy getting someone else to do what you can do yourself.

But why waste my energy doing what other people want to help out with?

I'd rather have other people helping out if they're motivated, because I'd like to put most of my energy into the typographic, layout and production dimensions.

If people don't step up to the plate in a week or so to start the editorial illustrations (and therefore start selecting content as well) I have a back up plan:

I'll do some myself and use some creative commons resources for the rest.

yeah, Net I know what you mean about getting people that are motivated to contribute, and aside from the voices shouting "shut the fuck up and do something (anything really)" i reckon that if something is completed as a group endevour its all the more rewarding, not just acting to stoke some doods ego.

and as always getting people to syncronize their inputs and find their own niches is tricky. esp if it is discordians in question :)

but as i said above, hint taken.

[edit: after much procrastinating]
just a rough but started compiling:
Net would obv apply it to the layouts he's devised, im going to start doing some visuals to go with the individual pieces.
*likes beads that are shinny*

heya beady person
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Lollercaust?
April 01, 2008, 04:27:43 PM
kul, also:

it may be attributable to my laziness, but i also think that part of the reason stuff is rather hard to "organize" is lack of process, and im sure you can note that most of my input in this thread is in that vein. anyway that leads me to propose the following:

how about (teh modz) update the OP with the "proposed" content. so as us plebeians can debate and comment and flame the choices,
what you all think.? it would be an ongoing process. which would allow the majority to know whats happening and how its progressing (if at all).

or just ignore me  :)
Wolfs Rain; .Hack//Sign; Neon Genesis Evangelian; Visions of Escaflowne; Bleach; 
Quote from: vexati0n on March 30, 2008, 08:05:41 AM
It's an obvious ploy to turn otherwise malcontented people with the potential to network outward and inflict damage to the machine, into harmless postulators of nonsense who will investigate anything from circus clowns to their own feces, find a few correlations between their experiment and larger societal patterns, then promptly publish their findings into a Kleenex and file it in the nearest wastebasket.

OMF Noooooo!! ive been had, my whole life is a lie......

wait... nevermind i knew that  :)

but really its a scary thought hey. though it would take some impressively inteligent super-secret-power to pull it off, but hey might just be true, and ALL the pro's and cons in modern society, even those "obviously" oppposed to the system, are/have been carefully contructed and nurtured of the years.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Lollercaust?
April 01, 2008, 07:13:00 AM
yeah wasn't implying using non original images (i totally agree with the images needing to relate Specificly to each sermon/piece) But external images that are relevant for brainstorming and act as creative juice anti-coagulants.

I'd very much like to contribute graphically, so once the content starts looking (vaguely finalized)  it'd be cool if a sort of table of contents could be posted, so as "graphic contributers" can produce relevant accompanying visuals.

A multiple choice brief if you will.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Lollercaust?
March 31, 2008, 02:14:59 PM

a cool concept for lollercaust images. hitler + cool hat = comedy.
oh damn, well that sucks  :lol: i'll search for it now.
sry bout the dbl post then  :|

found it:
please disregard/delete my pointless thread :P
Quote from: LMNO on March 28, 2008, 01:40:14 PM
Sounds interesting.

Link to the distribution site?

hxxp:// -  we should really make a Discordian-group effort to do something as above ....
and idea, (it could also pay for the hosting etc)

and individual writers i suggest it for your own material as well  :D
im just busy making the pdfs etc, so as its properly professional, else i mightn't even bother.
I'll put the link as soon as I've done it, prob by monday.

but you're welcome to comment on the idea in the meantime. ;P
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Lollercaust?
March 28, 2008, 12:07:46 PM
Quote from: Netaungrot on March 27, 2008, 09:30:22 PM
I thought the lol swastika might be too much.

I like the idea of burying it further in the pamphlet, 000.

But it's also important for our German comrades to be able to participate.

Lol swastika has officially been discontinued for Lollercaust pamphletage.

i really dug your previous post of the possible cover and inside.....

the cover is cool.!!!!! : mittens :
and to add the constructive criticism, i don't think (ever) that the inside is too sparse, tis coolade incarnate. : mittens :
but as cool as the lolstika is, yeah lots of people would just dismiss it as antisemitism out of hand, and not even give it a chance.

im not sure who's working on it, but hows the content compilation going (whoeveritisdoingit?)

[edit] - append

oh and this post of mine also applies for the distribution of the lollercaust:
what you peeps think?