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Messages - bringdownthesystem

February 24, 2008, 11:03:55 PM
Also. which site are you on? Both?

The colbert one looks fine, the other one sure has a whole lot of forums and is difficult to navigate, it's fine though... I think that was the point thought to maybe keep stupid people off.
February 23, 2008, 01:04:37 AM
I shall be the same...bringdownthesystem
February 22, 2008, 09:40:31 PM
Little do they know that is closer to the truth than the racism theory. :fap:


We went around the other day with about 25 more signs of varying things and hit every major building in our small city here. Today I just printed out around 35 posters, 11 something longer ones  of Roger's, and around 15 of those 23 things to do while you wait fliers (wasted about 20 pages until I found out how to print those pamphlets on opposite sides of paper.), and then around 6-7 of some certain ones to go on windshields and such. It'll be fun next time we can get over into town. I would love to take more pictures guys, but even if I put them in the computer it's with my phone so they are crappy as hell, and you have the choice of a far away picture where you can't read the sign but can see where it's posted or a close up to read the sign but can see where it is....
February 22, 2008, 05:42:20 PM
  Eh people, what're the links to these sites?
GASM Command / Re: ShadesGASM?
February 22, 2008, 06:11:19 AM
Mhmm. Me as well, I hope I will get a good Cabal type group going out here in this weird ass small town, and when I move to spread to the city hopefully it will keep going and then I can make a new one...hmmm,
  if anyone has seen fight club have you ever thought of going from city to city starting cabals lol? And then it would be one big major army?...then we could accomplish......well... :sadbanana: wow.
Bring and Brag / Re: Jumping Gemini
February 22, 2008, 06:04:02 AM
February 22, 2008, 04:50:19 AM
I'm not sure it was completely a racist thing now, partly yes. But it seems the full story is that people called the cops suspecting some kind of cultist weird society or organization...probably especially after posters of similar nature appear all over town and on the court house.

Also, thanks Professor. Also guys don't think I'm too stupid using my name, Matthew Pizgatti is an alias as's cool. I'm going to add that new link to the wiki if you haven't already. Thanks for putting it up once again.
Propaganda Depository / Re: Zonkey Poster
February 22, 2008, 04:45:24 AM
Thanks for the welcome...and yes I have added on to those and will continue to do so. It's fun to think of random shit that makes no sense but hopefully gets a laugh from some while confusing others and making a statement to the rest.
Propaganda Depository / Re: Matthew's Posters
February 21, 2008, 09:17:44 PM
I added it to the wiki but with that download link, so if anyone has another place to host it?
February 21, 2008, 08:33:17 PM
Heh, well I would have even excused it more about the cops thing IIIIF I say IF I had put the seal. It just said lol...Oklahoma small towns are funny...immediately jump to conclusions over nothing.


But the COPS? Who calls the fuzz over a poster on a gas pump lol...oh no, it said something about freethinking...we better call the police before the KKK rise up again?

Also, for reference it's that one in my posters I made the other day that says LOOK! really big at the top and then has the small text towards the bottom...

Oh, yeah also could I get an account on the wiki?
February 21, 2008, 06:23:11 PM
Just got word from my only other Cabal member (only two, does that count? We'll grow)....and he just informed me that he is at one of the gas stations, and they called the cops last night after finding the poster (he knows guy who works there) mainly because at the bottom I had the URL and in this redneck southern town it was taken as a racist "inprison the blacks type thing" lol. LMFAO
February 21, 2008, 06:40:46 AM
Yes I would like that account, and the link to the PDF was and I believe that download is in PDF format, so that'd be cool if you want to put it on Vex's.

Oh, and guys...gotta say:
I went on my first POSTERGASM outing tonight (12:38 so most things closed) lol, it was VERY fun. I took pictures on my shitty cell phone, so if I DO get them up their not great. However it was hilarious, we hit a couple church's, blockbuster, hospital, 2 gas station pumps(which works good for long reads), a library, THE FUCKING COURTHOUSE DOOR lol...ummm the Bowling Alley, Burger King Drive through on a thing above the speaker....and last but not least we put up our favorite "Now that you've read this I'll follow you home"...and we put it on the Wal-Mart missing children glass cover of those bulletins. Classic.

I used some from Mine I just recently made (adding more to them as I think..) and then some from the one's you all have listed on the wiki.
Bring and Brag / Re: Jumping Gemini
February 21, 2008, 05:13:30 AM
Ah, heres another I like to do...that's not me by the way lol: It's blaine.

I live in Oklahoma atm, just came from Texas...Boston is a tiny bit far. IF it was a big enough gathering, I would be more tempted to travel farther, but still a bit far.
Bring and Brag / Re: Jumping Gemini
February 21, 2008, 05:06:44 AM
 :wink: Thank yeh. I hope to meet ya all someday and show something really cool...stupid webcam.

By the way...TOOOTALLY off topic, but any chance we're going to have a GASM where we do all try to meet in one spot for....something :oops:?
Bring and Brag / Jumping Gemini
February 21, 2008, 04:49:13 AM
Hey guys, this IS my art.
If I didn't mention in my introduction to this site, I am a magician and have been so for two years. This video was made about 10 months ago, and isn't the best but you should like it enough. I hate webcams because it's stupid to talk to them, but without patter many effects seem fairly dull, like this one "Jumping Gemini" Goes so much faster and is engaging with all my speaking in real life. Fun stuff though.

I just thought of a cool effect using the postergasm stuff, with the name of a chosen card appearing on the back of a Postergasm poster somewhere, I need to do it street magic style to a stranger at the mall, and get it on video for you'd like it. I hate cameras for public magic though when I'm trying out new tricks, makes me feel too much pressure to get good reactions, I think I would do it though.