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Messages - Salty

Or Kill Me / Re: Kesha's yelling timber
June 07, 2017, 10:51:09 PM
That awful, I'm so sorry and glad you didn't die!

On the other hand, for the rest of your life you get to tell people you're really bad at falling to your death. So, that's a win.
Oh dear sweet Jesus, that's beautiful.

Turns out all my ranting here on PD has resulted in many transferable skills. I am getting an A in Public Speaking, that's for sure. Rants and speeches are, in many ways, very similar. And I always envision myself at the pulpit when I get a hot one.

Also, just reasoning in general. It's very helpful in school. Today my group is presenting logical fallacies to my public speaking class. Before I came here I had no idea about them.

So, thanks for the A, y'all.
Quote from: LMNO on June 01, 2017, 08:42:58 PM
Quote from: Salty on June 01, 2017, 08:00:39 PM
Oh yeah. I have run into so many liberals and progressives here who only avoid association with any standard redneck conservative because they don't actively hate other races and/or are gay.

That's about it. They're still racist AF, and prejudiced toward anyone who isn't like them, more or less. Those with comfortable lives are basically worthless sacks of meat.

While doing foot massage in one of the fancier areas of town, I encountered so many liberal-on-paper people working for Nike. They eat gluten free, they vote Democrat, and a lot of them are feminists. A lot of them can't see past their own noses paychecks.

Fixt.  But to be fair, that's kind of a human condition.

Good point.
Oh yeah. I have run into so many liberals and progressives here who only avoid association with any standard redneck conservative because they don't actively hate other races and/or are gay.

That's about it. They're still racist AF, and prejudiced toward anyone who isn't like them, more or less. Those with comfortable lives are basically worthless sacks of meat.

While doing foot massage in one of the fancier areas of town, I encountered so many liberal-on-paper people working for Nike. They eat gluten free, they vote Democrat, and a lot of them are feminists. A lot of them can't see past their own noses.
Ultra liberal classmate who hasn't worked in years because her wife works for a major shoe company:

QuoteI hate homeless people, they're trash. I want them to pay property tax. I don't understand why I have to pay property tax and they don't.
I strongly recommend The Wonderful Whites of West Virginia.

For one thing, it makes a few Hank 3 songs make sense. It also is incredible all around.

Poor, Appalachian family, the absolute epitome of poor White folks. These people have been so beaten down by family trauma and poverty. Their ancestors, if I had to guess, were probably brought over as indentured servants.

It doesn't sound hilarious, and at times it is deeply sad. But it is very worth watching.
A coolant hose snapped/melted/tore off, so I removed the broken bit and crammed the hose back on without its sensor, or whatever, and now I'm back and beer/bed.
I suspect that even if Trump is impeached, even if he got into srs trouble, he's done immeasurable damage in that he's emboldened every white supremacist piece of shit in America and convinced each that they are a king.
Bring and Brag / Re: P3nT's Shoops
May 27, 2017, 07:04:50 PM
Wow, that is super badass.
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on May 19, 2017, 02:12:27 AM
My main problem with abortion however is the undercurrent of ableism and of paradoxially reactionary concepts about reproduction and family that underlay it. It's supporters are basically saying that 1.) People like me who have genetic disorders shouldn't exist and 2.) That a child only exists for the benefit of the parents, rather than for their own benefit or to string along the ponzi scheme that is civilization until we can find a way to stabilize it by putting a stop to death.

Also, going back to this

Quote from: tyrannosaurus vex on April 17, 2017, 08:05:05 PM
Well... no.

The argument that fetuses are not babies is of course made all the time. The "life begins at conception" and such ridiculousness is the anti-choice camp's counter to this argument. There will never be any successful attempt to convince them that fetuses are not babies, because anything that is sure to become a thing is as good as having become it already, at least whenever a person is inclined to believe that, which they are in this case. As far as any anti-choice person's ability to reason, there is no meaningful distinction between a fertilized egg and a baby. Even if physically they are as different as an elephant is from a ant, there is no difference morally, and that's all that matters.

Focusing the argument on the bodily autonomy of women, logically, is all that is left to the pro-choice arguer. It's unfortunate that this is one of the many, many exceptions to the conservative's crusade for "less government interference", but it is what it is. We are effectively faced with a situation where half of the country wants to rob women of their own bodily autonomy. Making it a question of bodily autonomy may not be the most effective way to settle the argument, but it's better than trying to drive some impossible wedge between "baby" and "fetus", which has been tried and proven to be completely useless.

Of course, the debate over abortion is not actually a debate over abortion. If saving lives was really the aim of anti-choice "activists", they wouldn't condemn all manner of not-fetuses to death at the slightest provocation in other areas. Their wailing over "dead babies" is just a charade they use because people are easily swayed by the idea of violence against defenseless children. There are many proven ways to materially decrease the rates of both abortion and of unwanted or underage pregnancy in general -- and if these people actually cared about eliminating abortion, they would champion these methods instead of simply calling for prohibition and punishment of abortion. But they don't like those methods, because while they are effective, they strike at the real motives behind the anti-choice crusade: they empower women, rather than constrain them to obedience and "modesty".

So I have to disagree with your assessment that the reason the abortion debate rages on is because the defenders of women's choice are doing it wrong. It rages on because there are theocratic monsters among us who are allowed to push their oppressive agenda as some kind of antidote to all the evils of the modern, liberated world. And as long as they exist, they will find ways to hate anyone who is too free for their liking, no matter what arguments are used against them.

So, we've aired the paranoid way pro-choice sees pro-life, so now let me give you a glimpse of the - perhaps equally paranoid, I don't know) way they pro-life sees pro-choice.

I don't actually believe it's really about bodily autonomy at all. The issue isn't that you don't want to be pregnant, the issue is that you don;t want to raise a child. Bodily autonomy is just a convenient excuse. Imagine, if you will, this were a paralell universe where we were reptiles and the gestation took place completely outside of you, without even any incubation needed or possible, you'd find some other excuse for why it's ok to smash eggs. You simply don't want to take responsibility, which is something I emphathize with, but I can't support your methods. Instead, why not seek out one of the many gay couples clamoring to take responsibility for you

In fact, forget reptiles, you'd find some excuse even if we were amphibians or fish

I dream of the day when you finally STFU. I know it's never, ever coming, yet I dream.
Propaganda Depository / Re: Banning Nazis from PD
May 19, 2017, 01:39:00 AM
If spag's consideration are to be considered:

I think we should ban white-nationalism from the boards, forever.

Those threads are more contemptible than drug threads. There is nothing to gain from having those people here.

In the past I would have been against this because I feel Discordia is stronger than that bullshit. However, because posting here isn't what it once was, and because it is a much more fractured place than it once was, we are not able to make these fuckers leave in shame the way we would have.

That's ok, things change. But I don't think we should have to put up with it.
Propaganda Depository / Re: Banning Nazis from PD
May 18, 2017, 04:01:21 PM
Quote from: Supreme Dingus on May 18, 2017, 02:36:20 PM
If we want to create a world where race doesn't matter and no one has to suffer more just because the color of their skin, that has to include White people.

For everyone to be treated equally, everyone has to be treated equally.

White people should be free to advocate their interests like everyone else.

Only punching White people for doing what every other race does unfairly causes them to suffer more just because the color of their skin.

You are NOT fighting for a world where race doesn't matter. If race didn't matter to you, you wouldn't hold White people to a completely different standard. You are fighting for a world where White people are discriminated against.

Associating every pro-White sentiment with hate and violence, to instantly censor it, is what leads to the more extreme manifestations.

Is stopping the evil Nazis from living in a separate community something you would die for? You'd die before actually treating everyone equally and letting White people form communities based on their shared identities too? You'd die just to make sure White people suffer more just because the color of their skin?

Before you get too far into handing equality out like candy, maybe take a sociology class? Just a thought.
Literate Chaotic / Re: ITT: Original Story Ideas
May 16, 2017, 07:52:34 PM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on May 15, 2017, 06:26:49 PM
Romeo and Juliet 2- An unauthorized sequel to Shakespeare's play. Each family blames the other for what happened to Romeo and Juliet and as the movie progresses this causes their feud to escalate until eventually it breaks out into an 72 hour long super mecha fight that destroys both families and most of the earth

Then Shakespeare himself rises from the grave to witness this monstrosity, a character in his own story. He tries to destroy the story from the inside, but Jesus chooses that moment to descend and they both battle over a scarred world for at least a millennium.

Propaganda Depository / Re: Banning Nazis from PD
May 14, 2017, 01:51:25 AM
Quote from: Supreme Dingus on May 14, 2017, 12:22:16 AM
Oh I'm just a White tribalist. I denounce violence and hatred.

You a moderate Muslim.

Shit's tired.