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Messages - Maddroxide

GASM Command / Re: CDGASM
April 19, 2012, 11:29:49 PM
Or Kill Me / Re: G.G. Allin - Discord or Not.
April 11, 2012, 06:17:57 PM
I imagine it would be very shitty.
Topflight geneticists say they have managed to cure diabetes in mice by grafting material from dead men's testicles onto them. The development may mean that in future, human (male) diabetes sufferers can in effect grow a replacement bollock-based pancreas from such tissues.

According to an announcement from the lab involved, headed "Grow Your Own Transplant":

    The research team took 1 gram of tissue from human testes and produced about 1 million stem cells in the laboratory. These cells showed many of the biological markers that characterize normal beta islet cells. They then transplanted those cells into the back of immune deficient diabetic mice, and were able to decrease glucose levels in the mice for about a week – demonstrating the cells were producing enough insulin to reduce hyperglycemia.

The gram of tissue came from "deceased human organ donors" in this case, but the researchers flag up the idea that in future, male diabetes sufferers would offer up such a donation while still alive, allowing docs to produce stem cells from these functioning insulin-yielding ones – so controlling the illness without the various kinds of problems that go with other methods. (For instance suitable insulin-producer cells are sometimes taken from dead donors: but there aren't nearly enough such donors to go around, and furthermore the patient's body tends to reject such alien cells – which it wouldn't do with ones grown from its own familiar cells.)

"No stem cells, adult or embryonic, have been induced to secrete enough insulin yet to cure diabetes in humans, but we know SSCs [spermatogonial stem cells] have the potential to do what we want them to do, and we know how to improve their yield," says medi-prof G Ian Gallicano, one of the boffins who carried out the experiments.

Potentially good – if eyewatering – news down the road for male diabetes sufferers, then. And Gallicano isn't sure, but he thinks it might be possible to carry out a similar procedure using female cells equivalent to SSCs – oocytes.

stolen from,
Or Kill Me / G.G. Allin - Discord or Not.
April 11, 2012, 05:38:17 PM
If you get the chance to watch this documentary on the real king of rock and roll. If you can get past the fieces you will realize he was guy that showed the world that he was gonna do what made him most happy at all times.

G.G. Allin is an entertainer with a message to a sick society. He makes us look at it for what we really are. The human is just another animal who is able to speak out freely, to express himself clearly. Make no mistake about it, behind what he does is a brain.
Literate Chaotic / The Story Of Gloria Holy.
April 11, 2012, 05:27:40 PM
The Story Of Gloria Holy.

Gloria Holy was a lass who was only happy when she wasn't.
Her whole life she lived away into the abyss.
When her tenth birthday had passed she looked around and asked how the time had passed so fast
She contemplated this until her twentieth birthday and realized that she had done it again to herself and decided from here on out she was not gonna let time pass so fast
She turned thirty trying to figure out how to not let time pass when she looked back again upon the time she let go.
So she decided that she wanted a family and began searching for a man who could support her and a family
She turned forty with no man to support her and all by her lonesome when she realized the time had been swept under her feet.
So she said to herself, If I had not been stuck on these things in my life I would have been able to live a full life.
She died the next day while riding a roller coaster backwards at night with no seat belt.
Now everyone remembers Gloria Holy as the girl who let life slip by and then ended with a final needed bang.
Bring and Brag / Re: Song of discord.
April 11, 2012, 05:18:12 PM
No luck recording it yet but I pulled the audio off of youtube just need to figure out where you want me to post it. Picha Picha Ka.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Sub Sand Witch Blend #13
April 05, 2012, 09:48:44 PM
Well awesome guess on the quizno's. That is where i got it from one day when i was bored at work. But as for the sauce I can find it at my local grocery store and always have some with me. Its delicious. You do have to add your own bacon bits or whatever to the mix. The added ham, salami, and pepperoni goes great with the banana peppers and has a totally different taste without them. Plus the fact that you are probably eating a whole pig is always nice.
Bring and Brag / Re: Song of discord.
April 05, 2012, 01:41:28 PM
Well today I will be recording so hopefully some randomness comes to inspire me.
Discordian Recipes / Sub Sand Witch Blend #13
April 05, 2012, 11:44:37 AM
Garlic Bread as your sub bread. Bacon Carbonara Sauce on top and bottom slice of Garlic Bread. Grilled chicken slices. They have to be cut kinda thin. Then Bacon on the top slice. Swiss or Mozzarella cheese. Banana Peppers. And some fresh spinach. Then layered in between this should be pepperoni, ham, and salami.

Animals find this tremendously delicious.
Good Stuff. What program did you use?
You leave the cell because you can't smoke your cigarettes in them anymore.
Bring and Brag / Re: Song of discord.
April 05, 2012, 08:35:45 AM
Man i wish i could sing like that. Im just trying my best though.
Bring and Brag / Re: Song of discord.
April 04, 2012, 10:15:41 AM
I 5th it. Ill record on something a little better than an iphone thirsty day.
Bring and Brag / Re: Song of discord.
April 04, 2012, 07:19:33 AM
Randomly picked it and the lyrics just came out. So I got tossed a bone.
Bring and Brag / Re: Song of discord.
April 04, 2012, 07:18:21 AM
When I was just a little boy,
My momma said never change yourself
20 years later here I am an i aint changed
Just the same ol scum fuck playin my guitar
I smile and say hi to everyone i pass
Cause all i want in life is to make you laugh
Its the only way to get rid of the pain
And you gotta get it out or you gonna go insane
So say goodbye yeah say goodbye to all the bad
Life aint worth living if youre always sad
So say goodbye yeah say goodbye to being mad
And one day day you will love everything.
Im steppin out into the light forcin my hand
Cause only time can tell whats our plan
SO imma keep on makin my own path
Yeah I'm living my life as fast as i can
So say goodbye yeah say goodbye to all the bad
Life aint worth living if youre always sad
So say goodbye yeah say goodbye to being mad
And one day day you will love everything.