
MysticWicks endorsement: "At least Satanists HAVE a worldview. After reading this thread, I'm convinced that discordians not only don't, but will actively mock anyone who does."

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Messages - 00.dusk

The Berniebros are really going to fuck the dog, huh?
I didn't see who spoke up over Harris, but I know that there was more than one. There was also an audible "doesn't seem like it" (sounded like Cornyn's voice) when the Chairman stated that the focus was the Russia situation, so there's a /concerted/ effort to derail and bury this.

There was a very obvious show Sessions was putting on. When the Chairman (who had the face of a cannibal the entire time, it was amazing) questioned him he played this senile old man routine and hunched in his chair. When Cotton was talking, he was /noticeably/ relaxed and friendly, leaned back, got to acting very at ease. Cornyn had him only slightly more on edge. McCain was actually asking okay questions and Sessions acted very threatened by him, surprisingly. Sessions tried some bullshit with the Vice Chairman early on but he managed to keep the focus on. Reed, Harris, Wyden and someone else I didnt catch the name of all were putting the screws to him for the stupidity of the whole "executive privilege" thing, and he got visibly enraged with Wyden and the guy-I-can't-remember.
The whole thing boils down to this: "I can't answer that because it's between me and the president." "Are you invoking executive privilege?" (i.e., are you an idiot) "No, you and I both know I can't do that. I'm giving the president the option to invoke executive privilege later on." "Will you answer these in closed session?" "Maybe."

And -- most important, I must stress. "Have you met with the Russians to overthrow the rightful rule of law in the United States?" "I don't remember doing that but if I did it was very proper and nothing improper happened at all."

Oh, and poor Sen. Harris getting talked over by 5 different fucking people with a look of long-suffering patience on her face.
Quote from: Cain on June 06, 2017, 06:29:31 AM
Comey testimony this Thursday, 10am DC time, on CBS.
Marking the calendar. This will be worth it.
They're going to /fix/ it? That's a waste of a perfectly good toxic filthsplosion.

It's a good thing I'm not in charge on second thought, because my solution to the legionella problem would be "Buy some disposable Racal suits with external air supply and set up a positive pressure entryway for the muckers." Bonus: you now have spare kit lying around if something nasty forms or you have a real horrible chemical start leaking.

But that sort of thing tends to make news crews terrify the locals with outright lies.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 04, 2017, 03:59:34 AM
Quote from: 00.dusk on June 04, 2017, 12:55:18 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 02, 2017, 07:32:40 PM
Quote from: 00.dusk on June 02, 2017, 02:58:59 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 02, 2017, 02:26:26 AM
First incidence of shitpocalypse in the wild *may* have just happened in the Ukraine.

That's /impressive/ to look at. The street just... disintegrates.

I want to know more about this now.

Do you really?  Will your life be better or worse for knowing how your toilet will one day kill you?

Anyway, this was the "not enough water" version, not the "too much ammonia" version.  You can tell because everyone didn't suddenly puke up their lungs and die.

ETA:  This shouldn't really have happened for another 5 years or so, but Dave and I should get another bonus anyway.

Oh, I'm not connected to a water treatment facility. I live in humble Central Florida, where we put our poo in the ground and pull our water out of it.

Incidentally, I drink only bottled water for that reason. You can smell the micro-organisms when you turn on the tap.

"Not enough water" causing such a spectacular explosion is incredible. I'm not sure how much detail you can go into, but I really, truly am in fact curious. The shitpocalypse is nigh and I simply must understand its terrible secrets.

It's been known for decades - since the advent of factory farming - that shit that doesn't move starts to exotherm (google "pig farms horrible bubble shotgun" for laughs).  In pipes, there are two things to keep in mind: If water is pushing shit faster than the speed that the exothermic reaction occurs, then all is well with the world.  If there is enough water to soak up the heat, also good.

If the shit is moving too slowly and there is not enough water to absorb the heat, then the heat climbs in a curve that looks like an inverted, loads of heat really fast, then a very slow continual increase.  The point where the reaction begins reaches the boiling point of water, and then more or less flashes into steam.  This spreads both directions in the pipe, with the pressure growing as the cube of the volume, with all the heated shit expanding as well, until either it reaches a release point (ie, your toilet), or the pipe explodes.

It's worth noting that the shit in the center of the explosion would be intensely hot, but most of the moving mass would be less than 40C.

I've spent a couple days thinking on this. All I can think of is that I /wish/ I had your job.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 02, 2017, 07:32:40 PM
Quote from: 00.dusk on June 02, 2017, 02:58:59 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 02, 2017, 02:26:26 AM
First incidence of shitpocalypse in the wild *may* have just happened in the Ukraine.

That's /impressive/ to look at. The street just... disintegrates.

I want to know more about this now.

Do you really?  Will your life be better or worse for knowing how your toilet will one day kill you?

Anyway, this was the "not enough water" version, not the "too much ammonia" version.  You can tell because everyone didn't suddenly puke up their lungs and die.

ETA:  This shouldn't really have happened for another 5 years or so, but Dave and I should get another bonus anyway.

Oh, I'm not connected to a water treatment facility. I live in humble Central Florida, where we put our poo in the ground and pull our water out of it.

Incidentally, I drink only bottled water for that reason. You can smell the micro-organisms when you turn on the tap.

"Not enough water" causing such a spectacular explosion is incredible. I'm not sure how much detail you can go into, but I really, truly am in fact curious. The shitpocalypse is nigh and I simply must understand its terrible secrets.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 02, 2017, 02:26:26 AM
First incidence of shitpocalypse in the wild *may* have just happened in the Ukraine.

That's /impressive/ to look at. The street just... disintegrates.

I want to know more about this now.
Propaganda Depository / Re: Sympathy and Nazis
May 22, 2017, 03:24:22 PM
Quote from: LMNO on May 22, 2017, 01:24:54 PM
What's extra weird is the people who don't care.  Not like, "I'm kinda racist so I really don't want to know about this stuff," more like, "I have no real curiosity or interest in this, so I literally don't know any of this ever happened."

For example, one of the guitarists in Frost Heaves is a really nice guy, and absolutely not intentionally racist, but I had to explain redlining to him - which isn't that odd, as it's fairly special interest, but in order to do so I had to give him a brief intro to systemic racism in America, which he didn't know was and is a thing.  He couldn't get his head around the fact that the government intentionally wrote racist laws post Jim Crow.  He was at least willing to learn, but it was really weird to me to have to go back that far.

The recent history of systemic racism in the USA is so utterly buried under trivial bullshit and outright lies that if you aren't explicitly educated in it, you either have at least one very, very good friend who is directly affected by it, or you very, very likely know not a single thing about it.

I did not know anything about it until just 2 years ago. Keep in mind that I have been to jail and been homeless, that my entire life has been spent in what most people would consider "the projects". Also keep in mind that this was not willful ignorance or "I don't care enough to learn" -- I genuinely had been told all my life that it wasn't real anymore, that the 50s-60s Civil Rights Movement "won" and racism was dead outside of a few angry inbred holdouts. I was told this by smart, well-educated people who should have (maybe even did) know better. Even by people directly affected by it. Even by people in the intersection between those two groups.

You should be more surprised when a white person knows about it at all, let alone when they know /and/ don't dismiss it in favor of blatant racism. You absolutely need to have real curiosity in the subject or personal awareness to not be completely ignorant of it, given the absurd amount of dirt shoveled on top of it to pretend it isn't real.
Now's my turn to quite possibly get my monkey on, but I think that the current raving lunatic believes in traditional family ties and maybe even the concept of a nuclear family, judging by this:

Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on May 19, 2017, 02:12:27 AMparadoxially reactionary concepts about reproduction and family

Personally, I think family ties are a convenient screen for hiding abuse and the foremost enabler of things like nepotism and us vs them thinking, and the "nuclear family" concept has only made this worse. Anti-abortion rhetoric is used, in some cases, to further this specific agenda: essentially using the concept of "family" to beat innocent humans with.

Also, particularly the "reproductive" bit of our neighborhood moron's above quoted bit makes me think that he believes motherhood is an essential part of being a woman. Which, if true, has a ton of fun domino-effect aspects that force him to believe a host of other stupid things or modify his bullshit. They aren't even slippery slope fallacy, they're logical consequences of that belief.
Quote from: tyrannosaurus vex on May 19, 2017, 02:50:39 AM
So you come in here with "helpful advice" on how we can better "defend" abortion, because the left are idiots, and we are doing it wrong. Over the course of 6 dreadfully predictable pages, you (of course) wander from "here, dummies, let me help you" to "my main problem with abortion". So you out yourself as having entered the thread under false pretenses to begin with. You're not interested in improving arguments in favor of abortion rights, you are actually a pro-life fanatic. This explains why any honest attempt to enlighten you as to the reasons why certain arguments are or are not employed, fails to enlighten you. You are not here for information, you are here to preach.

I'm not exposing anything everyone hasn't already seen here, of course. But maybe this will help you understand why no one is taking you seriously. You know, besides the fact that your "arguments" are stupid and not worth real consideration.

You've mistaken PoFP (original poster, bipedal) for PDS (this guy, screeches on knuckles).
That forces me to laugh loudly at anyone who says Trump-Russia collusion even "maybe isn't" a thing.

If I, for example, were to leak such information, the nicest thing I could hope for would be two in the back of the head someplace dark and far from civilization.
What is the true nature of reality, and why does it seem to pair Good Values with Bad Hair and Sociopathy?

Also, what did I have for breakfast last week? I have forgotten but I want it again anyway.
Ignoring the backed up septic tank pretending to be a sentient being for the time being:

Quote from: Xaz on May 04, 2017, 11:08:55 AM
This echoes an interesting point someone mentioned recently - the PD itself was heavy on the Funny but the BIP was more on the serious side.

As horror increases is it important (or possible) for mirth to increase proportionally or does mirth fall as horror rises?

Is there actually more horror now than in the 70s? I don't know - I wasn't around back then.

As Junkenstein said, they are constantly in proportion to each other. I'd say the horror is the greater of the two at any given time, because the funny often (especially in the past) is itself horrible as the baseline. (For instance: consider that a popular "gag gift" of the 1900s or thereabouts was a little box with a spring loaded button that concealed a rusty needle.)

But as the horror rises so must the mirth, because there is a related equation which is "T=horrorseriousness", where T is the tendency to lose your mind/sense of proportion in some fashion. If you can't laugh AND it's all awful, you are at risk.

So for a necessarily sane mind it's something like, "horror=mirth+c" where c is the constant value of human shitheadedness.
Quote from: Junkenstein on May 04, 2017, 10:32:49 AM
Quote from: Xaz on May 04, 2017, 10:28:13 AM
The line between horror and mirth is getting harder to tread.

Not really. Its as wide (or narrow, depending on your perspective) as its always been. There's just been a bit of re-branding here and there so it feels new.

If I were going to make the proportion of Horrormirth into a law, it'd be something like, "|horror|+|mirth|=horrormirth".

I should probably explain that formula.

There's a middle ground where horrible things aren't very funny. A good example of this is cancer, AIDS, etc -- it's rare enough that you don't need to laugh at it to survive with your brain intact, but common enough that it doesn't seem right to laugh at it to make light of your own eventual horrible demise.

There's also a middle ground where funny things being real isn't particularly horrible: take the Weird as an example. Our Weird, that is. Harmless jakes and pranks that leave you feeling, maybe the world isn't what it's made out to be after all?

But when funny is either real low or real high, it gets more horrible, and vice versa. So the two "elements" of horrormirth are both absolute values.

This means essentially that the lowest value of horrormirth is 0. And as the world gets more horrible (or if it gets really non-horrible), that goes up, and the same is true of it getting funnier or less funny.

I'd say this world is pretty fucking horrible, and rapidly declining. And the Funny we got around is definitely Horrible in some way. (I can't tell which direction it's going, but does it /really/ matter if it's not keeping pace with the Bad Hair with Good Values™?) Therefore, Horrormirth has Increased.

(Psst. This is what I mean by taking myself seriously.)