
Urgh, this is what I hate about, it is the only site in existence where a perfectly good spam thread can be misused for high quality discussions.  I hate you all.

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Messages - Chief Uwachiquen

What the fuck. I never heard that song on the radio when it came out. I've loved the band ever since they kind of combat rolled onto the scene and then faded into relative obscurity as far as I can tell. Yeah, they've put out a couple of albums since but no one really cares about 'em. Either way, I feel robbed that they never played that song on any of the stations I get around here. Bull-shit.  :argh!:
Bring and Brag / Re: ATTN: spags of all sorts
November 10, 2009, 01:57:26 PM
Quick! What am I thinking RIGHT NOW.
Gimme summer time love.

Let the summer time roll.
Propaganda Depository / Stencils
November 10, 2009, 01:50:38 PM
Does anyone here have any experience making a custom stencil? If so, what's the easiest material to work with while, simultaneously, being capable of having some semblance of a life span? Something relatively resilient but at the same time, cheap and easy enough to cut a stencil out of it that I won't require power tools. My first thought is cardboard but I imagine it'd get flimsy and unreliable after getting paint on it a few times. Then again I've never USED a stencil for painting purposes before.
Bring and Brag / Re: ATTN: spags of all sorts
November 10, 2009, 12:50:31 PM
Quote from: rong on November 10, 2009, 12:23:27 PM
Quote from: Nigel on November 10, 2009, 01:27:05 AM
Quote from: null & void on November 09, 2009, 10:08:49 PM
As for bidding, Nigel, the zero-dollar budget makes that a bit hard. I guess I'll be building up assets for the engine while I wait to have enough money to grab a programmer the paid-up-front way.

Well, good luck with that, Mr. "Game Designer".

for some reason the bud light music and "we salute you, Mr. Video Game designer" just popped into my head. 

Bastard! I was going to say that when I read Nigel's post then I flipped to page two.  :argh!: GET YOUR DAMN MIND RAYS OUT OF MY HEAD. AND STOP MOVING MY FURNITURE.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Gumbo
November 09, 2009, 05:12:37 PM
I've been on the prowl for a good Gumbo Recipe! This looks really good, although I have one question.

Is it possible to make a gumbo without shrimp? I know it's heresy but I can't say I like the flavor. Like, will it fuck up the whole thing or what? I've never had the opportunity to ask someone about it because there's absolutely nobody in this area who MAKES Gumbo that I'm aware of. And I've yet to find a gumbo recipe without shrimp in it.
Quote from: Suu on November 08, 2009, 06:49:41 PM
If a non ADHD person takes ADHD medications, they're uppers. I'm sure you've seen what illegal use of Ritalin and Adderal can do. So my mom tested the theory that caffeine would work the same way, and hot damn it did.

Ritalin did work on my brother, but it left him really irritable when he was coming off of the stuff. So he was only given a pill for school. (We called it The Pill, affectionately.) Once he was taken off of Ritalin when he went into middle school, he gained a substantial amount of weight despite the fact that we were all very active healthy kids. He dropped out of Taekwondo and let his grades drop because whatever it did burned something that made him happy. He had a solid 5 year turn around before he snapped out of it. They put him on Concerta for high school, but he didn't like the way it made him feel, so he stopped taking meds all together and learned to focus using caffeine (and pot.) He dropped out of high school when he moved to Rhode Island because the school system said that ADHD kids were special ed and that he needed to be tested for autism. My parents pretty much told them to fuck off.

For a while we thought he was outgrowing it, but even at 24 years old he can still be really bad. Like up and pacing the floors and looking for something to do at ALL TIMES bad. This is why he loves cooking, because he can be a million places at once in a kitchen.

My grandma did the same thing for me except with coffee when I was little. If it was getting too close to bedtime and I was still too wound up she'd make me a cup of coffee. And then I grew up and ended up falling in love with the stuff. :argh!: Conspiracy, IMO.

I stopped taking meds in middle-school because they made my thoughts feel cloudy and muddled and I couldn't stand that. Although ADHD has helped me focus entirely too long on projects in one sitting that I REALLY wanted to get done quickly. Only downside is occasionally two, three, hours go by and I don't even realize it. >_<
Or Kill Me / Re: From a Letter
November 09, 2009, 04:38:16 PM
Quote from: JohNyx on November 09, 2009, 02:42:06 PM

In my everyday life i think i couldnt survive without knowing how to square root, what chemical compounds make up orange juice or the theoretical knowledge to solve how many newtons are needed to push down on a spring.

Although, language skills i do agree are important.

It might not be important to you but for some it really is. How the hell else would we get people to do work in fields that require those square roots or chemical compounds? High school just kind of throws information at you and you sift through it and figure out what parts from high school were the most important and take that with you to college, I think. Sometimes when you get to college you change your mind entirely. And for some people, the most important part of high school is just getting the hell out of it. High school isn't tailor made for each student so the knowledge they teach you has to be broad, not in depth. And it doesn't work for every person, a system that broad can't for everyone, but for the most part it doesn't. It didn't for me, personally. I ended up dropping out partially due to what was going on in my life at the time. I was going through a lot and I ended up just kind of withdrawing because I was temporarily out of my god damned skull. And no, not the OH MAH GAH, I'M CRAZEH. I took my Uncle's (One of my "Dads") death incredibly hard. I Got my GED within three months and went to college about a year later, though. But that's kind of beside the point and I'm getting off topic.

I think what I'm trying to say is that even if it wasn't that important for you, I'm sure for others it was. Not everyone. I personally don't have the mind for Math past a certain point. But I do know that I use damn dirty Algebra just about every god damn day. >_< Physics didn't click for me, largely because I had trouble remembering all of the formulas. English, though. English clicked for me at a very young age and I've been constantly on the prowl for fun and interesting new ways to use language. And History lessons. I used to HATE history back when I was in elementary school but for some reason, part way through high-school, I just couldn't get enough of history. I remember one time when I was a kid I asked "Why do I need to know history? I mean, it's already done and over with, right?". I wish i could go back in time and tell myself to stop being a retard. But I'm off topic again. I'm fairly certain that means I've said everything I was trying to, right then.
Bring and Brag / Re: ATTN: PD.COM MUSICIANS
November 08, 2009, 12:50:34 PM
I've played guitar for about five years now and I've got at least a decent ear for music. If you're not looking for any sort of guitar work I could at least help provide some technical support, I suppose. And no, not the kind that you outsource. >_>
Techmology and Scientism / Re: Security Thread
November 08, 2009, 10:14:48 AM
Quote from: rong on October 23, 2009, 11:39:31 AM
is anyone up to speed on the current capabilities of voice recognition softare?  just curious to how well that can/could be applied to all those recorded phone calls.

I don't know too much about it, but I did pick up a little bit from my roommates mom who works at a max security prison psychologist. At least I think it's max security. BUT ANYWAY. She was talking about how voice recognition software is still kind of archaic and a pain in the ass. Even the slightest bit of change in a person's voice fucks with the whole system. They can't even recognize someone if they have the slightest head cold and they have to call in somebody to authorize them. So, under ideal circumstances, voice recognition works okay but it's hardly fantastorasstic. At least, that's what I've gotten from what I've heard. Of course I could be wrong, but meh.
Quote from: Squid on November 08, 2009, 06:39:56 AM
A lot of people I know try pulling this mentally ill bullshit to get attention, ssi money and/or to feel interesting.
I never let them talk to me about it. I just don't want to hear it. It's like throwing yourself down the stairs to get pity.

Friend- "Wow, according to my doctor I'm more fucked up than I initially thought"
Me- "We're all fucked up, want some cake?"
Friend- "But I'm messed up, man"
Me- "yeah whatever. Cake?"
Friend- "B--"

Why would anyone be so public about a serious mental illness?


I should try this the next time someone tries that with me. The only flaw in this plan that I see is that I'll have to keep cake handy.
Quote from: Burns on November 08, 2009, 05:55:47 AM
Quote from: Cainad on November 08, 2009, 02:33:27 AM
Quote from: Burns on November 08, 2009, 02:03:16 AM
Also, Thanks, everyone for making this thread awesome!  :D

Muhahaha! Not so fast; there is still time for me to ruin it!

Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow by Jethro Tull

Do you usually catch crap for this?

Yeah, no shit. That song is kind of awesome. I actually really like it.

Also. OK Go's Invincible

Our Lady Peace's Thief:

The story behind this song is, from my understanding of it, is that the band met the girl mentioned at the start of the video and she really touched their lives. She had an inoperable brain tumor and this song is kind of their way of talking about it and coping. The song actually made me cry the first time I heard it, and then again when I finally saw the video. I don't know, it was just kind of powerful to me. 4AM, Innocent, Clumsy, Starseed, and Made to Heal are some of my other favorite tracks. But that's just a small smattering, I can't really pin down a favorite album let alone a favorite song.

Spin Doctors: Little Miss Can't Be Wrong Is my response to the whole mucking up the thread with Jethro Tull. Not quite the same vein, but it's about as ludicrous to think it'd ruin the awesome thread as this song.


God dammit, I can't be trusted with music threads. >_<

Quote from: Nigel on November 07, 2009, 10:47:10 PM
HOLY SHIT most amazing use of autotune ever, ever, ever!

I am awed.

Holy shit! That's awesome! I approve of the gratuitous use of Ghost Busters and Back to the Future.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / God Damn you, LMNO
November 07, 2009, 10:05:07 PM
Last night I had a dream about the A-Team going overseas to fight the forces of evil and BEARFORCE 1 teamed up with them. I wish I could remember more, I just know that there were a lot of explosions and plenty of things were made fabulous.

Which of course forced me to do this: