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Messages - bugmenоt


post two pictures you want to have morphed. the angle should be more or less identical.

i'll morph and post randomly chosen faces i find on this forum later.
Yes, it's you and Nigel. You have had babies.
RPG Ghetto / Re: WEREWOLF - Players Only
January 20, 2010, 05:10:31 PM
Sir, note my name change from "Saint Bourgeoise" to "Weltbürger".

And define "night". How often am i supposed to check out this thread. Because I certainly do not want to die  :x

Propaganda Depository / Melting two faces with MorphMan
January 20, 2010, 04:52:49 PM
I've been playing around with this software. I was able to download it by googling "morphman rapidshare". Then of course i bought it as always.

Usage: Load two portraits of different people into the program. Set spots to show the software the different areas of the face (Click on both right eyes, click on the ears etc... the more spots the better). Let the faces melt.

I wanna play!

What about doing this in IRC?
Install many cameras and microphones in and around my home, stream all material to my server, run face recognition software, profile everyone i know, install a text to speech engine trough which i can send arbitrary text separately to every room in the house and the area around the house. Install of course an encrypted remote control access because i can't be at home all day. replace all doorlocks with electrically opened locks which are also controlled by my server. give various people scheduled access to various rooms. give them accounts which will expire and have to be renewed.. etc..
I have medium size. But because there are so many fat people in the US, i'll better order a S size.

So please 1x "Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion" t-shirt S sized.
Shipping to Switzerland, this will be 23$ right? Oh not that number again.
Quote from: Emerald City Hustle
wouldn't allowing it to flame for a minute or two burn off most of the alcohol content?

Of course you shouldn't let it burn too long. But if someone does this the first time, the flame will probably go out a few times, so it will take 2 minutes. After some exercise it can be done in maybe 40 sec.
My experience tells me that the percentage of alcohol does not decrease drastically if it burns for one minute. And the result is very tasty.

But if you do it and think you lose too much alcohol, then use more alcohol.
Schnapps drinking method called Flämmli:

1. Drink a cup of coffee but don't stir it, so after drinking the coffee there remains sugar soaked with coffee
2. Add 1 jigger of Williams pear schnapps (or some other schnapps with 40-50%) to coffee cup
3. Inflame schnapps with a lighter and caramelize sugar using a spoon (1-2 min.)
4. Pour burning schnapps back into jigger
5. Quickly press your hand onto the jigger to put out the flame, so there will be a vacuum between your hand and the jigger. If you want to have a souvenir let the jigger become hot in order to burn a ring into your palm.
6. Rais glasses which cling to your hands, loose the vacuum, drink.
7. Back to step 1.

I like the mix of getting drunk (schnapps) and staying awake (coffee).

Kind regards,
Saint Bourgoise who could legally drink beer since he turned 16  8)

I don't like it. You don't strike the right tones. It should sound much more precise. And play more with piano/forte

EDIT: Just listened to it again. Please work on the rythm too.
Order the mentionned device now. It will make you happy. :banana:

It kind of works. There are 8 so-called brainfingers which are each seperate dimensions (seperate frequencies which each can vary from a minimum to a maximum).
Each brainfinger can be separately trained by a game of pong. Two of this brainfingers are called "muscle" and "glance". There's nothing mystical behind those two dimensions and after two hours of training they can be controlled quite well.
The other brainfingers are called alpha(1-3) and beta(1-3). I can sort of control alpha1 and beta3, but there's  still a random movement. With shifting and calibrating the brainfingers manually, brain pong can be played very well.
I have forced most of my friends to play brain pong. It's interesting that every person has one or two favourite brainfingers (exept glance and muscle) which they can control quite quickly.

Pity the developers don't publish the specifications for the hardware. Anyway there are some open source projects as Triathlon ( I'm going to try making it work because i want delete that windows again which i had to install in order to play brain pong.

After a lot of talking about it and trying to convince my friends that it really exists, I finally ordered it:

QuoteOCZ's Neural Impulse Actuator (nia) marks a new era in gaming. Rather than being a substitute for a mouse, the nia is a pioneering new peripheral to be used in conjunction with your mouse for a more immersive gaming experience. The nia is compatible with any PC game using keyboard input... past, present, or future. Predefined profiles included with the software allow the gamer to develop their own nia—memory to launch the desired behavior of their character and shoot with the "blink of an eye", without lifting a finger.

Isnt this cool? On monday Im getting one of these. Its not the "more immersive gaming experience" im looking for, but I just want to move a cursor and press keys with my thoughts.
Experiences will be posted.