
Testimonial: "Yeah, wasn't expecting it. Near shat myself."

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Messages - PeregrineBF

Literate Chaotic / Re: Homonym Game.
June 02, 2008, 02:58:09 AM
Felix: Lyman ('s large summer apple) and Lion?
Literate Chaotic / Re: The Haiku Game
June 01, 2008, 06:40:53 AM
Oh, how they want you,
Non-Polynomial time
To be proven P

Next topic: The riemann zeta hypothesis
Whisky should be drunk from a scotch glass, without ice, filtered through water (pour about 4 drops of water over the back of a spoon onto the top of it)
Same for Whiskey. I like Oban for Whisky and Tullamore Dew for Whiskey.
(Italian lemon-flavored liqueur)
Yield: About 2 liters
15 Lemons
2 750ml bottles of Vodka, 100 proof
4 cups Sugar
5 cups Water
Basic Steps: Infuse → Boil → Infuse
Scrub the lemons with soap and a vegetable brush to remove any wax or pesticides. Remove the zest (outer peel) from the lemons using a vegetable peeler. Take care not to include any of the bitter white pith.
Place the lemon zest in a large (around 1 gallon) bottle or jar. Pour the first bottle of vodka over the zest, seal tightly, and set in a cool, dark place to steep for 40 days, shaking occasionally.
Mix the sugar and water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Let boil until the syrup starts to thicken, 5-10 minutes. Let cool completely. Add to the lemon zest mixture, along with the second bottle of vodka. Mix well and let set for 40 days.
Strain (cheesecloth), pour into bottles, and chill. Store in the freezer.
It's sweet. Good dessert drink.

Apple Pie
    * 1 gallon apple juice
    * 1 gallon apple cider
    * 2 cups white sugar
    * 8 cinnamon sticks
    * 1 (750 milliliter) bottle 190 proof grain alcohol (everclear)
    * 1 Tbsp Nutmeg
    * 1 Tbsp Allspice
    * 16 whole cloves
    * 1 cup honey
   1. Pour the apple juice into the pot, keep the jug.
   2. Put the pot on the stove, turn the heat on medium.
   3. When the pot is warm, add the spices.
   4. Stir in the honey & sugar (you have to stir, or it will sit on the bottom).
   5. Cover the pot, and crank the heat up to high.
   6. When the pot reaches a roiling boil, turn off the heat.
   7. Let the pot cool until it is warm enough to touch.
   8. Add alcohol (everclear).
   9. You now have Pie, but it's got a lot of spices in it.

Filter the pie. Use a big funnel stuffed with cheese cloth. It may get clogged from all the sediment, so watch for that.

Your Pie is best cold. If you plan on drinking it soon, stick it in the fridge. You could also put your Pie in storage, as it will keep for a long time.
Pie is a Ren Faire drink.
The uncertainty principle means that you can never have a perfectly accurate map. And Thou Shalt Not Clone One Bit proves that you can't even make the map by copying the existing reality. There is no such thing as a perfect map, you can't make a map that IS the territory.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: 0x000000
May 29, 2008, 07:52:55 AM
It's not smart people behind the scenes running the show, it's ambitious people behind the scenes running the show. Common mistake.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: 0x000000
May 25, 2008, 11:25:18 PM
Schneier has been philosophical for quite some time. He's gotten more political, but it's hard not to when you focus on security. The U.S. and U.K. governments are implementing so much security theatre that not commenting on it would be impossible in the field.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Black Swan 101
May 24, 2008, 11:54:23 AM
Black swans can occur even in Mediocristan. Meteors, volcanoes, Outside Context Problems, etc. No matter how well you define your context there will always be outliers, and in at least some of the cases these outliers will be very, very big.
Either that, or someone comes around with a bottle of spray paint and starts decorating the swans.
The typographer in me wants to agree with Nigel, but I think having more material to typeset would be a good idea first.
That said, LaTeX is FTW.
That is a projection of a 5-dimensional object into 2-dimensional space (your screen.)
There's rotations of hyperspheres. The N=4 one is the 5-d sphere.
True, but to what extent can the language be manipulated without becoming nonsense?
Also, what if we really can break our programming? Might we segfault? That would be bad, but very interestiKERNEL PANIC. NO CARRIER ++ATH0
I said rotate. Not static. It gets quite a bit harder. But yes, that is a penteract.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Black Swan 101
May 20, 2008, 07:21:17 AM
Indeterminism/free will:
The Free Will Theorem
Reply to Comments of Bassi, Ghirardi, and Tumulka on the Free Will Theorem
On Adler's "Conway-Kochen Twin Argument"
I suggest reading at least the first one, it's not hard to understand and is quite interesting.
Or convince them to be a salad.

What if the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is correct? What tools can we then use to create a true Mindfuck, if language by its very nature eliminates much of that concept? I think non-linguistic art is probably the best bet, but Jabberwock-like or scramblespeak writing might also work.
I use 2 forms of meditative trance. One is like what you described, letting me concentrate on my thoughts, or even on not thinking.  The other is a hyperawareness trance, where I notice more and more. It's tiring on the eye muscles especially, since I tend to focus on one thing, store, focus on another, store, etc, and process it all in the background. I use it to develop my photographic memory and for martial arts. The first trance is good for concentration and can be a temporary substitute for rest/sleep (it makes body control easy, I can change my heart/breathing rate and such.)

Also, Buddhism has similar "think-outside-the-box" things, especially in the Zen tradition. "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!"

As for imagination, I'm very, very, very good at the visual stuff. I have very little sense of smell and thus can barely imagine smells/tastes, but I can visualize very complex systems. Up to Five-dimensional constructs projected into 3-space are quite difficult but possible. I can't rotate a hecteract in my head, but I can turn a tesseract or pentaract. Doing anything 5D or above requires a trance, I can't really concentrate on it otherwise. So it is useful for non religious/philosophical things as well.
As a college student I get quite a bit of freedom to be weird. I wear a cloak (more for practical reasons, it's bloody comfortable) and openly call myself Discordian. On the other hand I am studying computer security, so I go to great lengths to make sure everything I do is secure. If I want something to not be seen, I encrypt it. If I want something attributed to me, I digitally sign it. I encrypt all my e-mails. I don't have IM conversations with people who don't use OTR and I try to use HTTPS versions of all websites. (we need to make this forum https by the way...) My computer uses TrueCrypt whole disk encryption, etc, etc.

I can look respectable. I can look professional. And when that is needed, that's what I am. But I can also think for myself and have fun. The one does not exclude the other.

That said, all the ZOMG23PINEAL stuff is better for recruiting/surprising certain types of people than it is as an actual philosophy.