
In North Korea, this forum wouldn't be banned, it would be revered and taught in schools as a palatable and preferable version of Western history. And in many ways, that's all the truth the children of North Korea need

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Messages - Ari

QuoteAn Error Has Occurred!
You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!
Now that was a bummer, it made perfect sense for me!

Once again I realise how my grammar and overall ability to articulate myself went down the drain after 3am...
Anyhow, glad you had a laugh. I certainly enjoyed playing with some words.
GASM Command / switchGASM
July 01, 2008, 01:46:23 AM
So, I never really called out for other people to help out on the whacky little projects I come up with to keep my brain inside the skull. But this one might be something for you;

At some point it came to my attention that a lot of people get a bit irritated if objects they encounter on a regular basis get moved around and show up in unusual spots. These can be small but it gets much more fun with bigger things.

To give a few examples:

There was this fruit stand every summer in my hometown that was shaped like a giant strawberry: several nights it just "magically" moved from the shopping street to the middle of a crossing on main street.

Potted plants are also interesting to put in front of entrances, doors or inside elevators - obscuring the usual walking paths of busy people.

Mixing toilet brushes into the vegetable and fruit display at your local supermarket (please take the fresh ones from the household section, don't bring your own!) / leave potatoes in the magazine display!


Next time you see something that can be moved, think of a more confusing place to put it - then just move it around while nobody is looking!
I have been very interested in operations of a mindfucking nature for long years.
While my PD was getting dusty in the shelf I stumbled across "the strange times" and it somehow led me to the BIP.
Looking forward to inspiring ideas and inspiring ideas on the op:m-front and checking out some more what gasm and lollercaust are about.
Quote from: TheLastLump on April 07, 2008, 01:20:27 PM
We all make our own Gods. We all walk our own way. But none of us save a solemn few have ever tried to show us a better way.

We all are our own Gods. We all want to walk on a way...
A 'better' way can only be found through comparison and applying some rather subjective rating: and as long as you don't have any real idea about the way you are taking into consideration there will be no chance to actually KNOW which one is better... And even similar ways are own ways in their own way, but I sway off. Of course we can give rough estimates and rate different ways filtered through a table of priorities and earlier experiences; t ex survival will always be way up there: with death being rather terminal and all.

Now my head is just drifting off so I will leave it like that. Skål!
First post, first impression; let's take this head on right? Or left? Sometimes I confuse myself too much to actually get anything done properly.
My brain is already young but I am still old enough not to remember when it all started. Maybe I was just too stoned for too many years: or not stoned enough? Although it's probably a good thing that I didn't get stoned (yet)...
So I will bring you an interesting perspective on things every now and then: use it for target practice and refine your own line of thought. Or just settle for one of the two. =)

Anyhow, I've just arrived with my ship full of shiny stuff and I really feel like having a hot bath, a cold ale and a feisty wench. Preferably all together.