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Messages - The Great Pope of OUTSIDE

It's just not as cool hearing about it second hand though...
So I take it that was not actually a forum-discussed battle and I really did miss out on seeing it?

That's just lame man. :(
Damn masochists. Quit looking for punishment and stop being an attention whore!
Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 09, 2010, 07:26:17 PM
Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on September 09, 2010, 07:25:18 PM
I DEMAND it reaches the levels of the Infamous Orange-Eating Contest.

That was the stupidest thing I've ever witnessed on PD.   :lulz:

Cram is now a GOD in the eyes of my daughter and I.

And I demand someone tell me where this orange-eating contest is, so I can revive and best you all! XDD

I had video evidence of the horrors that occurred every night at midnight when I entered the room of the commode. But as soon as I posted it on the interwebz, unknown organizations labeled me as a terrorist and banned me from every website on the internet.

All I am now is an alias.
The commodes whimper in fear if I just walk by the bathroom door.

The new ones wonder why no one dare speak my name.
I do love how my name already sounds like G-Poo.

Great Poo

Giant Poo

Green Poo

Gastronomical Poo.

Fuck it now I'm just making up words.
Doktor Howl says I should clear some things up.


And also being damn thankful that I introduced myself in the thread where apparently noobs tend to stick around long enough to be regulars, instead of the thread (Hopelessly Optimistic Advice for New People Who Won't Listen) where it seems all the failure noobs introduced themselves. Namely Pop Tart. Whom I was laughing at.

(Literally laughing, even though I have a sore throat and it hurts like hell to make any noise louder than a whisper)
I'm so glad I introduced myself here and not on THAT OTHER THREAD. With POP TART. *headdesk and laughs*
Hello all!

Demographics: I'm less than immortal, and I live somewhere in the region of the southern boonies (but don't tell anyone, I'm a Yankee at heart).

Professional Info: Nothing as of yet. Haven't gotten into college, and haven't actually started working at anything I actually WANT to work at the rest of my life. So far I've only gotten one hourly job just to help pay for college when I get into it. I fully intend to be a writer though, in the realm of journalist/novelist.

Free time: What little free time I have is usually spent surfing the interwebs, specifically deviantART, talking to friends, and writing, usually in that order. Sometimes playing video games if I'm interested in one, but I haven't gotten a new system since PS2, so you can imagine most of the games I have are pretty old.

What kind of topics / projects are you interested in? I'm not a part of any Discordian project, and I don't expect that will change until I'm securely in college. However, I did really like reading BIP, that was actually more interesting to me than PD itself, although I found both very interesting (more on that later.) Mainly the only project I'm interested in right now is getting into college. After that I'll let you know.

How did you find Eris and what did you do to her once you found her? The internet is a wonderful thing. The first hint I saw of Discordianism was a little blip on a bumper sticker on dA, which pretty much lists every religion in existence, one of which being Discordianism. Being bored and interested, I checked it out on Wiki, where I simultaneously laughed at it and also found it very intriguing, sometimes in the same remarks. From there it was short work until I found a copy of Principia Discordia and Black Iron Prison, both of which I liked but BIP I loved. Aaaaand shortly after that I looked up PD forums on google, and figured the forum labeled "worst forum on the internet" was the one I was looking for. Turns out, I was right. :)

Woe is me that it truly IS the worst forum on the internets! D8! So....I guess I'll be a lurker a little longer, until I can figure out where to insert myself the most painfully and with the least resistance. Haha