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Messages - trippinprincezz13

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on July 13, 2016, 01:52:03 AM
Also this, which is my proudest achievement this week.  But it's early.

:lol: :lol: to this and the bees pics.
Quote from: Fernando Poo on July 09, 2016, 03:29:48 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on July 08, 2016, 11:59:58 PM
Police interpret a white face when they expect a black one as someone seeking drugs.  You are lucky you weren't searched.

If you'd seen us then, you'd have laughed at the thought of us doing any drugs. It was pretty obvious that we didn't. The cop probably felt stupid when he looked at us up close and decided to write down our ID numbers as something to do so he didn't look like a complete idiot.

Also, you got a study to back the underlined up? Or is that more anecdotal? Not being an asshole. Just wondering.

I suppose still mostly anecdotal, but I work for a law office, and reading through police reports on a regular basis, when the police see white people driving around certain neighborhoods, particularly with out of state plates (live/work on the MA/NH border and a lot of people do come over the border from NH to do buys) they assume drug deal about to happen. Not quite the same thing Pergamos was getting at maybe, but similar.

Granted the other day when I was driving home from work there was a NH car in front of me, kept blinking to turn off and on, not quite sure where they were going it seemed, I kind of assumed it was likely the case. But hey, I can be a jerk sometimes too.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on July 09, 2016, 05:13:42 AM
Quote from: Freeky on July 09, 2016, 02:29:16 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on July 09, 2016, 02:25:02 AM
Quote from: Freeky on July 09, 2016, 02:23:58 AM
I hope this clears up for you soon.

Thanks, so do I.  My ribs hurt from coughing all night ever night.  I feel like ECH has been clog-dancing on my sternum.

ECH, why you clog dancing on Roger?  He is not dance floor.

Everything is a dance floor if you're angry enough.

Playing Monday catch up on posts and as wonderful as the day has been going so far.....this thought warms my heart greatly.

Hope that the bronchitis clear up soon. That's unpleasant enough on it's own, so without saying anything else to contribute to anxiety, hope it's just a particularly stubborn case of bronchitis.
Quote from: LMNO on June 29, 2016, 01:41:26 PM
Roger, I sorry to hear that shit-throwing monkeys are (once again) getting in the way of Good Things.

On the other hand, I am always impressed by the strength of your principles and convictions.

Good luck.

Ditto on all counts. Though not all businesses will be like this, it's slimy under-handed politics and stupid drama like this that makes me glad the office staff here consists of me.

The cowardice in his not even being able do it himself, especially without any grounds to stand on, is disgusting.

But as others have said, I do admire your resoluteness in sticking to your principles. Best of luck.

ETA: In light of your comment above re: luck, best hopes for things to go as well as can be expected considering the circumstances and a pox on all their houses.
A little mystery and weirdness is good for the brain. Otherwise things get so boring
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 21, 2016, 08:38:53 PM
Victor (one of my mechanics):  "So what's your deal?  You alternate between normal and bugshit."

Me:  "Boredom."

Victor:  "You go bugshit when you're bored?"

Me:  "Yes.  And then it's like shoving a stun gun up a hippopotamus's ass.  The idea that something wrong is happening has just reached his brain, and he's turning to look at you.  And you just know - like you know the sun will come up in the East - that you're going to push the button."

Victor (fixed smile on his face):  "Is this conversation boring you?"

Me:  "Of course not.  What gives you that idea?"

:lol: Gotta keep em on their toes.
Some really cool pics, there! And really enjoying this series overall  :)

That was fantastic. Have to say, I'm impressed with his solution to that problem/nightmare.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Thought experiment
April 29, 2016, 04:00:23 PM
With butter, someone I know has done several varieties of cookies - chocolate chip, maple bacon, cranberry orange, brownie pops, with various enhanced frostings.

1/2 c fancy butter to about a batch of 2 dozen lends a good distribution.

With a oil/alcohol based tincture - gummy bears and fruit roll-ups, or just good old fashioned jello works well

Edit: Also, some leftover solids after making one of the above (butter or tincture) made some pretty tasty (and potent) pesto
Just chiming in to say I like it already  :)
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on February 24, 2016, 03:42:41 PM
As some of you have probably heard, we lost our Sam, my son, on Sunday. I figured I should probably post about it here because otherwise I can't really post at all. He was experimenting with huffing paint and it went wrong. He was 16. We will hold a memorial service for him on Saturday at 1pm at the American Legion Hall on Alberta St.

It has been and will continue to be a terrible, difficult, impossible time. Thank you for being friends. I don't know how much I will be around because the Internet is a difficult place for me to be right now but sometimes it's a useful distraction.

God, I am so sorry for your loss, Nigel. I can't even imagine. There's nothing I can say, but you and your family will be in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry to hear, Roger. My boyfriend's best friend, who consequently was also a close friend of mine, took his life a few months ago. While he had admitted to my boyfriend a few days before that he'd tried several months back, he seemed optimistic, making plans for the immediate future and coming summer. A few days later he was gone.

It's been a horrible struggle for the both of us, and I can't even imagine the pain his parents and sister are in. Everyone's lives seem to be in upheaval since then.

Don't want to go on about me, just we've been reeling from a similar experience for the past several months.

Really sorry to hear about it. Hope that her other surviving friends and family are able to bring each other comfort.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on February 16, 2016, 04:32:06 PM

I have never "felt the bern", and that phrase gives me hives.  Seriously, it makes me want to punch America.  But he's still the closest thing to a socialist, so I'm going to vote for him.  When he loses the primary, I'm going to vote for Hillary, because she is my second choice.  She is my second choice because her last name is neither Trump nor Cruz.

And I hardly think it's fair at all to blame the tumblrina's on Clinton's hard work, any more than Sanders should be blamed for the tribly & fake katana set.

THANK YOU. I like Sanders since, as you said, he's the closest thing to a Socialist on the ballot, but every time I see that phrase/slogan, I am filled with irrational anger. I just hate it so much.