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Messages - MornTheOrator

Techmology and Scientism / Re: Cocaine Vaccine
October 31, 2009, 08:12:01 PM
I'm trying deeply to find beneficial effect of this drug that seems to be a cocaine blocker that uses the immune system as a bypass that goes far beyond simply taking less cocaine, or taking no cocaine at all. Thus far I am bested by this problem of life.

Maybe one day.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 31, 2009, 07:48:41 PM
Why, the people and the first chamber of The Hague of course, otherwise known as the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

'She kind of looks like Queen Slug-for-a-But upside down, assuming her butt hair looks like pincers.'

Though, if The World offered citizenship I would consider applying for it just to annoy Wilders for having a double nationality.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 31, 2009, 06:50:47 PM
Quote from: yhnmzw on October 31, 2009, 05:44:28 PMHello there.  I notice that you have made more than 50 posts on this board.  Did you know that board guidelines reccomend handling posters' foibles more gently until the 50th post or so?  That means that the gloves are off now--it's all a matter of preference at this point.
Board guidelines assume that all people are out to be 'respected' and even then they are flawed and should say 'Get of this board, go outside, boast about having a 24 cm penis, even if you're a woman and claim you have sex with the tenfold of girls + 5 you actually have sex with, especially if you're a woman.', I shall degress into defiance against this authority for failure to properly give me my hypothetically-sought social status of interstellar proportions.

Stop being such a fool to think you can adequately assess people's 'tone' over text. Get back at your place, realize you're human, realize you colour it, accept that you, like any other human, colour people as arrogant if they disagree with you especially if they have superior points you can't easily attack on content. And then go on with your life and take a beer and go watch some high class British porn.



I'm doing it quite right.

Any way, stop being so naïve and overestimate of your own capabilities, you're not able to discern the 'arrogance' of some one over the some plain text, and you probably aren't  even able to do it in real life because usually people just aren't. First try to get the mental discipline to not fall for optical illusions, after that train your mind to not colour the world too much and then come back and I'll join you for a beer.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 31, 2009, 05:20:33 PM
Quote from: Squid on October 31, 2009, 03:28:48 PM
wow. that was like listening to a creationist argue science.

why would Cain believe any western propaganda?
what would make you think he would?
just curious.
Because Cain's not superhuman I assume?

The very fact that you ask this is a strong indication you do too and are ignorant of it. I do too, but I'm not ignorant about it, propaganda shapes our lives and colours our very being. There's a reason every single person thinks in terms like 'enemy' and 'ally' and thinks that the values of their own culture are the best.

There is no conceivable way except being superhuman to escape its influence, it's every where, all cultures make their citizens believe they have nice things like freedom of expression, diversity, proper morals, allies have them less, enemies lack them altogether. In reality no culture has them and they all just ascribe it to self and believe their own propaganda probably.

That a lot of people in the west seem to think that North Koreans live in poverty and the nation is on the verge of collapse is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless more things, Turks, Maroccans and Iranians have nothing related except their 'faith' and they even disagree and openly hate each other because they practice different schools of Islam. It's like saying Peru and British culture is related because it's both dominantly Christian. Iran really isn't any thing less technologically sophisticated as the west because scientific knowledge is open source for one. Conversely, in Iran they only get told the worst parts about the west and only hear the best parts of their own country. That some suspects of terrorism (propaganda talk for 'freedom fighter') get tortured is the tip of the iceberg. Sure you hear all the time about 'OMG, ANOTHER IRANIAN WAS PUT TO DEATH FOR BEING RAPED' but that's a seldom occasion there. And in the US people are put into jail for yawning in court as observers because the judge found it 'indecent conduct', it's an exception, but that's what they hear in Iran.

Propaganda is omnipræsent, patriotism is propaganda talk for propaganda. There is no way a human being without a mind so resilient that it fails to absorb any moral and cultural norms and thus be classed as sociopathic can not significantly be influenced by it. The very fact that about all people would rather not live in a completely different culture, no matter in what culture they grew up, and that this trend continues if they were adopted from another culture should say enough. Children are simply brainwashed to love their own culture, not on purpose, and this is what keeps a culture from collapsing in the end.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 31, 2009, 02:40:38 PM
Quote from: Cain on October 31, 2009, 02:16:28 PM
NK and Iran as checks and balances?  The Soviet Union was a check and balance.  In 19th century Europe, the British Empire was a check and balance.  Iran may one day become a regional hegemon, but will likely not compete with Turkey or Israel in our lifetimes and North Korea would be much scarier if a) their missiles didn't fall apart, and b) they weren't one cancelled Chinese shipment away from total collapse.
Don't believe western propaganda that much, they have propaganda, and so have we. The US is not as strong as they like us to believe, their œconomy certainly isn't. NK is also not on the verge of collapse and Kim is actually quite a capable leader that's pretty realistic and most of all is a master of obfuscation, all his 'family portraits' have completely different people on it and all people know he's trying to confuse but it's working, he gives each UN delegate a completely different impression of him, from self-hating to obsessed with grandeur to complete psychopathy to calculating realism, they all come back and say different things about the man. No one knows what he is, and where he is, estimates on NK's army size go from the fourth largest standing army to just under the US. (US is actually 7th or 8th), also:

We're talking about highly disciplined men each and every one ready to give their lifes for the great leader. I wouldn't be surprised if he purposely let that test fail by damaging some critical part of it but in reality testing some other things and already had the critical part operational, estimates on how soon he'll have nukes are like a 'file transfer time remaining'-bar in Windows. NK is out to confuse the world, the world knows it, but there's nothing they can do. They're all in the dark about Kim and his state but they know it's a thing to take seriously.

As for Iran, also don't believe western propaganda here, it 's not some borderline mediæval desert state, and Iran has the advantage of being pro-scientific research, a thing the Bush administration was against in a lot of cases. Iran supports stem cell research and all those things.

That's Tehran, it's not some barbarian state Iran also lies on one of the fossil fuel storages on earth. If I recall correctly only Russia has more oil and gas than Iran, America is dependent on Iran for its energy consumption and Iran unlike about every western country has a positive and not a negative state reserve.

QuoteRussia is the only state recently to pursue something like a balancing strategy against US unilateral tendencies (Putin's various gestures to the EU from 2000-2005), and it failed utterly because Russia just isn't that scary unless you are a Russian journalist, Chechen insurgent or the President of Georgia.  Oh, and some people say China is allegedly pursuing a policy of multipolarity to undermine US global hegemony, but personally I find that argument to be weak and unpersuasive, given how integrated with the US economy they are.
Ehhh, let's see, the US just went into a financial crisis partly due to a war Russia and China condemned and both are œconomically growing.

You realize the whole point of wanting to invade all those middle-eastern nations is because the US is dependent on them for fossil fuels and they really enjoy keeping the price high and all those things. The US really can't just do what it wants, with US mentality that'd significantly change the world. The US œconomy to function is dependent on both China and the Middle East, both of which they have a mild cold war with. Both of which are less dependent on the US than the reverse.

QuoteIf anything, the only people really undermining US global power right now are the bankers and neo-imperalists, and that's through accident and stupidity respectively.
They help amazingly too, and the fact that the free market in the US is too free. It's kind of an irony, there are tonnes of things you can't do in that country because Uncle Sam knows what's best for you and you don't, marijuana, alcohol before 21, reading comic books that contain objectional content from Japan, but oh god does Uncle Sam herald, laud and vaunt the system wherein corporations take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer that likes to buy things it either doesn't need or if they research find better products that do the same and more for less of a price. Not to mention attracting people who think so little in the long term that they just go buy things they don't need with loans.

By the way, did you get that pm back I sent at your pm? I'm not sure it actually got sent namely.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Irony Officially Dead
October 31, 2009, 11:36:52 AM
Quote from: Requia ☣ on October 31, 2009, 09:00:48 AM
In a case like this the algorithm is actually pretty transparent, if you click down through the links it'll tell you exactly where the malicious code was found.  Usually they flag every site on a server farm if one site makes the mistake of hiring a dubious ad service.  (And yet, for some reason, Myspace hasn't been flagged yet).
The point is more, how does it recognise a piece of text or code as malicious?

If it give it away, it's easy to adjust texts so that they fail to be spotted. After all, if you have the algorithm you can just test your site at any moment.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Irony Officially Dead
October 31, 2009, 07:09:29 AM
The point about google is that they continually claim that all things are algorithmic and have no human input but they can't give bare these supposed algorithms as that would make it extremely easy to study them and circumvent them I suppose.

People have a point though, from Google's perspective who's stopping them to make some human input? Google too has a point that in any way they can be accused as they really cannot make public these algorithms so they have no way to prove their innocence.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 31, 2009, 07:05:44 AM
Quote from: Halfbaked1 on October 31, 2009, 04:55:42 AM
Quote from: Squid on October 30, 2009, 05:55:40 AM
What the Squid said...

but I never expected President Obama to accomplish anything wonderful in his first half year, and I am always amazed at how everyone out there seems to think that he should have brought about world peace, cured cancer and helped someones dog deliver puppies.  I think he could have closed Gitmo if he had actually taken time to create a plan which I simply do not think he did. ?

I can say I overrated him slightly, though not as much as most people. I at least didn't expect him to make the India goof and I also thought that Iran could be willing to talk to a new face that signalled that America—perhaps—had changed.

I personally like the existence of states such as NK and Iran that ensure there are checks and balances and not leading to one mindset becoming globally dominant.

Quote from: Rumckle on October 31, 2009, 05:33:49 AM

Quote from: Halfbaked1 on October 31, 2009, 04:55:42 AM
He really should have turned down the Nobel.  i think he would have looked HUGE to people if he had done so with one of his speeches.

Although, I think if he turned down the Nobel it would have displayed more arrogance in the matter. He is better off accepting it, in my opinion, even if it makes it harder for him in the short term.
A lot of people have turned down Nobel Prizes though, the Prize is a big farce namely and usually the committee doesn't even understand the work they are awarding. I think its up to how he turned it down. If he called it a farce then he's arrogant if he says 'I am thee not worthy, O Lord ̄which palest me in thy splendour.' then it should send a wave of 'he's so cool and modest' upon the world.
You guys act almost as if freedom of speech ever existed. All countries that claim to have it have these magnificent escape clauses like 'obscenity' or 'distasteful' or 'hateful' or all other terms they can come up with that are vague enough to be of use later on. All countries claim to have freedom of speech and every country prohibits it if the dominant culture in that country finds it 'offensive', if you can't insult the last prophet—peace be upon him—or you can't just go glorify Hitler or say you think all black people should die, I fail to see the difference. 'Freedom of speech' is a way for governments to stroke their own ego.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 30, 2009, 03:21:32 AM
The thing about being da prez of da us of a is that few people care if you're inconsistent, even fewer people are going to start a war to extradite you, and you can always call racism assuming you're the first half black man for the job.

Edit: but come on, this 'war crime' shit is just an excuse for the victors to convict the losing side, I guess all parties commit them because you can't win if you don't because the other party is going to commit them. 'For during war the law shall silence' eh? If America some how lost their power after Vietnam or even lost WOII they'd be tried and convicted for war crimes. If Germany won then it wasn't about holocausts in the history books but rather about atomic bombs and how the US just happened to put all people of German, Italian and Japanese descent into concentration camps because their loyalty was in dispute, on paper they were to be treated as guests, de facto their angry racist overseers didn't really care. Not to mention Vietnam.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!!!
October 30, 2009, 02:06:24 AM
I think my sister once said 'Obama should not get the Nobel Prize, Alfed Nobel specifically said that the Nobel Prize may never be awared for a chiefly theoretical feat but should tangibly serve humanity.', I kind of concur, a Nobel Prize in theoretical peace it is.

Obama was probably over-hyped and a lot of things people expected him to do—including myself—never really came to fruition, he's a lot better than McCain who if he sees women's (or men's?) panties for the first time gets a heart attack leaving Dan Quayle and a half in charge. I guess the thing about these positions is that people that even start to run for it are overconfident of their own abilities.

What I'd love to see is Obama just turning Bush over to The Hague to be tried for war crimes, a thing he's apparently obligated to do but of course isn't going to and I don't see the UN invading the US for that.
Quote from: Sir Remington III on October 01, 2009, 05:39:10 AM
I try to avoid the spectrum altogether, although I'm typically center-leftish on most issues.

Edit: I do not, however, identify with any particular political party. In Canada we've got (in order from left-wing to right-wing) the NDP, Liberals, and Conservatives. NDP are quite socialist, the Liberals have a weathervane where their heart should be, and the Conservatives have a media-shy automaton as leader. In short, they're all crap. I'm intending to vote for either the Green Party or the Pirate Party when election time rolls around.
Wise words, I find 'affiliation' in any case a foolish thing to do, no matter with what, sub cultures, countries, genders, political parties, I choose this issue per issue what my stance is.

I do tend to be an advocate of using sound statistics and proven means and certainly not being with your head up in morals and culture. If it turns out for instance that contrary to popular believe videogames seem to have no effect on children what so ever, then damned let 6 year old children play Quake 4 for all I care no matter how 'immoral' some people might find it. I'm also not that much for sacrificing the needs of the few for the many but more not letting the knowledgeable pay the price for the ignorant.

Also, this is not a shop: