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Messages - DeusExMachina

fine okay saying i can communicate really well with "crazy" people was a dickish thing to say
yeah yeah yeah, not possible, blah blah blah.

forget me for a moment and explain this
True but i wasn't attempting to distance myself from normality or use it to show off, i was just saying it "matter of factly" and using it as an example to explain the use of psychedelic drugs and to discourage the use of them.

Well i don't think what i have said is completely bat shit insane.  Perhaps except seeing a seven foot tall apparent demon and what i described.  I do however believe that what i experienced was not my imagination and whatever i encountered was real/a manifestation that i was tuned into.

So whatever
Nothing apparently. I also don't have the gift of being able to diagnose insanity over a forum post like so many others on here seem so adept at.  Perhaps there is a class i can take. 
Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 26, 2010, 09:53:25 PM
I think you have to travel to insanity and view it objectively, come back to sanity and view it objectively.  I have found that drugs can take you near but unless you have a near death experience with them you will only get close.  I went to insanity once, admittedly i was smoking weed at the time but it was the fact that i had not slept for about twenty days that took me to the point where the walls fell down and my mind was about to go to the point of no return.  Anyway after watching the show for a little while and feeling physical effects from what i was seeing i decided enough and ended it. Now i have quite a gift for understanding and communicating  with people who are "insane", i am not insane but paradoxically i am, but i am sane as well.

In my opinion drugs take a lot longer to send you insane but they gradually show you a perspective from an insane viewpoint where all conventional  sanity is seen as insanity, useful for dipping into occasionally to break the spell if you will from mass hypnosis not only from media but from language and communication.  I would prefer an alternative and i think the only one would be deep meditation.  Maybe i will get back to that once i stop smoking.   

Back by popular demand for ECH.  Whats your point? about me saying the word fact? I know that i actually didn't sleep for about twenty days, you don't.
Well fuck you very much!
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: CRAM PRON ITT
September 02, 2010, 11:11:48 AM
Quote from: Nast on September 01, 2010, 05:43:08 AM
Quote from: Cramulus on September 01, 2010, 05:10:09 AM

Would  that be an expression of pleasure or pain?


THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS! (not five) hmmm?
Quote from: Exit City Hustle on September 01, 2010, 07:03:16 PM
If you get hit in the neck, it would be an "Earl Necklace".


let loose in the shower or bath if you have one or in the toilet
Look up any pandemics and the vaccine/cure used. Get a sports Almanac. Check the newest innovations in science/technology and medicine. Check major natural disasters wiki myself then sit back and try to avoid the butterfly effect
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: ATTN: DOK HOWL
September 02, 2010, 10:34:21 AM
This guy is pure fucking gold
Quote from: DeusExMachina on September 01, 2010, 03:44:48 PM
I like Doug Stanhope very true.
(edit, oops thought it was Doug Stanhope)

Ill give you a few little excerpts that are interesting.

'When civilization fails for any reason, metals of all kinds become precious commodities, They became knives, spear points, scraper, fish-hooks, even plows.  Ancient Egypt underwent numerous upheavals caused by droughts, earthquakes, civil wars, religious strife, and foreign invasions. During the times of collapse, the advanced metal tools that the ancient Egyptians used were probably disassembled, cut apart, or melted down. What wasn't immediately used would corrode and disappear after thousands of years. And perhaps some other advanced technology was also employed, the remnants of which we wouldn't recognize today. Large saw blades and other machine tools, if not secreted away from armies, earthquakes, floods and mobs, would not endure very long. Over the millennia, few metal objects from our time would survive or be recognizable. Life after People, a popular cable television show that debuted in 2009, shows example after example of the deterioration of manmade objects after years, merely because of lack of maintenance. In five thousand years, approximately the timespan estimated in Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt, almost nothing of today's technology would be left. In a world of resourceful (and destructive) human beings the devastation would be much worse than Mother Nature alone could cause; marauding bandits and nomads would re-use, recycle, or otherwise destroy even our ubiquitous automobile engine blocks and our porcelain toilet bowls!....... But to recognise their finds as evidence of ancient technologies, those future discoverers must have minds that are opened o the possibilities that Christopher Dunn has been the first to reveal. Otherwise, that advanced machine shop of the ancients could wind up stored in unnumbered boxes in the basement of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, labeled merely as "funerary objects."'


Here is another nice idea.

'With centuries of experiment and practice, those who worked in stone could have kept their knowledge secret, offering their finished products to leaders, priests and the wealthy. As dunn points out in this volume, even today trade secrets and proprietary knowledge are closely held, even in an educated worldwide civilization with widespread literacy and training. In Ancient times the impulse to secrecy may have been even more necessary for survival........ If the knowledge of a specific task, the operation of a given machine tool, or the procedure for laying out vast projects is resident in just a few people, maybe just one, then the loss of that person or group means the knowledge is gone forever, unless it is recorded. This is an eternal problem, not limited to the ancient Egyptians of five thousand years ago. As a modern example, in 1992 while working at the White House Science Office, I invited to a meeting there a person from the National Science Foundation. Although only peripheral to the agenda, this older scientist regaled us with a tale of a lost technology of modern times, namely how to start up the engines of the Saturn V rocket that took American astronauts to the Moon from 1969 to 1972.  Incredibly, this leading scientist averred that no one was alive who knew how to start up the engines on the largest rocket ever flown. No on had written down the standard operating procedure, and the rocket men who had developed the technique had all passed away. So in 1992 CE or 1992 BCE or further back in time, we can find sufficient examples to demonstrate that technologies are not always lost as a result of conspiracy.


And just a small one that i think suggests with some subtlety to not bother with the 'power plant' his first book

I have preposed in the past that higher levels of technology were used by the Ancient Egptians, but you will find in this book that i have rejected some ideas and cast doubt on all my previous assertions as to the level of technology they enjoyed. At the same time, I cast doubt on the methods of manufacture that Egyptologists have asserted were used to build the pyramids and the glorious temples in Egypt............................."By their works, ye shall know them"'

Dunn,Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt,p.6

I like Doug Stanhope very true.

Ill give you a few little excerpts that are interesting.

'When civilization fails for any reason, metals of all kinds become precious commodities, They became knives, spear points, scraper, fish-hooks, even plows.  Ancient Egypt underwent numerous upheavals caused by droughts, earthquakes, civil wars, religious strife, and foreign invasions. During the times of collapse, the advanced metal tools that the ancient Egyptians used were probably disassembled, cut apart, or melted down. What wasn't immediately used would corrode and disappear after thousands of years. And perhaps some other advanced technology was also employed, the remnants of which we wouldn't recognize today. Large saw blades and other machine tools, if not secreted away from armies, earthquakes, floods and mobs, would not endure very long. Over the millennia, few metal objects from our time would survive or be recognizable. Life after People, a popular cable television show that debuted in 2009, shows example after example of the deterioration of manmade objects after years, merely because of lack of maintenance. In five thousand years, approximately the timespan estimated in Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt, almost nothing of today's technology would be left. In a world of resourceful (and destructive) human beings the devastation would be much worse than Mother Nature alone could cause; marauding bandits and nomads would re-use, recycle, or otherwise destroy even our ubiquitous automobile engine blocks and our porcelain toilet bowls!....... But to recognise their finds as evidence of ancient technologies, those future discoverers must have minds that are opened o the possibilities that Christopher Dunn has been the first to reveal. Otherwise, that advanced machine shop of the ancients could wind up stored in unnumbered boxes in the basement of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, labeled merely as "funerary objects."'


Here is another nice idea.

'With centuries of experiment and practice, those who worked in stone could have kept their knowledge secret, offering their finished products to leaders, priests and the wealthy. As dunn points out in this volume, even today trade secrets and proprietary knowledge are closely held, even in an educated worldwide civilization with widespread literacy and training. In Ancient times the impulse to secrecy may have been even more necessary for survival........ If the knowledge of a specific task, the operation of a given machine tool, or the procedure for laying out vast projects is resident in just a few people, maybe just one, then the loss of that person or group means the knowledge is gone forever, unless it is recorded. This is an eternal problem, not limited to the ancient Egyptians of five thousand years ago. As a modern example, in 1992 while working at the White House Science Office, I invited to a meeting there a person from the National Science Foundation. Although only peripheral to the agenda, this older scientist regaled us with a tale of a lost technology of modern times, namely how to start up the engines of the Saturn V rocket that took American astronauts to the Moon from 1969 to 1972.  Incredibly, this leading scientist averred that no one was alive who knew how to start up the engines on the largest rocket ever flown. No on had written down the standard operating procedure, and the rocket men who had developed the technique had all passed away. So in 1992 CE or 1992 BCE or further back in time, we can find sufficient examples to demonstrate that technologies are not always lost as a result of conspiracy.


And just a small one that i think suggests with some subtlety to not bother with the 'power plant' his first book

I have preposed in the past that higher levels of technology were used by the Ancient Egptians, but you will find in this book that i have rejected some ideas and cast doubt on all my previous assertions as to the level of technology they enjoyed. At the same time, I cast doubt on the methods of manufacture that Egyptologists have asserted were used to build the pyramids and the glorious temples in Egypt............................."By their works, ye shall know them"'

Dunn,Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt,p.6
Literate Chaotic / Re: The Invisibles, by Grant Morrison
September 01, 2010, 03:00:53 PM
If anyone is interested in original copies i am selling them on  UK residents only
GASM Command / Re: PlayboyGASM
August 29, 2010, 09:24:00 PM
How about mentioning about homosexuals being in control and how they murdered Patton as a coup, he was really in charge of the fifth order of Judicers of America who are the real government running out of Philadelphia god cop, bad cop