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Messages - B_M_W

Bring and Brag / Re: My drawings
April 05, 2008, 11:04:44 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on April 04, 2008, 04:52:57 AM
Quote from: B_M_W on April 04, 2008, 04:26:32 AM

My newest one, half finished.


What's up with the constant change in signatures, BMW?  I'm getting confused.

We're not ignoring this, rather we are simply having trouble addressing it in a way that will cause the least drama.

Fred said to say "Dear Roger: Our head went like a banana and split" or something like that.

~Kaimi (the other one sharing this head who doesn't do the awesome drawings)
Quote from: Nigel on April 02, 2008, 02:47:33 AM
It would be nice to have a viable alternative to fossil fuels, but right now the leading cause of deforestation is FUCKING BIOFUEL. There's big money to be made in biofuel, and corporations are razing forests at an absolutely astonishing rate to plant fields with crops destined for biofuel. Utterly fucked-up.

What really needs to happen is a viable alternative to combustion engines.

Hm. You don't really need to raze forests to plant Panicum. That being said, an alternative to combustion? I believe we tried this with solar cars, didn't quite work well enough to be viable. Electric vehicles would simply be using another form of combustion (largely) to supply the go-go; Most electric generator power plants are coal powered. Hydrogen fuel cells seem to me to be unenergy efficient to the point where its not even worth investigating anymore, except to find something else that would work better, especially because the hydrogen being used for these cells are taken from fossil fuels. Not exactly viable.

So, what do we have then? We could power vehicles with electricity using alternative sources, for example, battery cars charged by wind turbines, which falls into the same trap as solar power, being unefficient and not working all the time. The /most/ efficient way to get electrical energy (besides peddling a bike with an electric generator, in other words, making it ourself) is hydropower, which is 90% efficient. Compare that to coal power, which is 50% efficient, or wind and solar which is around 5%. Nuclear power...not even gonna go into that. Essentially if you have that sort of waste, its not viable over the long term. Plus, uranium isn't exactly a common element.

What its going to come down to? People will have to change their life styles. Seriously. No, I'm not kidding. We had this whole discussion in a class and everyone just realized that people are going to keep increasing, and as they learn more about pollution and land degredation and use, urban sprawl, etc, they are going to be opposing big power projects (NIMBY, anyone?) more and more, thus leading to increased brownouts and blackouts. People will have to start changing their lifestyles to compensate. Thats the /only/ long term viable solution.
Bring and Brag / Re: My drawings
April 04, 2008, 04:26:32 AM
Bloody Mary

Tomato Juice (or V8, depending on your preference)
Lemon juice
Pickle juice (just take a old jar of pickles and pour a bit of the liquid out)
Worcestershire sauce
Tobasco sauce
Salt and pepper (I usually avoid the salt around the rim)

Mix with celery stalk, add pickles and olives for garnish

Best drink ever.
Switchgrass (Panicum sp.) is actually something I've talked about before in relation to this. It grows everywhere, and I do mean that. Line the highway medians with it, hell, you don't even really need to, its already there.
Or Kill Me / Re: Rev Roger, MSY24: Back in The City
April 01, 2008, 01:54:25 PM
This can be done.

Hellavu uncomfortable though.
Or Kill Me / Re: Are you addicted to electricity?
April 01, 2008, 01:51:39 PM
Not that hard to create electricity. You just figure out some way to get a loop of copper wire around a rod to turn inside a magnetic loop. There you have it, electricity.

The trick is finding some good magnets.
Or Kill Me / Re: From the Depths vol. 6 #1
April 01, 2008, 05:11:36 AM
1. The US government doesn't exist.

2. The american people endorse this.

3. They don't know it, or don't care.
Quote from: triple zero on March 30, 2008, 05:46:41 PM
Quote from: B_M_W on March 30, 2008, 05:33:43 AM
Also, never appologize for inspiration. Ever.

what do you mean?

never apologize for lack of inspiration?

cause a few years back i was doing this commissioned work for some 13-14 cartoons, one for every study/faculty of the exact sciences on my university, it was deadline day because the next day i was going on holidays to Prague ..
after the 10th cartoon or so i was seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel when it came to inspiration for any sort of funny and i had to call in all the help-troops, which meant bugging any sort of person that was still online at that time of night for ideas and using obscene brainstorming techniques such as Tarot cards (no drugs, at 5am weed and alcohol just makes me sleepy and coffee kills my ability to draw accurately).

ok, so i managed to do it, but at the end it was mostly because of some hardcore sense of duty (oh, and 250 euros + exposure) than any kind of left over inspiration :)

forced funny is always a good kind of funny

that oneliner should go into the lollercaust. i think RWHN knows what i'm talking about here.

Actually, we meant never appologize for being inspired. take that donkey by the ears and /ride it/
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 31, 2008, 04:04:34 AM

Quote from: Roo on March 30, 2008, 11:39:59 PM
Nope. Wasn't alive back then, and the only 60's cars I see nowadays are show cars.

In the 60s & 70s, you'd have a head on collision, and there'd hardly be a mark on the cars...but everyone inside would be dead.

Nowdays, the cars collapse and disperse all the impact.  The car is totalled, and everyone is standing around exchanging insurance info.

This is the correct physicscycle.
Quote from: Nigel on March 29, 2008, 05:22:02 PM
creativity is free for the creative.

and if you don't think you are creative, its because you aren't looking at things right, or you've been suppressed and beaten into thinking you lack it.

Also, never appologize for inspiration. Ever.
God. Fuck, yes.
Damn that was good.

Usually when I read your rants, they just get me going, firin up my internal hate engines.

This one does that, of course, but more importantly, it just speaks honestly. Good literature.
Bring and Brag / Re: My drawings
March 28, 2008, 05:17:20 PM
Quote from: triple zero on March 28, 2008, 02:43:55 PM
wow BMW (Alana), that looks awesome!

i can see how it's partly inspired by some of Kai'enne's style, but it's also got some stuff that's definitely uniquely yours!

i love how organic all the shapes in your picture look, everything about it sort of reminds me of a certain kind of butterfly (dunno which one, of course). not just the cocoon hanging on the branch (at least, i presume that's what it is), but also the textures and patterns in the bottom right, the same sort of structures you find on that butterfly's wing, or the veins in some other flying insect's wings (which i also don't know the name of :-P).

i like that a lot, you have obviously spent a lot of time studying the different patterns on insects and that shines through in this work, and not in a creepy crawly way, like a lot of other insect-based art, but just showing the beauty of patterns in nature, and that is quite novel.

Actually, Zero, a large portion of the right corner was unplanned and spontaneous...I didn't know what it was going to turn out like, or that it would have so many insect parts! *laughing* When I noticed that it did, I decided that the right corner was like the dreams of the pupa, and called it Chrysalis Dreams.

It still needs some cleanup and changes but is otherwise finished. I hope to start my next piece very soon! *smile*