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Messages - Dubya

Quote from: Cain on September 30, 2015, 06:17:35 AM
Every time I read this thread, I've got my fingers crossed for some good news, Roger.

This ^^

Also, sympathy to EoC and congratulations to ECH.

Also also, I forgot just how much fun it is to work nights.


Hasn't gotten more than four straight hours of sleep in a week.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Five word horror
September 29, 2015, 05:35:09 PM
Quote from: Da6s on September 25, 2015, 10:02:03 AM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on August 13, 2015, 05:22:41 AM
The resurrection of Steve Jobs

One more thing... Pancreatic cancer.

New This Christmas: Apple iZombie*!

That sucks, TGRR. I'm going to get on the "hope it's something minor" bandwagon, too.

Loved ones randomly keeling over always scares the hell out of me cause there's so many potential causes. Here's hoping the lab works swiftly and well and delivers good news.
Quote from: Choppas an' Sluggas on July 14, 2015, 04:54:14 AM
I've noticed that Monkey has gotten a lot better at reading since I started letting him play Skyrim a lot and made him stop making new characters.  He reads out loud, and he can get through most of the words and spells out those he doesn't so I can help him out.  It gave me the warm fuzzies this week when he got through a main plot point conversation and didn't pick any options willy-nilly; he read at least one before picking it, and some of those there were shorter options.



Don't knock it if it works :lulz:

Used GTA San Andreas and Samurai Warriors 2 to help teach his son to read.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Ingress
July 14, 2015, 05:44:38 AM
Finally broke down and tried this out. It's ridiculously addictive. Even after spending the day broiling under the sun chopping back some horribly neglected weeds, it still enticed me into wandering halfway across town.

Would have probably done more, but my phone died.

Had this song running through my head the whole time, making me grin like a maniac.
Quote from: Junkenstein on July 12, 2015, 04:17:40 PM
Yeah, slap a McDonalds and coke logo on that and you're done.

McDonalds. Then you can tack on their I'm loving it slogan. Or maybe Walmarts always slogan.
Or Kill Me / Re: silly teenage rants
July 02, 2015, 12:40:50 PM
Speaking from experience, hedonism is a dangerous standard by which to live. If you survive long enough, the focus naturally shifts from physical to mental pleasure, making it more sustainable, but chances are by that point you've done some permanent damage to yourself.

I suggest you find something you like to do, find a way to get paid to do it, become as good at it as you can and enjoy the ride that ensues.

ETA: and what RegRet said. Fuck ego tripping. It's counterproductive.
Imagine Shaquille O'Neal squished down to 5'9". That's what Koffi looks like, who runs the gym here. He looks me up and down, then laughs. Then he tells me he doesn't pay trainers. He just has them sign a contract releasing him from liability if someone they're training gets hurt. Then he tells me he'd be happy to put up a flyer for me on the board if I want to do that.

So now I get to draw up a flyer so I can subject unsuspecting people to my high school weights coach's program.  :lulz:
Quote from: The All-Seeing Waffle on June 25, 2015, 09:23:46 AM
One of the girls I train with told me about a PT she had while working out at a regular commercial gym. While she did her squats, bench presses and deadlifts, he did bicep curls. For two hours.
"He looked like a plank with huge arms."
:eek: :horrormirth:

Wish there were a few proper trainers here. The last time I set foot in the gym here, there were three trainers, all busy with clients, all egging said clients on to "one more rep!" at the expense of good form. I did a few sets and got the hell out.

Kind of makes me wonder if the gym's owner would be open to hiring me on. You know, on the basis of uninjured customers are happier customers.

Then again, the MMA types that frequent the place might think it beneath them to be tortured trained by an aging, bespectacled fat bastard. Got to try it now that I think of it in those terms. Lulz to be had and SCIENCE to be done.
Be very conscious of proper form with the shoulders. Rotator cuff injuries suck.

My thought process ran this way:

1. Call the FBI. Be hauled off for questioning.

2. Call in bomb threats to the airport. Can't remember which.

3. Get a good camera and get the first shots of it going down. Possibly get killed.

4. Call a good bookie and place bets. Don't even know where to start.

5. Call everyone I know in NY. Tell them I had a horrible premonition.

6. Do the stuff I didn't do between then and now

ETA: the best part of this whole exercise would be the chance to relive the years between then and now, at least within the rules of the game. Given a days warning beforehand and access to Google, someone so inclined might be able to make some kind of real difference if they were in a position to do something at the time, or else willing to break a few laws to get in such a position.

With no notice, though, Id be focusing on what I could change for the better - my own past stupidity.
Discordian Recipes / Re: So I Got A Blender
June 21, 2015, 12:29:26 PM
I'll have to try it. Generally, Im prejudiced against yogurt, but this sounds interesting.
"And it just popped right out of his stomach and did a musical number. I want you guys to make some.