
It's like that horrible screech you get when the microphone is positioned too close to a speaker, only with cops.

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Messages - Kurt Christ

Quote from: Cramulus on July 29, 2009, 03:17:26 PM
15 minutes later, did anybody see Colbert interview Orly Taitz (apparently, the head of the Birther movement?) It was so spot on. I don't think she's familiar with Colbert. The tongue-in-cheek nature of the show went right over her head. By being "on her side", he got her to say some pretty crazy stuff. I think Jon and Stephen should be given the nobel prize for journalism.
Yes, though I missed most of the Daily Show last night.
I ran some of these off last fall/winter, for an event at my school. Eventually, after getting passed around a lot the cards all got trashed as they landed in the hands of people who have too much of a stick up their ass to play along with a simple game. I need to try again with a group that will be more fun.
I would advice avoiding artificial sweeteners. Sugar is fine in small doses and you would be eating it naturally if you still lived in a hunter/gather society, but artificial sweeteners are intentionally unable to be processed by the human body. Several have had proven ill effects such as cancer, and I don't really find it worthwhile to take a chance on one that doesn't have any known side effects yet rather than sticking with good old sucrose.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Breakfast for supper.
July 04, 2009, 05:49:45 AM
My favorite thing about breakfast for dinner is that I'm not actually very hungry until 3 hours or so after I wake up, so my normal breakfasts are always small, and it allows me a way to enjoy a large breakfast without feeling sick afterwards.
Literate Chaotic / Re: ITT: Original Story Ideas
June 24, 2009, 10:52:37 PM
The second to last idea in Cram's OP reminded me of an idea I had- the story follows a young boy without any sort of psionic powers in a world where telepaths are the norm. He's seen as if he were blind or deaf, and has to learn to cope with everyone else knowing what he's thinking all the time.
You know, I'm not El Che's biggest fan, but you've got to feel sorry for the guy. The way his image is used is a far worse violation of the dead than necrophilia.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Things you can waffle
May 02, 2009, 05:34:45 AM
This is a little bit late to comment on the cheese making, but in my Intro to Biochem class we made a really simple cheese and a cottage cheese for one of our labs. Unfortunately, it was considered unsafe to eat since we made it on the same lab equipment we use for Organic Chem.
...and I'll show you the end of MY rainbow.

I'll be Godzilla...
Agent Cramulus walked into vault just in time to see Baron Greyface making off with all the world's supply of lulz, the most valuable and dangerous substance known to man or anything else. He called to the fiendish baron, "Halt, noblemen of nefarious nocturnal noises!"
Greyface turned and screamed, "That doesn't even make sense!" as he pointed his enchanted Sceptre of Storminess at Cramulus and let forth a bolt of evil green lightning. Cram dodged quite deftly, and unsheathed his dual revolvers.
"Eat lead you damned lead-eater!" he cried as he unloaded the pistols in a barrage of awesome, only to have Baron Greyface deflect them with his Cloak of Villainous Plot Armor.
Greyface cackled and said, "That's all of your ammunition, Agent. Prepare to die a death worse than any you've ever died before!" The baron advanced on our hero and prepared to cast his finishing spell, but Cramulus suddenly said, "Fool! You've forgotten my most potent weapon!" Agent Cramulus then proceeded to strangle Baron Greyface to death with his mustache. 
Others which have already been mentioned.
Or Kill Me / Re: The evil of banality
November 26, 2008, 04:24:43 AM
Quote from: Mangrove on November 25, 2008, 10:05:14 PM
Quote from: Manta Obscura on November 25, 2008, 09:57:47 PM
This is very insightful and raises some good points, Mang. I'm completely flummoxed with the whole vampire movement, as well as a lot of other movements out there. For instance, the "Neo-Norse" movement, where people apparantly worship the ancient Nordic gods/goddesses. These same people - a large portion of them at least (or so I am assuming) - fail to live lives which reflect the war-like orientation of the Nordic god-folk. There are, indeed, major discrepancies.

I imagine that similar trends will invade secular thought as well, with atheists going back to the Greek philosophers for their roots or something. Fifty years from now, there might be a sizable sub-culture urinating in the streets in emulation of Diogenes.

The Nordic crowd, I forgot about them. Of course, not all historical depictions are true, in fact many are not. (eg: European perception of Native Americans for one of a gazllion examples). However, just about every culture has had some notion of evil magic and evil undead beasties stalking the living. They feel like odd choices for people to identify with. As words 'witch' and 'vampire' are heavily laden with baggage and it seems to me, to be more trouble than it's worth to renovate them.

I'm wondering what other figures, widely considered taboo will get a political correctness overhaul in the future. Is it possible to romantacize a medieval executioner for example?

It shall be spread.
Not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but, what is it about certain religions (specifically Christianity and Islam) that makes them so much more contagious than other, fairly similar religons (say, Judaism and Zoroastrianism)? Any thoughts, and any ideas on how to use it?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Indecision 08 Wingnut thread
October 13, 2008, 02:32:44 AM
Quote from: trillian on October 13, 2008, 01:50:55 AM

Y''s mostly Sikhs that wear turbans, rarely Muslims.
Obama is now officially a crypto-Sikh.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Indecision 08 Wingnut thread
October 07, 2008, 01:26:16 AM
In an intersting example of my own reality tunnel-vision, I had to read that like 3 times before I didn't see it as "She was killed."