
Bigotry is abound, apprently, within these boards.  There is a level of supposed tolerance I will have no part of.  Obviously, it seems to be well-embraced here.  I have finally found something more fucked up than what I'm used to.  Congrats. - Ruby

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Messages - Raphaella

Bring and Brag / Re: Madeline’s Inferno
May 31, 2008, 09:53:17 PM
Then feel free to print it out, or write it down for him. Like I said I wrote it for my little sister, she was 7 at the time. She thought is was great! If your son likes to draw, it would be cool to see what he would come up with based on this little poem.  :lol:
Whatever. I say he tastes like sunshine dust. But then again I also like Type O, so there you have it.
Thanks for this the tracks are great! I was wondering if there would be any RATM or NIN.  :D
Bring and Brag / Madeline’s Inferno
May 29, 2008, 12:09:40 PM
I was inspired by NWC to post some of my horrible, terrible, no good poetry! I also did not wish to hijack his tread, so here in its own little space I bring you some lines I wrote for my little sister. I had grand plans to turn it into a graphic novel but alas... I broke up with the illustrator before he had a chance to finish it. So much for my dreams. This is best when read, keeping in mind the theme of Madeline, there were 12 little girls in 2 straight lines and the youngest one was Madeline...

                          Madeline's Inferno by Raphaella VonMercer.

In my mind I'm wondering, fearing all the things I am now hearing. Screams and moans above, beneath me with shackled hands they wont release me.

The demons hands are pinching pulling; I close my eyes but can't stop looking. Tearing flesh and gnawing bone, these tormented screams are they my own?

I try to wake but I'm not sleeping, feeling pain now I think I'm bleeding. I feel them biting I feel them clawing I see another I think it's gnawing.

Jeering smiles and twisted laughter, I wonder what they'll do after all my flesh and bones are eaten and my head's too badly beaten.

Then one turned and said to me, his ghoulish voice full of glee, "We'll serve your head up on a platter and after that it will not matter, but we'll do a dance and spin around and then your eyeballs we will pound. We'll make a jelly, a tasty treat and spread it on your hands and feet. We'll eat them up and gulp them down, fingers make a crunching sound!
Then we'll boil what's left of your head, brush our fangs and go to bead."

"In the morning we'll be waking then you'll find you're whole and baking. Pretty soon we'll start again right where your terror all began. This will be your ever after, followed by our ghoulish laughter."

Sure enough I woke again right where this horror all began. Wrists and ankles bound and shackled hearing screams and hideous cackles. Painful torture soon did follow, too horrified to feel this sorrow.

Only now to change a bit they threw me a flaming pit, waited till I was charred and black and had a crispy snack.

Over and over and over again back to where it all began. I never asked though I know I can tell, if this is heaven I'd hate to see hell.

My little sister really thought this was funny. She is a strange one.

Bring and Brag / Re: Words.
May 29, 2008, 12:05:40 PM
I say keep up the poetry, rhyme or not it's all up to you. I write all kinds of weird shit. One day I'll have a treasure trove of battered journals to give to my offspring if I ever have any. I am so sure they will think those journals are the living end for at least a month or two... but really keep writing, keep posting and take the criticism as it comes, learn from it or not, but just don't stop.  8)
QuoteOh, sorry I snapped.  Lately I've been putting up with a lot of "OMG you haven't read/seen X?  I question your humanity/geek cred/cultural knowledge!!!"

You should see the blunder I stepped into. I'm now reading The Invisibles...
And doing research in PiHKAL and The Teachings of Don Juan. Please anyone who would like to share with me the physical conditions brought on by Mescaline, send me a PM. Thanks.
This reminds me:

Quote from: Nigel on May 25, 2008, 07:35:21 AM
I just started reading "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers" by Mary Roach

It's totally good.

This one is very funny! I hope you enjoy it.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Presence
May 23, 2008, 12:06:11 PM
It's been two years since I have read The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, sited in the references, but really the article feels very much like reading a snippet from Simulacra Simulacrum.
So Jelly, what do you think about it? 
The Golden Compass was not all as Atheist as it's cracked up to be. (Sadly, I went out and bought all three of those books when I heard there was controversy over them) Not nearly as Atheist, or as unsettling as Harry Potter.
:fnord: And I don't know how it's done over there, but here in Amerika our liberal institutions and media are run by Nabisco. That Conspiracy is too frightening to delve into here though.   :fnord:
Shimmy and tramp! The Cytoplasmic Method.
Quote from: Cain on May 22, 2008, 10:04:40 AM
Tang was going to be used to blow up a plane.

That is, if you believe the idiots in the Crown Prosecution Service, who suggested it was a key ingredient in the failed "liquid bombers" plot in the UK.  And have no knowledge of science.

Are you sure they have no knowledge of science? It clearly has more vitaman C than orange juice.
I would be most interested! The Amazon list price for Research into Terrorism: Trends, Achievements and Failures has risen sharply! It's going used for $162. (I'll have to wait till rush dies down they'll knock the price down a bit then) 
Good lord! Where did you get that? (I want one!)
Terrorism: Trends, Achievements and Failures, I mean. I don't have the cash to order it, any torrents?
I have been touting the benefits of the Illuminatus Trilogy for years! Taken with large doses of T.H.C. and properly meditated upon, it shall bring you one step closer to illumination! (Also the T.H.C. should knock out the head ache, but only if used responsibly.)

I am reading Ultraculture Journal one in PDF and now I too have a head ache! Man, I cant wait for reasonable digital paper.