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Messages - Pope Pixie Pickle

Quote from: ☠ Suu ☠ on August 14, 2009, 11:52:58 PM
Fine. If it go splodey you haz to clean.

i had a hoegaarden white earlier.. a whole pint... felt very tipsy.
Seconding or thirding..

Thief Of Time- Terry Pratchett

Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

Art of War- Sun Tzu

Catch 22- Joseph Heller

James Gleick - Chaos

American Gods- Neil Gaiman

The Watchmen- Alan Moore

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas- Hunter S Thomspon

neverwhere- Neil Gaiman

The Zombie Survival Guide -Max Brooks

Adding to the list

Anansi Boys- neil Gaiman

Sandman- Neil Gaiman (ok im definately a HUUUGE fan)

Hells Angels- Hunter S Thompson

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail- HST

Hellblazer (vertigo comic series, various writers)

Zen and The Art Of Motorcycle Maintainance.

Condensed Chaos- Phil Hine

Farenheit 451 seconded also...

and finally for at least today- Stranger in a Strange land by Robert Heinlein

Quote from: Triple Zero on August 06, 2009, 08:44:58 AM
Quote from: Iason Ouabache on July 30, 2009, 12:48:21 AM
Small Gods - Terry Pratchett. 

Only about a third of the way through but it's already my favorite Discworld novel. There are some extremely interesting concepts in it.

it's awesome, one of the best. I like Thief of Time slightly better but this one is a very close second.

Thief of Time is brilliant. Im partial to anything of his containing the Nac Mac Feegle.. "Nae Laird, Nae Master, Nae King, Nae Quin.. We'll nae be fooled agin!" 

They kinda remind me of Payne.
Quote from: fomenter on August 14, 2009, 12:32:13 AM
but is all medical infrastructure?? is it infrastructure to provide some 400+ pound slug a roll-around so he can get his fat ass down to MacDonald's to eat more of the food that is killing him?  is it infrastructure to pay for his chosen lifestyle? the one that is killing him and causing him to need medicine?

in the UK they would come further down any transplant lists ect for smoking drinking and that, until they remedy the situation.

All medical is infrastructure here, tho, altho there are some restrictions when you did it to yourself

mmmm real ale...

that Oatmeal Stout sounds proper tasty, Rat.

And General Stuarts recipie sounds gooooood.

Pixie O'Fubar... thinks bad mass produced beer should be erased from existence.
Arizona just requested that it be wiped off the face of the earth.

I told it, "as much as I hate you, TGGR lives there, so only if you keep Tuscon and move it somewhere else. Phoenix can be erased tho"

Pixie O'Fubar- has issues with the state where nothing should exist on that scale naturally.

this debate has made the UK really realise how lucky it is.

Well us brits are tweeting furiously in defence of the nhs, mostly in testimonials. The tory who slagged it off to the US probably wont get his nomination for the next election..

A rash of facebook testimonials from my friends such as "Neil P would have been deaf from childhood without the NHS."

I would probably have died with my mum and the difficult birth I had. My younger sister would have been dead from Meningitis if it wasnt for the NHS, and wuldnt have received the essential after-care and therapies needed to get a 20 year old learning to walk, talk, read, all from scratch because of the resulting brain damage..

My National Insurance only runs at about 10 per cent, from this we get entitlement to unemployment benefits, healthcare, and for the older generation, a pension. (the viability of the nationalised pensions to the X and Y gens looks shaky, but hey... nothings perfect.) as well as other state benefits.

I just don't see how a civilised nation can call itself civilised when many millions cannot get sick without bankruptcy.

America, you are Doing It Wrong.

Love, the Britspags.
yes you can send me it by PM.

I promise to be honest and constructive.
Introverted (I) 56.25% Extroverted (E) 43.75%
Intuitive (N) 58.97% Sensing (S) 41.03%
Thinking (T) 54.55% Feeling (F) 45.45%
Perceiving (P) 65.71% Judging (J) 34.29%

Your type is: INTP

I get different results depending on mood.

the perceptive always shows up, First MB test I got ENTP, then for a while got INFP. The N and the P side is the only thing that doesnt shift.

I'll take it again after DoD...
well that one got posted to my facebook.  :lulz:
mine is probably full of all sorts of crud.
Quote from: Zenpeanut on August 12, 2009, 10:59:10 PM
The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love

cool.. I like the Decemberists.

The Gutter Twins-"Idle Hands"
Quote from: The Lord and Lady Omnibus Fuck on August 12, 2009, 10:34:15 PM
Quote from: Dimo1138 on August 12, 2009, 07:09:42 PM

Oh, yeah. And this:

Do you really need to keep promoting yourself? Because it makes you look like a chode.


Flunk- "Skysong"