
What the fuck is a homonym?  It's something that sounds gay.

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Messages - Shibboleet The Annihilator

Principia Discussion / JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER:
July 05, 2005, 09:39:59 PM
Well its a good thing I threw you into a wood chipper then.
Or Kill Me / Dear Fatfuck Part 2
July 05, 2005, 05:40:48 PM
WHAT THE FUCK!? Its not my fault you weigh 600 FUCKING pounds and don't fit in conventional fucking chairs! Its not my fault you sweat your fucking ass off because you're trapped under the blanket made of your own complete lack of restraint. Turn off the fucking air conditioner and stop reading everything I write!

Seriously dude, you're getting on my fucking nerves.

You? Yeah, you the asshat behind me reading everything I fucking type.

I am writing this about and just for you.

I want to have gay anal sex with you.

I want to play with your supple rolls.


Haha, that did it. Fuckin wanker.
Principia Discussion / JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER:
July 05, 2005, 05:27:01 PM
Quote from: Hotsuma

Quote from: Fnordiscordia*runs in and stabs everyone*

you don't do it right, it's about quality, not quantity.

*perferates the stabbing newbie*

You mean like this?

*pulls Hostuma into a woodchipper with him as he's perforated*
Principia Discussion / JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER:
July 05, 2005, 02:34:52 AM
*runs in and stabs everyone*
Bring and Brag / Get out of Damnation Free!
July 04, 2005, 07:36:19 PM
Have you ever worked with Gimp?

How do you think it compares to photoshop?
Very nice, I need to figure out how to do that so I can make actual art.
Bring and Brag / Get out of Damnation Free!
July 04, 2005, 07:01:03 PM
heh, nice. Where'd you learn to work with digital stuff like that? School? Tutorials? I know practice was involved = P
Bring and Brag / The art pad topic
July 04, 2005, 03:18:16 AM
Or Kill Me / "welcome to the post-american century"
July 02, 2005, 10:30:18 PM
Quote from: gnimbleyfnord

I agree.
It smells funny.
I'd probably be more of a beatnick than a hippie, but I'd also probably be neither. I'm the next cool trend in society, not sure what they'll call them. One day though, someone will look at me and say, "What a fucking poser!"

and then they'll kick me in the nuts

and then I'll have another drink

and then

Oh then...

Then it will happen.

Trust me.

I'll appologize for making an inane post later, maybe.
A slender woman wearing a black cloak walks gracefully through a forest thick with trees. You can hear chanting in the distance. She moves as if she is gliding more than she is walking. As the trees thin a massive cathedral becomes visible. She makes her way down the path... You catch a glimpse under her hood, her eyes are blood red and her skin is badly burnt and bruised to the point that it doesn't even look like skin anymore. You can hear a chattering sound as she breathes, like her throat is filled with dead leaves.

As she draws nearer to the cathedral you can see that it is very heavily guarded and there is something big going on inside. Four very large brutish men clad in plate-mail and wielding heavy swords and shields guard the doors. She approaches a set of stairs and almost seems to float up them.

A guard yells in a hoarse voice, "HALT! This temple is closed for the celebration. You may not enter until tomorrow."

She continues to move quickly toward the man that was talking.

The guard, now visibly irritated, growls, "Can you hear me you ugly old-"

His sentence is cut short as she picks him him by his neck and lifts him off of the ground. The other guards are shocked, they cannot believe that such a small woman could lift such a gargantuan man. The other guards advance and she hurls the man she is holding into one of the advancing guards. They both fall and do not get back up.

She growls in an inhuman voice, "Hey, let me call you when I get back to my apartment, ok?"

The other two are almost within striking distance when she holds her left hand up. They both fall to the ground without a sound, they don't look like they are injured at all.

With a wave of her hand the huge bronze doors to the temple tear away from their hinges and are thrown violently into the building, crushing everyone behind them.


She enters the temple and as the screams of the people inside echo off the marble walls of the temple...

The leaves begin to turn orange and purple and melt off of the trees into puddles of bubbling ooze. Hunter S. Thompson appears wearing absolutely nothig but golf shoes and a samurai sword. Without warning both Mr. Thompson and his golf shoes turn into the A train.

It screeches to a halt and a somewhat haggard but reasonably attractive looking man with brown curly hair and a goatee jumps up from his seat; he rushes to the door. As it whisks open he mumbles something about unpleasant trips and the late Hunter S. Thompson.

As the doors seal shut behind him and the train lurches forward the view of the haggard curly haired man becomes obscured by the dilapidated pillars questionably supporting the streets above.

(yes, I know its shit; I'll write something that doesn't suck when I have more time and feel like putting effort into something other than masturbating and making fun of people)
I'm fairly certain that emo!=punk
Literate Chaotic / The Haiku Game
June 30, 2005, 06:24:26 PM
I've never seen Arizona Bay
I've never even been to Arizona Bay
My haiku is really bad

Next topic: Horrible show tunes and the idiots that listen to them
Quote from: boobies
Quote from: Fnordiscordiaoh stfu, its not like you've never been wrong and I'm sure you've been an ass before.

besides, I'm in coulter mode.

Check out my icon.


does that make me like it any less?!?!?


OMFG!!@!2@!!@11@1one FCUK YUO!!! !!
Yes, I know this post is alive right now..
...but one day it will die and then someone will resurrect it.....

It will either come back as jesus or a Zombie, or maybe a combination of the two.