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Messages - Eater of Clowns

And damn it all I just saw what happened while I was writing that.
I've been looking for the place forever, you know but I'm blinded.  Like the rich can't see the social decay about them, like the zealous can't see the repercussions of their extremity.  It's winter up here and that means my feet aren't viable modes of transportation, the sidewalk is cruel with frost and hard enough to shatter your knees if you use it too much.  The roads are always white, if not with Aput's will then with enough road salt to turn the Great Lakes into the Dead Sea.  It cakes on your windshield and you can't see but directly ahead and something tells me this highway is just slightly off to one side or another.

I need this fucking highway.  I need to test the limits of my car like any good American and burn the motherfucker down to nothing.  This other place is packed with gibbering fools and bloodsuckers that seek to claim the pavement with the relative anonymity of their pointless steel wills.  I know it's no escape down there and it might lead to my demise and to the shock therapy of that which I hold dear but at least it's stimulation and not atrophy.  At least the deep red along the median will be splattered from glorious impact instead of leaking slowly from my skull to congeal sickly beside where only flesh remains.  I'd be the sausage creature then.

I probably won't make it far, I mean this is the fucking big game hunt where I'd only ever trapped squirrels and rodents.  But I'm about to get on the road and shift up to fifth and just lay on the gas, let go of the steering wheel and close my eyes and that's no way to travel.  There are glimpses to be had on the drive worth more than the destination.  Even if I did at any rate I'd probably find myself on the Lost Highway, and I'd rather arrive deliberately with my wits about me than surprise myself on top of the horror I'm soon to witness.

I either go mad here or there, the way I see it.  I'd prefer it be under my own terms.
Quote from: Cain on January 11, 2010, 09:21:54 AM
Quote from: BabylonHoruv on January 11, 2010, 07:05:36 AM
Quote from: Cain on January 10, 2010, 02:46:55 AM
Thats only really a critique of the first past the post system of voting, which does tend to end up in a two party system (there is actually a law describing this, only I cannot remember the name).  Under most forms of proportional representation, such as Germany and Israel, such votes are not wasted at all, since they count to the overall party tally and how many seats they can claim.

Adams was British.  So I don't think he was just critiquing two party politics.

What does being British have to do with anything?  I'm British.  We have a two party system in Britain.  I don't see whatever point you seem to think you are making.  Especially since I was replying to the point Simpsons fanboy gushing The Omnipotent Grinner made, and not the OP.

I wouldn't go looking too hard in that post for a point, Cain.   :lulz:
Is it bad that what tipped me off was the part about your friend getting fat?

Cain, this is excellent.
Quote from: Suu on January 11, 2010, 04:55:45 AM
Quote from: General Stuart on January 11, 2010, 04:52:58 AM
Quote from: Suu on January 11, 2010, 04:47:59 AM

We could just show throw up in New Bedford. And it could very well happen on a Sunday night for shits and giggles.

I've done this. I blame the Portuguese.

The Feast will do that.  On purpose, too.  It's how they supplement the Madeira wine.

On a Sunday I would make a concerted effort to go.

But don't come to New Bedford.  Everyone here has harpoons and they practice using them in abandoned mills.  There are enough mills for every resident to have their own, with such ample space we've learned to wield the devices to deadly efficiency.  It's part of our rite to be able to call it New Bedfid.  I've seen old Portuguese ladies wearing shrouds use this skill to reach cans of vegetables above their heads, which is more than four feet, in the supermarket.  Junkies that hover near our unprotected port convert theirs into syringes to mainline, but it's okay because they've each got their own so they don't have to share.  Generally everything that can be picked up and moved with moderate effort is instead harpooned and attempted to be trebucheed over the shoulders of the person using it, so there's shit flying about our heads with relative frequency, ranging from garbage men picking up our trash to mothers moving their children from minivans, none of which are later than the model year 1999.  Some guy once asked for his friend to hand him his harpoon, so his friend harpooned his harpoon and then tossed it over head, nearly harpooning the guy in the process - or so the legend goes.

Anyway, fuck New Bedford.
Well, as much as I'd like to I probably won't be able to make it on any day people would consider drinking heavily.  Sundays and Mondays are my day off, and I don't get out on Saturday until 11pm.

So have fun fuckers.

Although if anyone gets an ambulance ride to a hospital in my county I could technically be part of the festivities.
Quote from: Cain on January 10, 2010, 02:46:55 AM
Thats only really a critique of the first past the post system of voting, which does tend to end up in a two party system (there is actually a law describing this, only I cannot remember the name).  Under most forms of proportional representation, such as Germany and Israel, such votes are not wasted at all, since they count to the overall party tally and how many seats they can claim.

Wait, so all political systems aren't exactly like American politics?

EoC (ToG),
Quote from: Triple Zero on January 09, 2010, 10:51:38 PM
Quote from: Emerald City Hustle on January 09, 2010, 05:27:28 PM
what is your fucking point?

it's kind of similar to that Simpsons Halloween episode, where those two aliens shapeshift into two politicians with identical viewpoints and run for presidency and then they get unmasked, but they say "HA HA YOU CANNOT WIN, IT IS A TWO PARTY SYSTEM"

(and in the epilogue humanity is enslaved and Homer says "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!!")

Still one of the best critiques of politics I've ever seen.

"We'll vote for a third party candidate!"

Maybe Fred wants to wrestle Red Pandas and not Giant Pandas:

For scale purposes, remember it's standing on the Great Wall of China.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Translamancy
January 09, 2010, 07:06:35 PM
Black sheep are still sheep.
Sheep black sheep yet.

I disagree with Pix, I'm a fan of the Laphroaig 10 year (and the cask strength is delicious).  I also think you should avoid scotch fucking entirely on your 21st birthday.  You have a long long time to familiarize yourself with this wonderful beverage but that night is not the one.

If you want pure celebratory win, do an Irish Car Bomb.  Pour a glass of Guinness (pour it right) and a shot of half Bailey's and half Jameson.  Drop the shot into the Guinness and drink that motherfucker like it's going out of style.  If you do it right, it tastes like chocolate milk.  If you do it wrong (too slow) it tastes like curdled milk.
Quote from: maphdet on January 09, 2010, 02:40:29 PM
Quote from: Felix on January 09, 2010, 08:36:50 AM
Bizzarro world.  I have a hard time imagining a world without telecommunications.

But it would be interesting to see the results of no telecommunications.

*wonders how many people would freak out and what they would do* ( me included)

It would make for the perfect 'attack'.

I would be so fucking happy as a person.  I fucking hate being on the phone and I could quit this Internet thing anytime I wanted, I swear.

As a dispatcher, though, well, I'd be out of a job.
Or Kill Me / Re: I'd like to redefine a word.
January 09, 2010, 06:29:10 AM
Quote from: Epimetheus on January 09, 2010, 05:02:07 AM
Quote from: The Right Reverend Nigel on January 09, 2010, 04:23:21 AM
Sounds a lot like the NA definition I grew up with: "Spirit" as somewhat synonymous with "essence".

"Essence" meaning what? Either spirit or essence, I don't think either exists as I know the meaning of the words (here's my Buddhist influence coming through).

Essence meaning semen.  Not to jump on the bandwagon, but brotherhood negative data via fluctuating output of dynamite when obfuscating wretched smiling immigrant aristocrats.  Single tire workings over hard lamp holes instead of screw post hanging trivial glass mongers.  Whilst green.

Kai, I get the hesitation to reclaim words.  A friend of mine likes to joke that he resents homosexuals for using rainbows as their symbol because the "stole refracted light."  But spirituality needs to be taken back from the trying-too-hard-to-be-unique crowd.  I don't believe in anything, but I feel like there's something more than the tangible.  I can't say spiritual because it's too closely associated with those I wholeheartedly disagree with.

Or I'm drunk.  Fuck me Laphroaig cask strength is sneaky.

EoC (ToG),
Freezing with his middle finger raised in AZ's direction.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 09, 2010, 12:34:49 AM
Quote from: Nasturtiums on January 09, 2010, 12:34:15 AM
Everyone's gonna hate me for saying this but

it's 70 degrees and sunny here.

Same here.  Sun's going down, and it's still warm.

The sun went down here about three hours ago.  Those unfortunate enough to be caught outdoors in the waning light were immediately frozen to death, then hit by irate New England drivers.  They shattered, of course, and the tiny fragments floated in the wind to lightly dust any nearby vehicles.  This is how frost forms on windshields in New England.