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Messages - Efrim

Or Kill Me / [NAFR] JIHAD sermon 10
March 02, 2005, 01:30:48 AM
Hugh is returned. Huzzah!

excellent sermon.
Or Kill Me / An open letter to the EGFABT.
February 28, 2005, 10:43:12 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Efrim
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Efrim

Then I'd have one of them take you out with an icepick  :twisted:

Well, it's about fucking time.

Yeah, I'm sure you'd like that. Unfortunetly for you, you're still useful at the moment.

That's a damn lie.

Thats what you think...mwhahaha.
Or Kill Me / An open letter to the EGFABT.
February 28, 2005, 10:22:23 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Efrim

Then I'd have one of them take you out with an icepick  :twisted:

Well, it's about fucking time.

Yeah, I'm sure you'd like that. Unfortunetly for you, you're still useful at the moment.
Or Kill Me / An open letter to the EGFABT.
February 28, 2005, 10:18:34 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: EfrimI was ever so close to removing you as a spirtual learder of the European tzaddiks.

You're lucky you got your shit together and apologized when you did.

Damn.  I should have waited another week.

I am NOBODY'S "spiritual leader".  I thought I've made that clear.

Says STFU, and grab the crack & peel.  We have work to do.

Yeah, wrong term....I would have just stopped distributing your writings and disavowed your role in the creation of the group. Then I'd have one of them take you out with an icepick  :twisted:
Or Kill Me / An open letter to the EGFABT.
February 28, 2005, 06:28:56 PM
Quote from: KenseiI think I need to meet this European horde at some point, lest I go crazy up here by myself.

They move in the shadows; even I would have a difficult time finding all of them. Good luck.
Or Kill Me / An open letter to the EGFABT.
February 28, 2005, 04:34:41 AM
This letter was quite unnescessary. Of coarse I know the score; I've been running things for nearly a year now. While the Stateside faction has fallen into powerless splinters, I've been keeping the European horde alive and well through internet orders. Of coarse, the way you've been acting lately you're lucky I even dignify this with a response. I was ever so close to removing you as a spirtual learder of the European tzaddiks. You're lucky you got your shit together and apologized when you did.
Quote from: beermonster
yeah i guess you're right. damn i want to be a secret agent. never have to pay bus fare again!


Or Kill Me / Where oh Where has the good Rev. Gone?
December 04, 2004, 10:28:35 PM
You people are mad. MAD I SAY! Roger is mere flesh and blood. He lives down the street from me in a red house.
Or Kill Me / Where oh Where has the good Rev. Gone?
December 03, 2004, 11:43:49 PM
Roger is alive and well despite whatever he may tell any of you.
Or Kill Me / CHEF 2: The Revurrection
November 20, 2004, 08:31:29 PM
Chef would have totally owned in that Pacers/Pistons brawl last night.

Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC*sniff*

Fat City is dying.

I'll bring the tequila. Who's bringing the popcorn?

Right here. Popcorn and absinthe avalible for all free (or oppressed) radicals.
Or Kill Me / Forum Biographys.
November 01, 2004, 06:16:15 AM
*Sigh* <-----(inside joke)

Overlooked again. Oh well, I will continue to subvert under the radar.
Quote from: BellaI'm a member of Hugh's Purple Monkey Cabal, so I hear from him from time to time.
He was traveling for a while, but now he's home again.
He'll be back once he takes care of some mundane stuff, like changing his residence, etc.

As for what he would think about the jihaad and subsequent hijacking, I refer you to the first thread in Golden Apple Hall sub forum, where Hugh invites anyone who wishes to discuss discordianism to post there.

And here's one of the last posts Hugh made on the mirror before he left.
He was referring to the fact that Discordian writings were restricted to that particular forum.

Quote from: TriskellIt's convenient that all the Discordian stuff and chaoist revelations get to be stuffed here so that people can think they can avoid it.

Well, true to the principles of the Discordian Jihaad, that's about to change.

You thought you could avoid us....?

Hah, suckers!"
So my guess is he won't mind at all, Efrim. :twisted:

Yeah, I figured as much. Hugh is a rebel without a pause.
Quote from: Trollax.That's right, I banned roger, not just because he was annoying me. But because he was annoying a lot of other people, and bragging about it. It only turned out looking bad for me because I reacted so strongly and that's what I'm ashamed of, I played right into your hands, by foaming at the mouth all the time and letting my anger make descisions for me. You want to be pissed at me because I warned you Roger? Then why not take it out on me instead of spraying it all over someone else's forum. What do you do when the cops arrest you for defacing someone else's building? Call them fascists for doing their job when you're the one breaking the law? Whether or not justice is served by your actions you're still doing the wrong thing, just because it's the right thing doesn't mean you're gonna get away with it.
If you want to keep sending the trolls over, then you can, I won't be the one moderating anymore so don't blame me if anyone else gets banned. I lay myself at the feet of this angry mob, you can have my beaten and bruised carcas to flog and dance around for this evening's festivities, because the free market demands I be labelled a traitor and brought low for the crime of being human, I never claimed to be anything else. But I'm sure that is lost on all of you here, after all, whatever I say is just an attempt to save my skin and unless I admit that the whole thing is my fault from the creation of the universe to the death of every little kitten it means nothing. I've apologised for more than enough.
Just remeber, vengeance is ashes, and until we change who we are, what we do will never change.

Trollax Kinora, the wandering discordian.

You Won't have Trollax to kick around anymore! Dischord has triumphed over fascism. Huzzah!

Trollax, Roger and I still want our 40 acres and a mule.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: EfrimAll this objective non-side taking is enough to make me sick. I'm firmly on my own side. It happens to align with Roger this time.

Hehe...That's what you ALWAYS say, right before I have to run from the cops.

Psh, don't get angry at me just cause I'm smart enough to walk away 10 minutes before it becomes neccesary to run away.

Rev Roger rarely knows when to quit.