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Messages - Ari

Quote from: Cramulus on January 02, 2012, 03:21:52 PM

The easy part

is quieting the mind,

the automatic urges

shutting down the robot

the hard part----------
But then your phone rings
          and the robot answers

(the trick,
I think,
is to program the robot with awareness of itself
            mindfulness in every thing)

I agree, awareness is key.
And in the beginning the doing may fall back into the robotic.
Sometimes the tiniest trigger will suffice.
But even then, we can still choose to stop a program that has started running instead of letting it run its full course.
Continued practice will make it easier over time. As with most things in life.
The hard part is making it through that initial phase of transition, when old programming still lingers and the new one is still buggy.
Mindfulness is a wonderful thing, just like cheerfulness. I find them both absolutely crucial for a steady positive-constructive trip.

Great clip as well Cram. Is the whole movie recommended?

As for non-detachment; i find it a hard thing to uphold once you link your life with other humans and plans are made and worked on. At least in its pure form.

Quote from: navkat on January 03, 2012, 07:21:48 AM
Every time the organ grinder plays, the monkey gets the itch to dance.

That's going on the next batch of stickers.
oook it boomed again with a deep growl.
i told myself i'd have made it up in my head. like the long high-pitched beep that would come and go in either or both my ears.
as the cat came back from the door it caught a glimpse of my watergrass curtain, and there it was, plain as day. a quick pounce, the long line twirling away, swinging back, brushing by her head and instantly came the next pounce. half a jump later, rolling around on the back, she was frantically pouncing at a piece of straw with a mad expression in her face, eyes wide-open, hindlegs shaking. all that grace and intelligence i always attributed to these lovely feline creatures, gone in an instant when the beast showed its face and took over all her doing.
like two nights ago, when of my best friends turned absolutely vile in the face of increasing ethanol in his bloodstream. it got so vile i left the gregorian festivities early without another word.
we meant to fight together for a better world this year, where more bipeds would become critically-thinking, kind humans and stop the monkeyish bickering we seem to love so much in our current days. yet now i sit here and wonder.
oook. there it was again. the primal rage within. the old core from deep within the cave with the urge to claw off the skin of its enemies and gorge on the hearts of man and beast alike.
and yet, my friend, my master, my apprentice, my father and brother - he behaved in such unnecessary destructive ways, undoing the ideal he meant ot strive for. dis-illusion, i guess that's what the process can be called.
two days later i watch this cat which isn't even mine tumble out of her usual mind, following the road of the beast inside, completely lost in reaction and instinct.
and i wonder. are we not the same? us mangnificient bipeds with a brain the size of a cabbage? one way or another, sooner or later, we tend to go down the dirty road and let out the primal scream. oook. there it is again. fueled by raw, fiery emotion, stringed on cold, pragmatic steel, ooook.
and ever since i stopped taking my daily dose of pills it grows stronger. or maybe it has always been there and i never heard it? maybe it was there yet manifested differently?
i'll have to make my peace with it though. it's here to stay. maybe some day i will figure out its purpose, until then i can still harness its powers. especially when dealing with those deaf bipeds, the ones that know neither words nor reason. the vile creatures that only thrive on destruction. for noone shall stand between me and my freaky fun.
that much i have learnt.

oook She roared, and wandered off to the fridge to bite a massive chunk out of a big piece of raw bacon
investing in the future?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: My happy meal
December 31, 2011, 11:59:24 AM
'just another day in paradise' a friend of mine messaged me some day...

a simple life can hold all the treasures; going beyond eatsleepfuck and allowing us to explore the universe we dwell in: doing something for the first time, exploring this world and interacting with its inhabitants, seeing ones own reflection in the surrounding, learning, creating and at times destroying.
meaning doesn't come out of nowhere, we give meaning to our lifes, or at least... we can. it seems like a choice which each has to make on their own, for their own.
pragamatically speaking, there is no meaning in this giant randomaton. and the big carrot they hold in front of us promises meaning, but never delivers. do it yourself i say.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 30, 2011, 06:52:25 PM
Quote from: Waffle Iron on December 30, 2011, 06:50:47 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 30, 2011, 06:39:26 PM
Likewise, is it any coincidence that PD posters are vanishing, at the same time we get an influx of Northern European posters?  I warned everyone, you saw me warn them.  "WEAR YOUR TINFOIL!", I howled, but everyone laughed and gave me mittens.  And now everyone's falling victim to the F-Rays beaming out from their monitors, leaving them as stunned lurkers who crave Lutefisk and shitty beer. 

There will be more of us.
Northern Europe is the new America.
Only, you know, without the guns.

Words cannot express how much I wish that were true.

We're working feverishly on it, at least some folks do - they say the people elected them folks fair and square but i have my doubts. And they put this giant monster in the room with us. It eats whoever moves or makes a sound. Sometimes it just grabs somebody at random. Everyone looks away and ups the volume on their tellie; but you can't ignore that crunching sound when the screams finally stop.
Doom has reached out across the big pond, or maybe it was us to gave birth to it in the first place? It doesn't matter. The propaganda ministry will just paint it pink and them folks say we can reason with it, we just have to build up trust.
Hello again fellow travellers,

This was meant as the final chapter in this unpractical handbook for the mentally-readjusted, aiming to un-re-clarify a few things, but after reviewing the draft I had written last year I realised that it's more of an ongoing journal about my own jailbreak experiments, the deliciously fun times I came to have with my own mindbody, and a big messy clusterfuck of a draft – all of which based on pages taken from my small pocket notebooks.
But I'd like to take most of these snippets, try to arrange them in a somewhat coherent manner and expand on a few parts. Once time allows I'll merge all three into a concentrated pamphlet.
After all, a great sage called me out to stop my lurking and barf up what I have.

Have you found your very own door yet? I probably could have been more precise with the map but each has to find their own, and if it can't be find, just create it – the process is simple, but noone said it would be easy.
Certain dangers lurk along the path that leads beyond the third side of the coin.
When going away from the usual models of perception, madness and alienation await to either side. This seems inevitable and thus can easily be seen as intended, just try to keep your balance. Holding more than three perceptions semi-simultaneously at a given moment may lead to a sudden change in the self-identification modules, it may also overwhelm the inexperienced traveller of worlds and cast him down some delusional pit. Even if that happens, we'll become richer from the experience. So it's all good I guess. The natural reaction to back off and return to old patterns requires presistence and discipline to overcome. Internal dualities become more apparent, and awareness of internal and external processes increases; which in my case led to an even more laid back approach to the idiocy in the world, and with each iteration my personal mindbody construct became closer to what seems like my true nature.
A similar challenge awaits after passing through the initial door – limitless possibilities have an overwhelming nature. And all of a sudden one will find one selves to become the limiting factors and old habits will slowly drag one back to where one started from. Introspective studies should allow to get over that condition too.
On the handling of habits it should be noted: they shouldn't be thrown out of the window; especially the ones one has marked for priority termination – they should be kicked down the stairs, step by step.

So finally we find our selves among a plethora of probable worlds, fleeting in and out of focus from moment to moment.
How long IS a moment though? Does a moment have any inherit "being"? Depending on our abilities we can scratch the surface here, and it takes persistent training to prolong the timeframe within which we can actually observe these moments. Yet while experiencing the moment it will already have passed so we can never convey the moment itself, just the imprint its perception left withing our mindbody. It also allows to let go of past and future and fully unfold within the present.
Which at some point leads to the end of "being". All that remains is "doing" – each moment anew, the possibility to turn everything into nothing, and nothing into everything.
Choice & Will -- the basis for our actions in a given moment, and the way we perceive these moments.
These choices define the present, and thus lay out the course for any possible future. Again, will comes into play, since it drives our choices - and lack thereoff will turn anyone in a passive reaction - a dull husk of the powerful creator that any human on this earth can become.

This is how it all ends, and thus starts.
Walking the Planes, means choosing your own path and transforming your selves into something new. It means growing, developing, doing.
It means expanding the perceptive apparatus and gaining the ability to understand your selves and others better.
It means going on a freaky journey through the universe that dwells within.
It means liberation from the all shit they filled your head with.
It means digging whatever reality tunnel you want.
It means freedom.
What to do with it? Well, each has to figure that one out on their own.

edit: for ease of use
chapter I
chapter II
I had to look that up.
And no, no excessive and/or widespread flensing happening here.
There's a fun, old tale of an danish knight named Fleno though, who founded this town. Legend has it he had so much flensost (ost pronounced "uust", swedish for cheese, flens-ost being dickcheese) that he could build an entire "borg" (castle) from it. The Danes are kinky like that.

They recently unearthed some old sea fortifications, meaning that there must have been a viking settlement here even before Haithabu (a place further south that got the label of oldest and most important viking settlement around this area). Makes me even happier to sail and row a traditional longboat. ^^
Quote from: Triple Zero on December 24, 2011, 12:33:12 PM
Heyyy Planeswalker! Glad to hear you're doing well! Where in Germany do you live now, roughly?
Still up north, in Flensburg, right at the border to Denmark.
Or Kill Me / Re: Rape
December 24, 2011, 01:22:01 PM
Thanks Nigel for starting this, and everyone who contributed thus far.
It's not easy writing a reply since it stirs up some very well hidden memories. I may have let go of it, and it won't sweep me off my feet anymore, but i will carry that emotional damage with me until i die, just like anyone else who has been raped. That's something i had to accept. Just like i had to accept what happened twenty years back and what far-reaching influence it has had, and in some way still has, on my behaviour. And it seems like the only people who can truly understand it, are the ones that have experienced similar shit.

What always puzzled me is that once the taboo gets broken and people manage to openly talk about rape, it's always about men raping women. But men get raped too and not just in prison. People like to pretend that this doesn't happen. I don't get it. And that whole focus on the stranger in the dark corner. As stated in this thread before, in most cases the rapist comes from the friends and family circles. Sex itself is portrayed in such twisted ways in our modern society, the fuck!?!

I used laughter extensively, still do to this day. Mostly to stay detached when talking about what happened to me (or when talking about the topic in general, to keep the dark inside at bay) -- or i laugh in conjunction with other techniques to keep myself in the present during those rare moments when it boils up on the inside due to some trigger.

I don't joke about it though. And most people who hear that special type of laughter can sense the chill within.
'Cause rape is not fucking funny.

strangely personal, yet happy to be able to type about it
Howdy PD, I'm not dead and finally got my own internet uplink again. No more shaky wifi from across the yard. =)
Every now and then i lurked around but meatspace had to take priority in the past year or two. I kinda went back to the drawing board regarding my selves and did a lot of growing through trial and error, doing crazy and necessary things, that whole life thing... Again Discordia and the shrapnel which i have picked up here and/or through a variety of books (Carroll included, who i grew rather fond of i must admit) seemed to have allowed me to grow very efficiently. I'm quite happy with the results.
Mostly i found the joy of doing, for lack of better words. I finally got my ass up and left the computer screen to DO something with my life. A small business allows me to survive within the machine without ending up in some shitass cubicle. It's been a good ride. I loved and lost, died and rose, but the sun within prevailed.
But enough of this.

Re: OP/most of this thread
I should dare to post again. The Joys of Planeswalking one & two need some revision and the third chapter exists only as a draft, time to finish that and present some of my other writing to you folks. English is my second language, but i read and think so much in it, it barely shows, especially in Germany. But i feel my writing to be missing something, so barfing it up i shall and enjoy/endure the feedback.  =)
There are other projects I got involved in too. Some aiming to DO something about the state of our society, some purely creative. I still put out flyers and leave stickers in places. And some, well the KYFMS rule still applies.

Cram, LMNO -- I love the Chao Te Ching and as soon as i have funds available i will place my order for the paperback version.

still crazy, just more refined, maybe
What a week!
I went out of my way alright, to find weird strangers and strange weirdos - and feel pleased with the results.
Give me a day to sort through my notes, write a coherent summary and maybe throw some of the recorded noises together. It's my first day off work in two weeks and my bones demand tending to.

In short: drunk soccer-lovers throw a fit out of nowhere, old danish man in search for "a little bedwarmer" hits on me, St. Patrick's Day at local "irish pub" goes badwrong, camping in the industrial jungle and getting to know the weird in close friends while finding new weird inside my selves. Good times!
"Going out of my way" indeed since I don't feel social this week. But I shall go for it nonetheless.

2/6... and it turns out that I will spend the weekend in a town down south, working & sleeping on-site... I suspect I will do some wondering around and check in with the locals. Or just bbq at the harbour and attract whoever. Gotta see how I can record their german ramblings without them tinting it when they see a mic. Finesse might be required...

Results come monday.
Quote from: Triple Zero on March 13, 2011, 07:36:09 PM
Quote from: Planeswalker on March 13, 2011, 02:59:23 AM
usually in Northern Germany, at the border to Denmark
occasionally in West Sweden or anywhere between

That makes you probably the closest non-Dutch Discordian to me. Rough google maps check says it's a 4 hour drive :)

This means you should have come to the UK DoD meetings, since Bremen (where I flew from) is just about the same distance from you as me. Next meetup will be somewhere in the end of the summer or autumn afaik, but I'm not 100% sure if I'll fly from Bremen again cause the location changed (previously Edinburgh, this time somewhere in the south that I forgot--it was a region that had fucking hilarious placenames on the map, though. but that might be the case for most of England, I dunno--between Bristol and London anyway) and now I might as well fly from Schiphol, I don't know. Either way, we need extra crazy Swedes, because, well, ehhh because if liquorice.

Actually at the border to Denmark, or just generally somewhere in that land-tongue?

Yep, right at the border - Flensburg to be precise. Doors always open here if you know the secret knock.
As for late summer, I have only Compusphere to attend to at the end of august, funds should work out fine too if I get to do my pirate shit again, which seems very likely. I could probably take another spontaneous vacation and see how much residual hate for germans still exists in southern Britain... Just talked to my boss, aka me, and he said it's fine as long as I have fun and get to let out the crazy.
I hereby proclaim some sort of return... figured I re-introduce myselves here since the old Planeswalker is kinda dead.

Done a lot of fiddling with the mental firmware in the past year(s) and feeling refreshingly happy about the latest results. It feels like some sort of shiny madness; bringing together fun and horror, love and rage and something else which I fail to put into words right here.

I got back into a number of creative projects and look forward to having the results somewhere on this board, possibly torn to pieces and/or enjoyed by you crazy spags.

not dead
Last time I got close to Belgium our vessel got caught up in the craziest storm I have ever witnessed at sea. We went through the fucking eye, took in a lot of water and had to make port on some shitty little island. Pumping out the brig, drying up everything and fixing the "Besan mast" which got loose during the night - it translates to mizzen or spanker:fap: Should really teach myself some nautical english.

So yeah, screw Belgium. This quest should involve Scandinavia, but I am not Holy(tm) enough to decide this.

patiently waiting for the spiritual advisor to come back