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Messages - The Dark Monk

Age of Empires 2?
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on August 26, 2012, 07:45:14 PM
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on August 26, 2012, 07:29:45 PM
Quote from: NoLeDeMiel on August 26, 2012, 04:57:39 PM
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on August 26, 2012, 04:38:51 PM
I fucking love ferrets.

My horrid drippy beast Nina:

                      I got extra skin. Wut?

She growls hello

True story

But my friend Gwyn insists that she is really saying "Durrrrrrrrrrrr".

You're a great dog person (and Nina has always rocked!)

I've seen a lot of people hit dogs for growling, but growls mean different things. Bandit got in a fight once and had a big gash on his ear and it bothered him for a couple of days, so he'd get up on the bed and look straight at me and growl. It was a little unnerving the first time, but his body posture didn't say "attack", and he didn't made a move to snap at me, he never has. He was just sitting there growling. It was his way of griping about the ear.

The books don't tell you this stuff.  :)

Hell, that's what I do!
"Honey are you alright?"
Me: "Grrrrrrr mumble grrrrrrrrr..."
LOL these are some good pictures ^.^ Since I only own cats and ferrets, I bring you: Mervous, Much and Zombie.
*waits for inflammatory cat picture*
Quote from: HandsomeGirl on August 25, 2012, 10:27:46 PM
Quote from: Signora Paesior on August 25, 2012, 10:09:09 PM
Quote from: HandsomeGirl on August 25, 2012, 06:41:49 PM
I'm actually quite fond of Roger, so far.  He doesn't take any shit, and I think I may well learn some things from him.

Don't tell him that!

Sorry, I "misspoke".  I didn't mean I could legitmately learn something from him, because then my body would shut that whole thing down and I wouldn't become impregnated with truth.

I'll just try making him a sandwich instead.
From what I see, make sure it's a 100% completed sandwich, or the kitchen will be ablaze.
League of Legends:
27778 Take-downs
260583 Minion Kills
959 Wins 890 Losses

Games average 30 minutes....
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
August 25, 2012, 02:57:30 AM
Her eyes are something that amazes me, the wifeys are blue with brown spots in them and mine as you see are deep blue with green, she has no mixing of any colors whatsoever. The flashout as well made them look super huge lolz
Appreciate it ^.^
I remember a story that went something like this: (brings out corncob pipe, straw hat and rocking chair on the porch)

Two roommates who were friends of mine used to play a game called "Hide the Poop".
It goes simply like this:
Roommate 1's turn. Roommate 1 poops somewhere, and Roommate 2 has to find it, then it becomes his turn.

This continued for a few months, as poop was found in socks, pillowcases, top of the toilet, etc. Things started going worse when Roommate 1 found one in his underwear after drunkenly putting them on. Roommate 1 got devious. He took a large tub of margarine, such as country crock, and froze it. When it became solid, he turned it upside-down and hollowed out the bottom, and left his turn in the bottom, afterwards replacing the margarine. Roommate 2 was puzzled, he couldn't find it. He didn't suspect his food item, and for months looked for the prize, thinking he had won and the game had stopped. One day, during breakfast, he realized his mistake. he had become complacent, and paid for it in smelly ingestibles.
They promptly beat the crap out of each other, but made for a delightful story, with a moral:
If you can think of something crazy and devious, you best be sure you are the craziest and most devious, or it will end up in your food one day.

Edit: I no way encouraged this or certain ideas in certain elements from an idea that was not my own.  :wink:
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
August 24, 2012, 11:35:12 PM

Enjoyin' some time with my baby girl ^.^
Eris incarnate I tells ya. Nyah, see? Nyah!
Terraria is just as bad :D
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on August 23, 2012, 10:24:38 PM
Quote from: Joh'Nyx on August 23, 2012, 10:23:23 PM
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on August 23, 2012, 10:20:10 PM
Quote from: Joh'Nyx on August 23, 2012, 09:45:06 PM
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on August 23, 2012, 09:22:42 PM
A lot of states collect parole and probation fees.

so instead of paying for their food they get to collect money from them?

all while still having them under control and supervision?

It does seem like they could make more money using them for slave labor than collecting fees every month.

Wait! Wait! Maybe slave labour -


THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS   :horrormirth:

If it goes down that far, let's just turn them all into soylent green. Seems less torturous. At least you get a video of the world pre-fucked.
The stock market suddenly crashes as before, and everyone gets a free release due to lack of funds...
Quote from: Dear Departed Uncle Nigel on August 23, 2012, 04:55:10 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on August 23, 2012, 03:31:10 AM
Quote from: Dear Departed Uncle Nigel on August 23, 2012, 03:28:01 AMI have to revise something, which is my statement that people can only experience empathetic understanding if we can relate an experience to a very similar experience of our own. It was that "Midsummer Night's Dream" thing in the lecture Rat linked to that changed my mind about that. Human beings have a really special, unique ability that is deeply related to our most fundamental technology, language. We have the ability to transport ourselves into someone else's reality through stories, especially stories that are acted out by players. While we may never really KNOW what it's like to be the character in a story, we can, far more than other animals, genuinely feel frightened, hurt, betrayed, triumphant, and even fall in love, via stories.

I think maybe this is the true value of really listening.

I also think I may have to revise my opinion of TV. Not of the way it's used, but of why people can't seem to help loving it. I think it exploits a very, very beneficial and human part of our nature, which is the ability to empathize and relate through listening to or watching stories being acted out. It's such an elemental form of human communication, history keeping, and learning... I can't believe I never made that connection before.

I'm still thinking it's a big glowy box that people watch so they'll know how to act.

Like I said, "Not of the way it's used, but of why people can't seem to help loving it." It appeals to people on a very basic level because we're actually wired to learn how we're supposed to behave from stories. Television is an abuse of that wiring, but realizing why it works that way is going to make me view it differently.

This. I always felt this way but couldn't put it together as such.
When people choose to live out "Days of our Lives" in their own little bubble then wonder why reactions aren't as such, they have watched too much, and too much could be one show depending on the person. (The reason I used Days of our Lives is for two reasons: One because it is utter shit. Two is because my uncles wife started watching it among Everyone Loves Raymond, and pulled the "abused" housewife act, when she has herself a couple million dollars and does what she wants at any point in time. So if once in a while she had to cook,((which she enjoyed doing for the record)) instant quotage and look at me attention whoring.)
I will admit, I imagined a leprechaun hat. I think it's awesome how many of the tactics of repubs and GOP is simply to "Stamp out" arguments by running over them while they speak, and he refused to be talked over.