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Messages - Hoser McRhizzy

suddenly sorry for everything ever...

... what do I have to sacrifice to make them stop?
... 4 bottles of maple stout and it's my birthday.  Time to lower to quality and collective intelligence of this forum!


Oh wait, 3 bottles now.  :lol:

btw.  Don't.  Srsly.
RPG Ghetto / Re: Variant vampirism concept brainstorming.
December 01, 2011, 06:30:31 AM
I know nothing about RPG and shouldn't be anywhere near this subforum, but I gotta say WOOT.

Quote from: Richter on December 01, 2011, 02:54:50 AM
Beyond everything else, the condition involves light sensitivity, a few specific fears, severer insomnia, and digestive issues.  These conditions aggravate and stack on each other, resulting in an experience of psychosis, violence, and even more fear for whoever it affects.

Everything from there on out is awesome.  Ditto-ing Freeky: Really well thought out...

I love how mundane some of it seems.  Especially how you've thought to explain fear of recognizable hierarchy.

(btw - Make book - Make $$$.  The time is nao.)
Quote from: Nigel on November 29, 2011, 09:47:04 PM
Quote from: Hoser McRhizzy on November 29, 2011, 08:25:50 AM
Were your friends students? Just asking because I attended a course last year or the one before where "sex worker rights" came up in a class focusing on trafficking.  We know that when young, often white, or otherwise heavily monied people start holding forth on The Disempowered for grades or job opportunities, things get sad-weird.*  In this case, the rights of people fucking for rent to have some measures of safety or say over their work conditions got turned into safely sheltered people accusing the rest of the room of thinking sex was bad.  No shades of grey, no actual work conditions, much less "conditions of their labour"  (marxism isn't safely radical enough yet/again  :lulz: ).

* for example - I read too many resumes.  This morning, under "relevant volunteer experience" (as opposed to irrelevant... I'd love to see that... please put it on your CV...) a young man listed his participation in "the day the world said no to war."  I shit you not.

Nah, they're all mid-30's to early-40's educated professionals.

I thought it was an interesting reaction simply because I was saying that *I* wanted a partner who had never been with a prostitute, (and given my personal history, it seems like it would be psychologically healthier for me to have such a partner) and wasn't anticipating anyone challenging my reasons for that, let alone my women friends.

Because expressing personal preference and speaking from experience are anti-feminist now.  Or something like that.  I stopped getting the official newsletter awhile back, so I can't say with any particular authority.  :lol:

I'm sorry your friends felt the need to be douchebags to you.
Quote from: rong on November 29, 2011, 08:02:37 AM
it's a touchy subject

:argh!:    :lol:

Quote from: Nigel on November 29, 2011, 02:21:39 AM
Sex can be commodified. I don't think it's healthy to commodify sex, but it's certainly possible.

I think that some of the reaction I got was that people assumed I was placing a moral value on prostitution. One person asked me if I would think less of someone who hired a gigolo. People thought I was passing judgement.

I am. I am judging people who pay for sex as unfit to be my partner. As a former sex worker, and a woman who has had relationships with men who have paid for sex, I am also judging people who pay for sex as being probably a little broken, a little off, and a little disconnected, because in my experience that was always the case.

I've seriously considered hiring someone to scratch my itch dozens of times over the years, simply because I've had this fantasy idea that a person wouldn't expect pancakes and marriage in the morning if money changed hands.  And that's all about broken-off-disconnected stuff.  I don't blame you for judging.  What's really stopped me is the same as His Mighty Kittenish Beard's point.

Were your friends students? Just asking because I attended a course last year or the one before where "sex worker rights" came up in a class focusing on trafficking.  We know that when young, often white, or otherwise heavily monied people start holding forth on The Disempowered for grades or job opportunities, things get sad-weird.*  In this case, the rights of people fucking for rent to have some measures of safety or say over their work conditions got turned into safely sheltered people accusing the rest of the room of thinking sex was bad.  No shades of grey, no actual work conditions, much less "conditions of their labour"  (marxism isn't safely radical enough yet/again  :lulz: ).

* for example - I read too many resumes.  This morning, under "relevant volunteer experience" (as opposed to irrelevant... I'd love to see that... please put it on your CV...) a young man listed his participation in "the day the world said no to war."  I shit you not.
Quote from: Nph. Twid. on November 23, 2011, 08:53:20 PM
Why is Mick Jagger showing up in people's lyrics?

Because it rhymes with swagger.  Apparently, "swag" is a phenomenon, state of being or tangible consumer item which people either have or can "jack." 

Quote from: Nigel on November 23, 2011, 08:46:00 PM
This is OK:

I confess that I've danced to this in my kitchen.  (oh the shame!)
Aneristic Illusions / Re: G20 Protests: fucked.
November 23, 2011, 06:32:44 PM
Oh no!  I'm not suggesting anything either. 

[redirection]And who cares about that stuff?  Think of all the lucrative contracts.  Think of the employment rate, and how over 500 men and women had some extra work during the recession.  I think we can all agree that's what's important here.[/redirection]  :cry:

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 23, 2011, 06:06:19 PM
Ever since Pierre Trudeau left office, Canadians have elected one wannabe Reagan after another.  Then they fucking bitch about it, and then head straight to the polls and vote MORE right wing.


Most recent - 40-ish% of the (counted from those who were allowed to) vote got us the lipless reconstructionist-fundie oil sands man.  Again.  ... I should put money on Ford For Emperor, 2012.

Quote from: Cain on November 23, 2011, 06:07:22 PM was the biggest police intelligence operation in Canadian history...

Even with the country correction, the headline is still misleading.  I know you know this, but just to be a bit clearer.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: G20 Protests: fucked.
November 23, 2011, 06:03:23 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 23, 2011, 05:56:54 PM
Welcome to the 21st Century, Nurse Rhyzome.   :lulz:

*kicking and screaming*


But... but... it doesn't make sense because the guy in Due South was really really nice!  And Canadians generally mean well, don't they???  And... politics is supposed to be different here because... Trudeau maple syrup made beavers on Anne Murray moose leaf or something... ?!


Sorry.  Can't keep a straight face for that one.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: G20 Protests: fucked.
November 23, 2011, 05:38:03 PM
year old BUMP for end of testimony publication ban.

G20 case reveals 'largest ever' police spy operation

QuoteIn all, the RCMP-led joint intelligence group — a conglomeration of federal, provincial and municipal police tasked with G8/G20 reconnaissance — employed more than 500 people at its peak, the records show. The group ran undercover operations, recruited confidential informants and liaised with domestic and foreign governments, law enforcement agencies and even corporations.

The JIG's targets included activists protesting the Olympics, the migrant-justice group No One Is Illegal, Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance and Greenpeace.

"The 2010 G8 summit in Huntsville ... will likely be subject to actions taken by criminal extremists motivated by a variety of radical ideologies," reads a JIG report from June 2009, before the G20 summit was scheduled, that sets out the intelligence group's mission. "These ideologies may include variants of anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, nihilism, socialism and/or communism.

"The important commonality is that these ideologies ... place these individuals and/or organizations at odds with the status quo and the current distribution of power in society."

Off-topic, but for anyone looking for a quote on the Why Don't They Target Teabaggers topic, I think ^that one right there^ could do you for a bit.

QuoteRCMP-led intelligence team made a series of presentations to private-sector corporations, including one to "energy sector stakeholders" in November 2011.

Other corporations that received intelligence from police included Canada's major banks, telecom firms, airlines, downtown property companies and other businesses seen to be vulnerable to the effects of summit protests.

Also leaving my favourite point made in the comment section so far:

QuoteAfter arresting 1,100 people and keeping them locked up without food, water, or legal representation, 6 are found guilty. Quite the statistic.

There were 59 criminal charges in all, more than 70,000 pages of Crown evidence disclosed to the defence, and months of scheduled testimony to convict 6 people, who pleaded guilty anyway. Also quite the statistic.

More than 500 people were employed in spying on Canadian citizens from June 2009 until April 2011 for a five-day summit. This, too, is quite the statistic.

This is Canada?

btw, anyone not wanting to click through for whatever reason, the 6 in question here pled (sp?) guilty to 'counselling mischief,' and two of those 6 also copped to 'counselling to obstruct police.'
Leaving out anything that
- would affect the rest of the women in the apartments around him,
- would lead to re-infestation of this block of housing,
- involves physical contact with him (or sharing more space than we already do),
- will fuck with an honest person's business,
- makes me or my lady love a mafia target,
- involves making this building smell even more like feces,
this is an incredibly fucked-up to-do list for this year.   :lol:  Thank you!

While I can't make him less stupid, angry, egocentric or loud, I can give him some of the attention he so desperately craves.   :evil:

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 20, 2011, 04:26:34 PM
I got nothing.

At the point you've reached, I typically just resort to violence.

I fantasise about it, believe me.  It's just not an option.
Quote from: Nigel on November 20, 2011, 06:57:16 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 20, 2011, 04:22:13 PM
Quote from: Hoser McRhizzy on November 19, 2011, 08:15:27 AM
Quote from: BabylonHoruv on November 17, 2011, 04:40:07 AM
It's often not a bad idea to look at the person who spews the most hate and hey, if he's not spewing any, it's probably not appropriate.

^that right there^ is the funniest thing I've read in weeks.  :lol: 

Mind Lazor science - finally explained!

If you stand directly in the path of my hate, you can't see it as hate.  It's more like the rules of the universe changed, and you don't know know what's going on, other than your butt really, really hurts.

I am appreciating the complete logical disconnect in going from "BAWWWW you sheeple are only hating on me because Roger is!" to "BAWWWW you should not be hating on me if Roger isn't!"

Of course, I have also noticed that often people assume you're part of the fray even when you're nowhere to be seen.  :lulz:

That's exactly it.  Then layer on a follow-the-alpha lecture for the slightly noobier-noob on the appropriate way to be angry on the internet...  It's a wonderful little sentence, really.

Making a list. 

*sniff-sniff* ... love... you guys... 

But this right here?

Quote from: Nigel on November 19, 2011, 09:46:12 PM
... German...

Quote from: moose on November 20, 2011, 09:47:32 AM
... German...

That's just sick.   :lol:
While PDers might not know, my fellow near-OCD lurkers will probably be aware that I've recently moved to new diggs.  After dealing with the fleas and bedbugs of this palace and managing to NOT get fired or thrown out of school in the meantime, I'm left with one thing that will make riding out the lease really fucking difficult.

Tantrums at 3am.  Blasting music at 6am and then all day, intermittent, til 2-3am the next day.  This music is uniformly mediocre rock.  Yelling FUCK like it's a YEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH cheer at a football game.  Banging on the wall separating our apartments with the flat of his hand.  This is my new neighbour and everyday is a gift with this tool.  It's only been a month and a half, but I feel like it's been years.  EVERY day.  

Right now, he's playing with the distortion on his guitar and yelling at my cat to shut up when she miaows.

Which is, of course, the last straw.

Before anyone asks, yes.  I've asked him very nicely to keep it down.  This only makes the tantrums louder and more incoherent the next time he gets faced.  Also, no.  There is NO POINT in calling the police.  They will show up in a few hours and only want to talk to me about why I'm bothering this man and wasting their time.  Lastly, nyet.  He's been a resident here for 30 years and is solid with the local community.  

I wouldn't mind even a little bit if his act was interesting.  

I will take advice.  My question is How can I make his year more interesting without drawing his attention to the point where he breaks into my apartment?  I need to do something, or my markets-born Belfastian lady love will take the lead.  And while it'd be neat to see a kneecapping (spellchecker has no problem with the word kneecapping?... holy fuck...) we just don't have that kind of lawyerly protection.*  Anyone have any ideas?  <--- that right there is the silliest question I can possibly ask on this forum.

Legalish.  As we are in appletalk.   :lol:

Or, anyone been through this and know what I should do next?

4:16am and he's blasting the morning drive radio talk show.  Off to put in the earplugs and sleep til he wakes us up again.

*  yes.  I'm kidding about the kneecapping.
Bring and Brag / Re: GOTTA SNAP OUT OF IT
November 19, 2011, 08:29:30 AM