
Also, i dont think discordia attracts any more sociopaths than say, atheism or satanism.

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Messages - DeusExMachina

GASM Command / Re: Colbertgasm
August 29, 2010, 09:07:59 PM
Hmm well i was thinking if there is any creative output this would be a nice start.

Ill let you know when i think of something useful to add
GASM Command / Re: Colbertgasm
August 29, 2010, 03:48:32 PM
Is this still ongoing?
GASM Command / Re: PulpGASM.
August 29, 2010, 01:48:45 PM
Yeah i like the Tarzan one nice job
Quote from: BadBeast on August 27, 2010, 06:36:18 PM
If you survive here, you'll look back on this thread, and realise the people you thought were just here to rip you into tiny tiny bits of n00blet, were actually giving you good, sound advice, along with lifelines. If you had lurked some of the other threads, you may have seen the whole circus, broken down into useful sized lumps of  "How to be moar really real, so ai can haz  :fnord: burgerz "

There is no 'victory' here for you, no validation of worth. No "Sorry mate, you were right all along". No retractions, no remorse, and no moderation. No one will come along and say "Hey you guys, ease up on the poor n00bz". No one will pass you Kleenex, pat you on the back and say "Nevermind, just ignore them, they're just horrid Bullys"  

If you can't see the way to extricate yourself, then you will sink, forgotten into the depths. And no-one will miss you, because there are 50 more, just like you, waiting to try the same stupid things, that had the same one result, as the last 50 did.

For re-iterartion, I refer you to the catchy little song I posted the link to.
Try and listen to it, as if you were  somebody else, that way you can more easily hear past the implied insult, and realise there's some fucking good advice in there. (More than I usually waste on spaggy, wacky n00bz, and their outlandish stupids, at any rate)

I got that straight away, what can i say? I am a horrible fucking cunt, if you ask for discord and get it, well you asked for it.

I know there is no victory or pats on the back or anything, that is the opposite of what i want.

I will extricate myself and take your advice.

I pretty much don't need to pretend it was aimed at someone else i am quite humble and take abuse and whatever on the chin and try figure out why someone would give me that abuse, but like i said i am a cunt so i don't let on.

I am gonna lurk a lot more then because i am sure, no doubt what i just typed is complete shit and i will post when i figure out what the fuck to type.

Apart from the book review.
Hail Eris

Enjoy your beer
This is Discordia in action.
Yes that is it.  I want to be thought of as special because i would like to delude myself that extraordinary things have happened to me in my life that have only happened to about another fifty million people last year.

I didn't state anything in concrete terms you can read what i posted yourself, maybe try quoting what i wrote rather than just misrepresenting what i said and basing your strange assumptions on this.

Exit i think you have a problem with reading things properly, i think i will reply to you when you can actually reply to what was written not what you assume was written.

This is some kind of social experiment.
Well that is good then, i have had a hell of a lot of laughs because of you
There has not been one post you have given me any validity for so there is no change there.
All your posts say i fucking hate you, fuck off my world.
Asinine comments, in your opinion.
I do not need to lie to fill some inadequacy and i would rather someone put me straight if i am wrong hence why i haven't gotten angry or upset.

1. I really could not care less, why the fuck would i claim i was insane? I will not even bother trying to argue about self-diagnosis.

2. You can say i am full of shit as much as you like it will not change my mind about what i know i went through.  I don't need a red fucking ribbon from some quack or from anyone else i could not give a fuck about validation.  Live with it.   
Apparently the Giza power plant book relied a little bit too much on the geometry aspects of it so he re-examined his work from the criticism he got and made this book a lot more technical and about the tools which would have had to be used and comparing it with modern machinery to examine tool marks and such as far as i can tell.

Btw Howl are you a nihilist by anychance?
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 27, 2010, 05:17:31 PM
Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 27, 2010, 05:13:20 PM
There are taboos in discordianism?

No.  But we're not really REAL discordians for realness.  We're a collection of horrible cunts who squat on the domain name and bushwhack innocent folks like yourself.  We do this because it's funny, and because the free market demands it.

Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 27, 2010, 05:13:20 PM
I went insane i said what happened, i drew experience from it and i tried to share my take on it.

And we called you a liar.  And a shitneck.

Quote from: DeusExMachina on August 27, 2010, 05:13:20 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 05, 2010, 07:41:01 PM
The house of Eris is held up by five pillars, five concepts that have kept this board and this way of life going for 8 years now.  Not everyone has any use for all five of these, but to attempt to eliminate one or more of them is to begin the gradual destruction of the user base (this is already happening, after the no-fluff crusade a month or so ago).

These five pillars are:

The First Pillar:  Discord.  Drama and infighting have always been a part of PD, right from the very beginning.  Sometimes it's low key, sometimes it's mad screeching and hollering, all over the board.  It's not ALL of what Discordia is, but it IS an intrinsic part.  If this makes you pull up your skirts and shriek, maybe you should find out wherever Paes scurried off to, and join him.  Eris wants no sissies.

Am i misunderstanding something here?

Yes.  The pillars don't apply to retards.

Well i know about as much about discordianism as is in the illuminatus triology, so there is not much loss there.
Have you found it funny bushwacking me?
Yes then i called you a liar, and i crossed some kind of line didn't i?
Okay well now i know it doesn't apply to retards.
There are taboos in discordianism?

I went insane i said what happened, i drew experience from it and i tried to share my take on it. It was something which happened to me, i didn't want to write a fifteen page dialogue explaining how long it lasted, what other things i experienced and every little detail because i wasn't looking for sympathy or trying to get acknowledgment and i don't care to dwell on those memories.  I would have thought that if someone else had been through something similar they might have some understanding.

I was not making offhand references to how wonderful, or fulfilling, or exciting, or funny, it is to be "crazy" i thought it was relevant to the discussion on taking psychedelic drugs in a great intensity, regularly.  My point was that taking drugs this way could lead to insanity so don't do it.
I tried to be as clear as possible and as patient as possible. If this is not how it appeared then it is down to my miscommunicating or by people not reading what i wrote carefully without prejudice either or.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 05, 2010, 07:41:01 PM
The house of Eris is held up by five pillars, five concepts that have kept this board and this way of life going for 8 years now.  Not everyone has any use for all five of these, but to attempt to eliminate one or more of them is to begin the gradual destruction of the user base (this is already happening, after the no-fluff crusade a month or so ago).

These five pillars are:

The First Pillar:  Discord.  Drama and infighting have always been a part of PD, right from the very beginning.  Sometimes it's low key, sometimes it's mad screeching and hollering, all over the board.  It's not ALL of what Discordia is, but it IS an intrinsic part.  If this makes you pull up your skirts and shriek, maybe you should find out wherever Paes scurried off to, and join him.  Eris wants no sissies.

Am i misunderstanding something here?
Finally what i wanted!

Recognition that i am special thank you, we could have ended this a lot sooner if someone said that a long time ago.

Bullshit you have first hand experience of this i am the special one who did. You clearly were just half asleep deluded or mistaken

Glad we sorted that out.

Oh no, we are back to square one.
I started reading this last night in bed and i thought it started out quite well without the need to mystify the book with psychobabble and banal theories about sound wave technology or anti gravity technology.

here is some of the forward

'What researcher Christopher Dunn has accomplished in Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt and in his previous work, The Giza Power Plant, is more than a paradigm shift; it is more of a paradigm seismic event. Because once a person with a manufacturing or machining background-engineer, technician, machinist, artisan-reads and understands what Dunn has discovered and analyzed in ancient Egyptian stonework, that person will never look at ancient Egyptians the same way ever again.  That reader will become skeptical of portrayals of ancient Egyptians as primitive in any sense. That reader will begin to analyze every new Egyptian archaeological discovery, to see what else conventional Egyptologists have overlooked. That reader will become part of the new paradigm.
In these pages, Chris Dunn demonstrates an underlying system of incredible precision in the machining, layout and positioning of both individual objects and groups of features, ranging from the toolmark details in the "Rose Red Rosetta Stone of Abu Roash" to the symmetries of the giant heads of Ramses at the temples in Luxor, to the layout of the column capitals of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Denderah, to the base of the Great Pyramid itself. Thanks to this work, the modern reader sits back in awe and admiration of the Egyptian geniuses of five thousand years ago.  The ancient artifacts contain amazing messages, but the stones cannot speak for themselves.  This book speaks for them.  In November 2008, i accompanied Mr. Dunn and other to what some have called "the Lost Pyramid" at Abu Roash, some ten kilometers northwest of Giza. I was anxious to see the rose-colored granite piece that the author had described to me years before, anticipating seeing the compound radial cuts and distinguishing toolmarks. I was not dissapointed.  To any technophile, this one cut stone exhibits mute arguments against primitive tools and primitive peoples. More than any other artifact, it embodies an ancient "language" that still speaks to modern engineers. I immediately dubbed it the "Rose Red Rosetta Stone of Abu Roash."  I called the stone a "Rosetta" because its discovery reminded me of another paradigm-changing artifact: in 1799, Napoleon's soldiers found a curious object embedded in a wall of an Egyptian village. Their original report "A report on a stone Found in the Village of Rosetta." describes a black rock slab inscribed with three languages, one of them being ancient Greek, the others the unknown Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and cursive or "demotic" Egyptian writing. Reading the Greek portion, the antiquarian Champollion was able to translate the names of the Pharaohs-written within cartouches-and thence the rest of the hieroglyphic writing itself. He opened up an eventual understanding of the million of carved figures decorating the ancient temples and tombs of the Nile. Nobody would ever again look at the hieroglyphic carvings as mere magical, mystical figures, but would read the translations of experts who deciphered those cuts and reliefs, uncovering the lost history of Egypt.  The Rosetta stone thus facilitated a change in the worldview of moderns who looked back at ancient Egyptians. Nothing would ever be the same. I maintain that this book has accomplished a similar feat, every bit as meaningful to an understanding of ancient Egypt, if not more so.  once understood, Dunn's discoveries will forever change the perception of the serious researcher......' - Arlan Andrews Sr., ScD

Christopher Dunn, Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt(Vermont:Bear and Company,2010),pp(x,xi).

Looks quite well presented so far and there are lots of photos as well.