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Messages - DECI4

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 09, 2012, 04:41:44 PM
Quote from: FUCK OFF on May 09, 2012, 04:34:47 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 09, 2012, 04:32:56 PM
Quote from: FUCK OFF on May 09, 2012, 04:27:30 PM
I kind of like DECI4.

I don't.  He's from T2, so I hate him.  This is aggravated by his posting style, which seems to be 169% UR DOIN IT WRONG.

I can't stand the bastard.  Haven't been able to since day one, on account of who sent him here.

It's fairly evident that he hates them too.

The enemy of my enemy is my frenemy?

Nope.  And I don't think he hates them at all.  Hell, in this thread, he's asking us (again) to change to be more like Zoklet, like he does in EVERY THREAD he posts.  In this case, he's asking us to import one of their poster's content, so as to make us yet another T2/Zoklet bigotry outlet.

If I thought for a moment that Carrey was being facetious, I'd say invite him over.

Your hatred blinds you Doc. It's a little disheartening to see you trolled by JFLC so easily. He is an OBVIOUS troll but he has a way with words that make him a joy to read.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 09, 2012, 04:41:44 PM
Hell, the bastards posted your PI all over the place.  I didn't see DECI4 complaining about it.

I didn't know about it and I rarely post there anymore. The only reason I joined that place in the first place is because I was perma-banned from Zoklet. Now that I'm back on Zoklet I rarely post there. Besides..... From what a little birdy told me, you guys don't have any room to talk about spreading PI.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 09, 2012, 04:22:25 PM
Quote from: FUCK OFF on May 09, 2012, 04:21:30 PM
The interesting thing about Jim "fuck latinos" Carrey is that everything he writes is so... homoerotic. Violent and homoerotic. Every line, pretty much, is about being slammed up against a wall and taken from behind by hard Christian men.

At first, I was thinking "this is some brilliant satire".  Then I remembered that it was Totse2/Zoklet, and realized that he means every word of it.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 08, 2012, 10:07:32 PM

He's also just as racist as the rest of his T2 buddies. 


I'd love to hear how you came to that conclusion.
Quote from: Luna on May 08, 2012, 10:10:12 PM
So...  What we've got here is somebody who digs up the vilest shit on the internet and comes back here to puke it up on the carpet?


The "vilest shit on the internet"? Oh please. Get a clue.
You guys really have no sense of humor. " How selfish to think that a human being should have access to medical care. "

Are you guys even reading this?
Healthcare is hurting our planet.

"It takes an incomprehensible amount of consumption to keep the healthcare system running. The drugs are produced from plant life and chemicals that have to be farmed or extracted by the tonnage -- this causes large amounts of carbon emissions and results in soil erosion. The sterilization and packaging process of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals is also very wasteful.

The healthcare system itself has enabled the human population to grow to around seven billion people -- imagine the threat that his presents to Earth.

Everybody seems to think that they should have health insurance, public or private. How selfish to think that a human being should have access to medical care.

Thankfully the medical system is failing -- just like all other man-made attempts to "make things better." Drug shortages are widespread and most anti-biotics are losing their effectiveness. The healthcare system was it's own undoing, as was every other man-made attempt to "make things better."
The Trayvon Martin Experience

"The date is 4/20/2012.

Today is a very special day in the Western world. At 4:20 PM several millions of people will simultaneously inhale on marijuana cigarettes in celebration of the act of getting high. On this day more American citizens will exalt a material object that grows out of the dirt than they will the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) or Siddhartha the Buddha.

But what sets this 4/20 apart from all of the others is that a longstanding member of the marijuana community, Trayvon Martin, will not be amongst those who light up. He will not be among them because he is dead (as he should be).

There have been many discussions about Trayvon and the circumstances surrounding his death. Almost all of these discussions are dominated by two groups of people: on one hand you have those who are devastated by the death of Trayvon Martin because he's a young Black male who got killed by an upper-middle class White man. And on the other hand you have those who could never sympathize with Trayvon because of their unwavering hatred for African-Americans.

I see this case from a different perspective than most Americans. You see, like George Zimmerman, I was the captain of a neighborhood watch division for some time during my teenage years. I rarely carried a firearm, usually an AR-15 kept in my vehicle, which I seldom had any intentions of using. I did carry a X29 TASER which I drew (but did not fire) on a couple of occasions. I did not take my job nearly as seriously as George Zimmerman did, but I certainly was responsible for putting many young men in jail during my years as a patrolman.

Here's the thing about this case. When you strip away all of the superficial elements of race, class and the law all of the controversy surrounding Trayvon Martin really boils down to one very sensitive issue. This is the subject of safety. The people who are up in arms about Trayvon aren't REALLY angry over Trayvon himself. I'm sure that many of them feel a vain sense of pity and identification with him, but he is nothing but the figurehead for what really lies in the depths of their hearts and minds.

What these people are angry about, excuse me, scared of, is the very real possibility that one day in America you may not be able to wander around aimlessly as if you lived in a world where there were no threats to your safety. You see, the people who identify with Trayvon Martin identify with him because he, like them, was born to be preyed upon. This child thought that he had the "right" to walk around freely, totally oblivious to his surroundings, to do whatever he pleases. This is reflected by his colorful Twitter username, "No_Limit_Nigga." No limits. No boundaries.

Unrestricted and aimless human movement is a hallmark of civilization, which is a cancer upon this planet. Primitive man was always on the lookout for human and non-human predators, and as such he planned his movements and even his resting hours accordingly. He did not have the luxury of going to a convenience store and buying 'Skittles' like this effeminate crybaby named Trayvon Martin. When primeval man wanted food he had to make his way through the forest to hunt for it and he was constantly at risk of being killed by his competitors.

Americans of all social and racial backgrounds are going to need to realize that the days when you could live peaceably and carelessly are over. The gun owners of America are no longer going to tolerate this dysgenic and un-natural world where man is a domesticated facade of the animal that he really is. From now on, if you go outside, especially somewhere where you don't belong, you had better expect to get gunned down when you least expect it. This is the highest stage of human evolution, one that will separate the boys (like Trayvon Martin) from the men (like George Zimmerman). And you will not have the law to come and save your precious piece of shit "dignity" after you die.

Law enforcement is on their side. The Supreme Court is on their side. It is they who have all of the power in this country. There is nothing that can be done to stop the reign of the proud and triumphant Savage in the United States of America. So you can either get used to it... Stay indoors... Or leave the country immediately."
Streetsweeper as yin-yang

"Street sweeper represents Yin-Yang. Two cylindrical units in between a machine of harmony. It contributes to the greenhouse gas effect while simultaneously alleviating the water runoff pollution problem. I knew that there was something righteous about these very surreal yellow monstrosities when I first saw one in 1994. Whenever I see a street sweeper I get down on my knees and bow my head in respect."
Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on May 08, 2012, 08:39:22 PM
Or it could just be done for you.

Or I could make you my internet girlfriend and we'll live happily ever after! So many possibilities!
Quote from: Cain on May 08, 2012, 08:26:14 PM
You should put that in your customizable profile title: Official Herpes Simplex Virus of PD.  I can make a little certificate for you and everything.

I'll do that if you visit the link in my OP, read through a few threads and choose one to recommend to the members here.
Quote from: Cain on May 08, 2012, 08:21:54 PM
I dunno, I would've said you were more like the herpes simplex virus.

Fair enough.

Quote from: Sir Squid Diddimus on May 08, 2012, 07:59:12 PM
I thought this guy fucked off?
oh well, whatever

I'm like malignant cancer cells that lie dormant in your body. Waiting for the prefect time to destroy your life.
Quote from: Iptuous on April 18, 2012, 03:17:05 AM
I was curious who 'this guy' might be.
search the quote, and see it's one "Jim 'fuck latinos' Carrey" at Zoklet....
oooooh-K.  :|

Jim 'fuck latinos' Carrey is probably the best poster in the history of the world. He is fucking hilarious. I highly recommend checking out his posting history. Seriously, thread after thread of hilarity. A unique voice of our times.
This is one of his most recent gems, titled

"Christian Power"

The public sleeps peaceably because hard Christians guard them in the night
Come on outside, Atheists, if you're looking for a fight
We've got knives, baseball bats and pomade in our hair
We slick it back with a comb because the texture is fair
Don't like it it? Don't care
You stupid fucking Atheist faggot
You're too proud to submit to the Lord
And for that your ass is getting gored
The entire football team is coming for your asshole tonight
When you hear our footsteps shaking the ground your body fills up with fright
And then you hear that twelve gauge shotgun a cocking
And the linemen's bitch tits were a flopping
Using the coach as a battering ram we bust open your door
You were startled by the screams of a whore
She runs down the hallway and says "grab the kids, run!!!"
Ha, this ought to be fun
We put lead in all of your family members
And post pictures on Zoklet for remembers
So let this be a lesson to you Atheist faggots
The Christians Shall Be Coming For You