
There's only a handful of you, and you're acting like obsessed lunatics.

I honestly wouldn't want to ever be washed up on the shore unconscious on an island run by you lot.

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Messages - Pergamos

Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 02, 2020, 03:17:32 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on November 02, 2020, 03:07:27 PM
Happy Birfday, Dok

Did you get any opportunity to celebrate? birthdays are weird, this time around.

My wife and I spent the day together, at home.

I'm okay with that.

Those can be the best birthdays.  Congratulations on making it another time around the sun.
Or Kill Me / Re: Stop demonizing medication.
October 25, 2020, 03:58:09 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on October 22, 2020, 02:22:17 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on October 22, 2020, 05:22:42 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on October 14, 2020, 09:21:52 PM

The only thing real going for it is that the drugs are REAL and cause real, psychoactive affects.
The only real thing going for it is's real?  Isn't that a good thing?

Not necessarially, as Fomalhaut said real drugs can cause more harm than sugar pills can, if used in the wrong circumstances.

A circular saw isn't necessarially as good at cutting wood as a butter knife, since the saw makes it possible to cut the wood to the wrong length.

In the hands of an incompetent a butter knife is WAY better for cutting wood, since the incompetent is far less likely to cut their (or my) leg off.  The average Homeopathic doctor is an incompetent, are you sure the average Psychiatrist isn't also an incompetent?
Or Kill Me / Re: Stop demonizing medication.
October 22, 2020, 05:22:42 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on October 14, 2020, 09:21:52 PM

The only thing real going for it is that the drugs are REAL and cause real, psychoactive affects.
The only real thing going for it is's real?  Isn't that a good thing?

Not necessarially, as Fomalhaut said real drugs can cause more harm than sugar pills can, if used in the wrong circumstances.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
October 16, 2020, 01:28:16 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on October 15, 2020, 12:36:33 PM
So now another boog got himself shot physically striking and then pepper spraying an activist.

At some point, this boog image of lefties as soy milk-swilling, skinny jean-wearing wimps will have to change.  I mean, that's two "good boogs" in 6 weeks.

That was not an activist, that was a pinkerton.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 14, 2020, 10:40:20 PM
Quote from: Faust on September 14, 2020, 09:36:44 PM
This fucking "blockade" story they are pushing:
The choice was simple, border across the land, dividing Ireland, and Ireland will never ratify a trade deal, or a border down the sea.
Free movement of goods only stops if the UK drops its standards on foods and good.

And if, if they had a point to complain on that the time was last year: the outcome was clearly stated and reported on, and complained about by the DUP, and then ratified and voted in by their party in the international treaty that was signed in January.

The problem is that you are dealing with an even sloppier version of Trump.

One without the world's largest military to enforce his whims.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
September 02, 2020, 01:08:41 AM
Quote from: altered on August 29, 2020, 06:08:13 AM
If cops get killed by leftist protestors, it's game over. That's so astoundingly stupid that any leftist I know, even the astoundingly stupid ones, would call it astoundingly stupid.

If the cops decide to play hard, it'll be more like Vietnam, except without the guns and foreign military support on the communist side. Just burning cities and butchered innocents. You fucking idiot.

I didn't say it was a good idea.  The cop will probably be killed by a boog, but they'll still blame antifa.
Quote from: Bruno on August 10, 2020, 08:21:40 AM
Quote from: The Johnny on August 10, 2020, 05:42:27 AM
Quote from: Bruno on August 10, 2020, 04:57:32 AM
Yeah, but there's no more stable rock to cut a face out of. They'd have to convert one of the existing faces.


They could cut into some of the unstable rock, possibly wrecking the whole thing which would be fucking hilarious.

Win-Win situation

We need a monument to American avarice and stupidity. This would be perfect.

Of course, If all the faces fell off, they'd blame it on A.N.T.I.F.A. terrorists, and their base would believe it 100%.

If some antifa group didn't claim credit it would be a huge missed opportunity.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: So about these riots...
August 29, 2020, 04:09:12 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 28, 2020, 05:24:35 PM
Quote from: Cain on August 28, 2020, 11:26:41 AM
So basically he's fucked unless some Trumpist judge gets a hold of the case. That's good to hear.

What worries me more is the outright glee with which his actions are being defended by the "mainstreamers" of Neo-Nazi bullshit into acceptable rightwing discourse. Most notably Tucker Carlson, of course, but also a whole host of lesser known, if no less influential, online pundits. Once they're able to justify straight-up travelling to murder protestors...well, we know where that leads.

Well, we'll see what happens to that attitude when the next obvious thing happens and some boogs get assassinated.

Or some cops
In Washington it just didn't stop raining,  Usually it stops in July, it didn't.  We've had a little summer heat, and then it started raining in August too, which it really doesn't do.

Better than what you poor saps are getting, but still concerning.
Quote from: Chelagoras The Boulder on July 29, 2020, 07:50:14 AM
Hey guys, I'm back! 2020 has somehow failed to kill me thus far. should ask for my fucking money back.

recently got a new job producing spiritually themed candles for a local small business. Pays better and is safer than what i would have been doing before the pandemic, so i'm pretty happy with it. Also we make dick candles, which is still funny.

Spiritually themed dicks?
Tucson has a poutine place.  America Fries, or something.  It's very decidedly Poutine, not Canadian.

Bellingham has an actually Canadian poutine place.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Cancel Culture
July 18, 2020, 02:12:51 AM
So how do we fight that sort of thing?  It sounds like the right is winning, which is very bad news for a lot of people.
Portland's Mayor condemned it, but there hasn't been any action by the Portland PD to actually stop it.
Quote from: Cramulus on July 16, 2020, 07:31:31 PM
You know those Bush Admin people who've been blasting out these anti-trump ads? Colbert's writers have not forgotten the Bush administration. This shit is BRUTAL:

Those guys look like Biden's path to the whitehouse to me.  He doesn't appeal to Lefties at all, he'll get plenty of Dem moderate votes, but that's not enough, the fact that he's also getting support from the Republican establishment is what can give him the edge over Trump.

Mind you, it also means he will be about as good a president as George W Bush.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: UNLIMITED 2020 THREAD
July 16, 2020, 01:18:55 PM
I feel like Epstein is a more likely type of person to adopt the ICE kids than your typical native baby grabber.  Things are even worse than they used to be.