
If it quacks like a sociopath, but also ponders its own sociopathy, it's probably just an asshole.

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Messages - Sita

Just so you know, I can do it from my laptop. I have no mobile phone.
And even though no one has asked I'll put the screenshot up as well.

Not that I really expect this to be seen or acknowledged.
I posted this in the other thread where it was brought up, guess it wasn't seen. I shall quote it now:
Quote from: Sita on September 08, 2011, 10:41:39 PM
Quote from: Nigel on September 07, 2011, 09:10:12 PM
They don't even make a pretense of deleting them. When you hit the x next to a message, it archives it, and you can see all your archived messages since forever by clicking the magnifying glass next to the "search messages" box at the top left of the message screen, and selecting "archived messages" from the drop-down menu.

Since this seems to be an issue, yes you can delete messages on Facebook. If you do it from your inbox, clicking the x will archive it. But if you go into the message itself you can delete it. If needed I will make a screen shot to demonstrate.
I had actually forgotten about the place. Guess I should drop in and see how boring it is.
And what if there is no basis for your opinions that you can find?
Quote from: Luna on September 12, 2011, 09:00:18 PM
Quote from: Sita on September 12, 2011, 08:54:23 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 12, 2011, 08:40:10 PM
Quote from: Sita on September 12, 2011, 08:37:58 PM
I will continue to read and watch forums without posting much, thank you very much.
My opinions I tend to keep to myself. They are generally not of the popular opinion, therefore I would probably get torn to pieces for them. I tend to try and avoid that type of thing.

Why?   :?

Quote from: Sita on September 12, 2011, 08:37:58 PM

Parts of this post has been backspaced and the whole thing close to not even being posted at least 20 times. And I just know I'm gonna regret it.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.  We MIGHT give you a ration of shit, but at least we won't arrest you.

Because I've seen how y'all handle people that you don't agree with. I just can't handle that shit when directed at me.

If everyone in the world agreed on everything, there'd only be one flavor of ice cream. Fuck THAT noise.  I can't speak for anybody but me, but if you have an opinion that differs from mine and can defend it with anything other than "because GAWD sez so," I want to hear it.  Prove me wrong, sometime.  How is anybody supposed to learn anything if their opinions aren't challenged?
Ah, see that is the problem with me. I can't prove any of my opinions (which if it can be proven, then isn't it fact or something and not opinion anymore?). I don't think "because GAWD sez so", as you put it, but most times all I can say is that is how I feel.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 12, 2011, 08:40:10 PM
Quote from: Sita on September 12, 2011, 08:37:58 PM
I will continue to read and watch forums without posting much, thank you very much.
My opinions I tend to keep to myself. They are generally not of the popular opinion, therefore I would probably get torn to pieces for them. I tend to try and avoid that type of thing.

Why?   :?

Quote from: Sita on September 12, 2011, 08:37:58 PM

Parts of this post has been backspaced and the whole thing close to not even being posted at least 20 times. And I just know I'm gonna regret it.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.  We MIGHT give you a ration of shit, but at least we won't arrest you.

Because I've seen how y'all handle people that you don't agree with. I just can't handle that shit when directed at me.
I will continue to read and watch forums without posting much, thank you very much.
My opinions I tend to keep to myself. They are generally not of the popular opinion, therefore I would probably get torn to pieces for them. I tend to try and avoid that type of thing.

Parts of this post has been backspaced and the whole thing close to not even being posted at least 20 times. And I just know I'm gonna regret it.
Quote from: Nigel on September 07, 2011, 09:10:12 PM
They don't even make a pretense of deleting them. When you hit the x next to a message, it archives it, and you can see all your archived messages since forever by clicking the magnifying glass next to the "search messages" box at the top left of the message screen, and selecting "archived messages" from the drop-down menu.

Since this seems to be an issue, yes you can delete messages on Facebook. If you do it from your inbox, clicking the x will archive it. But if you go into the message itself you can delete it. If needed I will make a screen shot to demonstrate.
Quote from: Khara on September 08, 2011, 08:24:12 PM
I'll start.....

And people wonder why I don't wear anything backless anymore (and my back looks better than those).
There is a size limit for spaghetti straps and backless tops, people :roll:
And if there isn't, there should be.
Another reminder that a previously SFW thread, despite stating the contrary, can turn NSFW in an instant.
Thank god I always have a folder I can put up in front of the screen at a moments notice.
I should not have looked up what balut was  :|
I've always had a slight fear of opening an egg to find it had an occupant, more so if it is a boiled egg. I have a thing against eating babies.
Quote from: Anna Mae Bollocks on August 13, 2011, 07:14:10 AM
Giant scorpion flies with WORKING stingers.

That is something I could have gone longer without knowing it existed.
I have this thing against flying things that bite/sting.  :scared:

eta: having looked up this bug I am glad that the stinger is, in fact, not a stinger. But still...
I knew there was a reason I never let my son watch that show beyond the fact everyone looked like clowns
I have a twitter if anyone cares about my slight irritations on insignificant things and what chores I might happen to be doing.
It does not get constant updates, in fact I can go for weeks without posting something at times. Mainly because I forget about it :lol:
Quote from: BabylonHoruv on August 09, 2011, 03:41:45 PM
I can't see a new forum doing any better, since it'd just be clearing things out, as far as pulling the plug, I'm considering it, WK seems to have walked away from it all so I can see her going along with that decision pretty easily.  She's said there are lurkers who want to see it continue and I am giving them time to crawl out and actually express that.
If there are people lurking then they probably won't come out and say anything until all the 'trouble makers' leave.
If there is a feeling, no matter if right or wrong, that they might get attacked they will keep their mouths shut.
Though if it is a serious consideration of shutting the place down you really should make a post to that effect. It might have a slim chance of those lurkers posting.