
Endorsement from MysticWicks: "The most fatuous, manipulative, and venomous people to be found here are all of the discordian genre."

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Messages - Sita

Quote from: Your Mom on June 21, 2011, 11:38:07 PM
Here, I'll just post my own advice:

"Just buy a new computer. Any will do".

Pretty much this, actually. If you aren't into gaming with the machine you don't need top line.
Make sure it has at least 3GB memory, because anything less than that will slow you down. And if you are doing any video (not sure if it's the same for just graphics) then don't have an on board video card if possible.

As to brands, I'm not sure really anymore. My laptop's an Acer, only problems I've had with it is due to age (it's close to 6 years old)
I so want this game. Sadly I'll have to wait until it hits the used shelf.
I spend more time on the computer than I really should.
I do housework. I fix meals.
I occasionally play on the 360.
I read, though not as much as I used to.
I keep trying to learn to play the piano.
I easily get distracted and/or bored with stuff. Even things that I love doing.
Another forum for me to lurk at can't hurt :)
Quote from: Your Mom on June 05, 2011, 03:33:23 PM
Listening to my son watching Youtube videos of people playing Minecraft. And yelling a lot.  :roll: I fail to understand how watching videos of someone else playing a video game is entertaining. It's even more boring than watching someone play a video game in person.
For me it's more about the commentary than the game play. If the commentary is awful or nonexistent then it doesn't matter how good the game is, the whole thing gets boring unless you are watching just to see how to get past a certain point.
Quote from: LMNO, PhD on May 25, 2011, 02:46:50 PM
Haven't heard those either :(

Quote from: Luna on May 25, 2011, 02:48:51 PM
Quote from: Sita on May 25, 2011, 02:44:10 PM
The 2005 version was a disgrace. I much prefer the one from the 80s.

One of these days I will get around to actually reading the books.

You haven't...  Cripes...  You're lucky, you still have that to look forward to.   :D  Go, read 'em.
As soon as I get a little spare cash I'm getting them (or the big book I saw that has 'em all in one) :)
The 2005 version was a disgrace. I much prefer the one from the 80s.

One of these days I will get around to actually reading the books.
I knew very little about the back story to EB&G (since I joined in Jan of '07), so that was nice to read.
I found it to be a nice community, but I consider this to be a nice community too.
Then my definition of nice does not equal sugar and fluff and everyone gets along, but that there is a good range of people and viewpoints and, generally, things are discussed in a civil manner.

It was definitely more laid back. Which I liked, and hope it will get back to eventually.
I got an email too. Seems childish you wouldn't get one.
Sucks that the PMs will be purged.
Gotta figure out a way to save them now :(
The cheer she refused to say was:
"Two, four, six, eight, ten, come on, Rakheem, put it in."
according to this site

Reading that I can understand her not wanting to say it even more.
My shitty mood this morning says just kill them all. Soon everyone will be dead and the world will be a better place without all these problematic humans about.

Non-shitty mood says let them have books and newspapers. Either that or make sure everyone is in a padded cell because with nothing to keep their minds active they'll end up crazy.

As to who ends up in prison: If you're there you have damn bad luck, simple as that. Whether innocent or guilty, the fact someone singled you out is some of the shittiest luck in the world. The system needs a change but damned if I know how.
Quote from: Luna on May 06, 2011, 08:36:29 PM
Quote from: trippinprincezz13 on May 06, 2011, 08:33:26 PM
One of my younger sister's friends is getting married this summer – both still live at home, part time jobs, in school. I mean no offense, but really?

Fucking hell.

Life lesson, never, EVER marry anybody who hasn't had to sweat paying rent.  If they can't exist as a functioning human under their own power, you're going to be carrying their sorry ass either for the rest of his or her life, or until you get tired of the load and chuck it to the curb.

And if you've never sweated paying rent, get out there and figure out how to get by on your own BEFORE you pick somebody else to lean on.  Some day you might HAVE to do it alone, and you're gonna be in piss poor shape if you haven't learned the skills.

Oh if only someone had told me that when I was younger. I went straight from home to marriage. I had about 6 months experience working doing dishes before I got pregnant and had to stop.

Now I'm 30 with no work experience (because, seriously, doing dishes is something anyone can do) and hoping that something doesn't happen to hubby that he isn't able to work. It seems that no one wants to hire a 30 year old woman whose been a stay at home mom for the past 9 years.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Cain
September 06, 2010, 02:21:03 PM
MW is another forum that is not well liked around here (and other places)
So if that is in your email addy (which I wouldn't know as it is hidden) then that is probably the funny
Age: 29
Location: Florida
Occupation: Stay at home Mom

Free time is spent either gaming, reading or tinkering with stuff

Things I like: Mythology and Mysticism (studying the history of and such), Star Trek, Horror and Sci-Fi in general
At one time wanted to get into engineering or computer programming

One might also know me as Sitalique (though I don't think I ever used the long version here)

This is the closest you will get to a picture of me: