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Messages - The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Eris von TartarusRoger, i bow to your words and say:

My whole bloody existance is disrupting enough. how often have people begun to argue just because of my strange presence. i do seomethin, or even wear a special style of clothing and heads turn and people begin to talk. i just do not give a fucking damn about what people think. well sometimes it feels strange to be looked at because of sublime freakishness but on the other hand i would rather be the way i am than a stramline slave fish swimming along with the rest of the swarm.

do you know what i mean. you think nothing special about yourself and your appearance, but people give you stares and funny looks. especially greyface teenagers or uppity office geeks. on good days i love it. on bad hair days i could draw a gun and shoot. but whats violence good for? rather exist on the way i always have and do more lasting harm till i die.

I know exactly what you mean.

But WHO suggested violence?  Not fact, if you will read the responses, you will see that I counselled AGAINST it, as a tool of the CoN, a tool which cannot be trusted.
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCOkay. But How' bout the occasional fat politician? I mean I have these boxes of ammo and they take up a lot of space.

What good would THAT do?  You may as well bail the ocean with a teaspoon.

The system ITSELF is rotten to the core...utterly without ANY redeeming virtues.  All you would do is generate "Belt-way kill", which would fester in the sun, causing a miasma almost rivalling that of the current administration.
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCI know. But my fingers are so itchy. I have to shoot.

Do it on your own time.  We have gears to throw sand in,  rallies to disrupt, police cars to bumpersticker ("OBEY"), and other hienous activities that will, eventually, get us smashed flat by the CoN.

And election year is coming fast...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCThe Man is Amazing. *Sobs* *Repents of his own vile Cthulu-eating ways*

Thanks Roger. *sniffs*

*Aims browning rifle out the window*....

Well, okay, then...The Mighty, Mighty Rev absolves you.

Shooting isn't going to help, though...that is the tool of the CoN.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #18: DOOM
July 22, 2003, 11:31:04 PM
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCThough we stand in the valley of DOOM, be not afraid. However, run if you should happen to see DUMB.

I have bad news for you...this is the AGE OF DUMB.

Just look around you.

(Not too quickly or obviously, though.  Don't let THEM know you know...)
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCI just read the sermon again and it is still beautiful.

Why, thank you.  Actually, I considered it one of my less inpired pieces...but that just goes to show that the least accurate critic a writer has is himself.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #18: DOOM
July 14, 2003, 01:26:39 AM
Quote from: Miss SilverThere isn't a law, yet.  As the saying goes...

"Did you know there's a million dollars buried in the house next door?
There is no house next door.
Then let's go build one!
- Marx

Miss Silver

What do you mean?
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #18: DOOM
July 12, 2003, 08:01:48 PM
Quote from: RiffHeh, not me!  I'm 27, got a bad foot, and I'm perfectly willing to describe how much LSD I've done in my lifetime.

1.  You had better have documentation on that foot.

2.  The draft age is legally 18-35, though they usually take 18-26, so you might be ok.

3.  In a non-volunteer army, they don't care if you did drugs.
What the hell.

It's not like I haven't changed diapers on a few of my own...
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #18: DOOM
July 12, 2003, 12:31:50 AM
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCAlright. Enough of that. Let's get back on track...which was exactly what?

It was DOOM!.

That, and the fact that you will all be drafted by this time next year, as NixonBush has three (3) new wars planned:  Liberia, Senegal, and South Africa.

Trust me on this, for I am the Right Reverend Roger, and I know the face of doom.
He IS warm-blooded.  Apparently, though, you must be standing in COLD blood to kill him.
Quote from: RiffSubgenii are okay in general, but I still hate "Bob".  Sneaky fucker... never trust a bastard that smiles all the time.

As do all good subgenii.

If you meet "Bob:, kill "Bob", in cold blood.
No, he only smokes the finest frop in his pipe.

Or does the pipe smoke him???
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCReverend,
There is also Bob's pipe which will smoke all the doom.

Provided, of course, that "Bob" isn't being PAID to instigate the DDOM.  Which he would, of course, if paid enough.