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Messages - P3nT4gR4m

You telling me all of this is cos of celestial hackers, trying to get god to type in his bank details? Finally, a metaphysics I can get behind! :lulz:
Bring and Brag / Re: Your Place
May 30, 2020, 02:05:38 PM
Poo and hippies more than welcome in any of my threads
Bring and Brag / Re: Your Place
May 27, 2020, 11:32:02 PM
Good to know. It was designed to be read in-quiet :lol:
Bring and Brag / Your Place
May 27, 2020, 01:35:41 PM
No one gives a shit about the slightest fuckin thing that you think they should
Boo Hoo!
You know the score but they want more and it's a point that you can never prove
Screw you!
This empty feeling like a hole that's getting deeper as you dig away
Tough love!
And death is coming to the ones who think they'll live to fight another day
Lord above!

You flip the mirror round the whole world turns to shit just like a ricochet
Suck it up!
A million shiny uniforms all marching round in circles tryin to save the day
We're fucked!
Agreed in principle but quibble over details till it's all too late
Their law!
You talk love but you only pay attention to the ones you hate
Last straw!

With your finger on the trigger and the muzzle in your mouth
you mumble liberty and glory to the south
You talk of truth but it's just too damn hard to face
bullet in the chamber gonna put you in your place

Your house is made of paper it's about to get a visit from a wrecking ball
Break free!
Baby's in the branches but the only way to get him down is let him fall
Shake the tree!
A golden handshake from the man who makes the money from your privacy
Seventh son!
Charity begins with someone suffering in torment for the world to see
Home run!

Your bones are broken as their laughter fills the hallways of eternity
Free will!
This pretty picture painted over something ugly that's too dark to see
Speed kills!
Unanswered questions leave a trail of desperation through your jaded life
Some day!
The wound made deeper by the lies and broken promises that twist the knife
Let's pray!

With the weight of disappointment hanging heavy on your back
you double down on dissonance and ready the attack
You talk of mercy but that aint no saving grace
bullet in the chamber gonna put you in your place
Quote from: Brother Flight Risk on May 14, 2020, 09:23:39 AM
I'm unreasonably nervous about this but I'm unreasonably nervous about everything anyway so fuck it; I discovered these forums specifically a few years ago and dipped in lurking like a hedge dweller at various times since about 2010 but never joined the forum. From what I've read it's at once hilarious and frightful, well done!

Having first discovered Discordia vaguely through The KLF as a teenager without really understanding what it was all about, then again reading Illuminatus! at college whilst I was supposed to be reading other things, I've found it curious that I've been drawn to this glorious nonsense time and again, usually at times of personal, local or global crisis, so here I am again. I still don't really understand what it's all about.

I have mostly all my own teeth (half a fake one due to a Wine Accident, but you'd never know it to look at me). I'm from N Ireland, the bit of the island that is still owned by the UK, specifically the north-eastern part that looks like a droopy penis; in fact the town where I was born is nestled right in the scrotum.

I hereby confirm that I know absolutely nothing and I hope this communication finds you all ALERT, during this, The Slow Apocalypse.

Holy fuck, this one actually sounds like a biped!

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 07, 2020, 03:42:35 PM
Hey Jim,

Remember the privilege threads?  Sure you do.  It was a hoot.  People would line up and scream at you for privilege, without explaining what it meant.  If you reacted badly, even with good intent, you were "part of the problem," and if you reacted properly, you were a "cookie seeker."  No bastard would explain what anything meant until Corbet Et Renard took literally less than three sentences to explain it...But that seemed to suck all the fun out of the situation (almost , so all that was left was a bunch of miseryguts sitting around lamenting the state of the world and their role in it.

So I've been looking at this whole MAGA business and giving it a second thought.  And then a third thought.  And speaking as an old school discordian, I have to say that it does not suit my interests for these knucklefucks to actually, you know, get the point.  I hate them and they hate me, and we're all very comfortable with that arrangement. 

You have your discordia, I have mine.


This! We have a over supply of dumb, programmable fucknuggets and I'm not even bordering on liberal or humanitarian so I have significantly less than zero compunctions about exploiting their gullibility to make them give me money or inject weedkiller in their carotid, just for the lulz.
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on May 06, 2020, 09:08:32 PM
Lurk more isn't hard and people shouldn't be offended when they're told to do it. Bite me.

Whenever I hear "people shouldn't" I immediately think of Hans Christian Andersen
Quote from: LMNO on May 06, 2020, 04:47:25 PM
Lastly, especially speaking from a political POV, it's easier to win when you don't give a shit about cheating.  This is an over generalization, but they way it seems to play out is the Left tends to be reluctant to flatly lie to people and contradict previous positions.  Yes, 'both sides do it', but one side accepts Mitch "fuck your standards of decency" McConnell as a respected peer.

Great point. Especially in a climate where the truth is generally a pretty bitter pill for a lot of people to swallow. I've been telling left leaning people to fight bullshit with bullshit for decades now. It's falling on deaf ears. I'm actually doing some pretty epic work right now with facial capture and photorealistic digital humans. I have a few ideas for shorts and one that sprung to mind was Trump reminiscing about this one time he was fucking ivanka in the ass... My thinking is that, although it would be instantly discredited as fake, the deeper human psyche would find itself in a - can't unsee - scenario. Use the root of prejudice against the fuckers for a change.
As a sweeping generalisation, based on observation. The right tend toward, the exact, over simplistic interpretations that uneducated people crave. "The simple truth". Much more compelling and easy to swallow than a whole bunch of complex and nuanced shit that takes decades to fully understand. The left on the other hand, are generally supercilious twats who look down their noses at anyone with the audacity to espouse a point of view that has a rational counterargument.

The right operate on a more basic and visceral primate level where might=right and the application of physical violence is the ultimate trump card to solve any difference of opinion. The right generally abhor violence and, as a result, on aggregate, aren't very good at it. They prefer the psychological equivalent, belittling, demonising and dehumanising verbally until the point is driven home.

Turns out the pen is not actually the best weapon to be holding in a sword fight so the left are generally trampled by the right in any deadlock situation, their main defence being to retreat away from the gunfire and write toothless, scathing criticism from a "safe space"

The balanced approach would be to accept that there's a time to impart words of wisdom and a time to kick a hole in the other guy's face. The belittling, demonising and dehumanising thing? That's intellectual wanking. Feels good and might well get you laid if some patchouli scented substitute teacher happens to overhear you laying on a verbal smackdown but, ultimately it doesn't solve anywhere near as many problems as the other two bullets in your arsenal.
Quote from: Cramulus on April 20, 2020, 01:48:48 PM
trying to predict the future by imagining the worst possible scenario

Following public health guidelines is now politicised. In a just world, this would only hurt the people not respecting social distancing.

In my mind, the worst case scenario is that a lot of people die, and then the Trump camp claims that it's not a big deal at all and does a victory lap.

And look - America hasn't cared about deaths at this scale for a long time. 647,000 Americans die each year from heart disease. Covid has killed 40k americans so far. So even if you multiply the covid deaths by 10, it's still not on par with heart disease, and we stomach that every year. I think about how all those kids got shot to death at Sandy Hook and we didn't do anything about it. In fact, the biggest long-term response to Sandy Hook was calling the victim's families liars and showing up in person to troll them. So I don't have faith that reality will ever land for these people.

The other worst case scenario I can imagine is that there's another covid wave, and November's getting closer and closer, so Trump decides to crack down at a federal level, but in ways that fuck up urban areas. Like basically any action that would intensify supply chain shorts (such as the proposal to slash salaries for H-1B visas, which fucks migrant farm workers that came here legally). And then we're in a situation where we actually do need to be liberated from the quarantine, but we've built a huge case about how irresponsible that would be.

Multiplying the deaths by 10 isn't even looking like a realistic best-case right now. WHO estimates 2-3% global exposure. That would mean we're only just getting warmed up.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 18, 2020, 11:45:16 PM

QuoteGuests prepared for a ukulele concert, played bridge at shared tables, and took line-dancing classes. That night, Laurie Miller and her husband, John, attended True or Moo, a show featuring an emcee in a cow costume; the following morning, John joined about 200 other passengers in the ship's Broadway-style theater for a lecture on Clint Eastwood movies.

Everyone should die.

Everybody does  8)
I've been in my own personal hell. Twice now. This shit is more like bargain basement heaven. :|
If you're pissing off the left and the right, I call that "The Sweet Spot"
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 17, 2020, 06:17:25 PM
Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on April 17, 2020, 05:05:14 PM
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 16, 2020, 11:58:10 PM
I'm very interested in the website. The graphic is clear and shows the US WAY out in the lead... lucky US.


Not even an also ran, mate. Per capita we're more than double your paltry efforts :argh!:

Look you wanna talk numbers? You wanna talk numbers and you want them to be right numbers. I've seen them. I've seen the big numbers. The not so big numbers. Some of it is amazing. These numbers are doing incredible thinks while I think them. Sometimes. you gotta sometimes put the not-so good numbers to the side. You just got to do better. But who has the time right? So you take the numbers you can trust from not the fake media,because they're not honest. You don't get the numbers there. You just give them to the people. People will know. People understand numbers better, I think, than the media and even, let's be honest, some medical people.


Wait, you're the donald's speech writer? Whose side you on?  :argh!:
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 16, 2020, 11:58:10 PM
I'm very interested in the website. The graphic is clear and shows the US WAY out in the lead... lucky US.


Not even an also ran, mate. Per capita we're more than double your paltry efforts :argh!: