
MysticWicks endorsement: "Spoiled brats of the pagan world, I thought. I really don't have a lot of respect for Discordians. They just strike me as spiritually lazy."

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Messages - barumunk

Quote from: Cain on February 25, 2008, 05:13:49 PM
Quote from: DORADA on February 25, 2008, 09:36:49 AM
:lulz:first read the book please

1st ed. D&D?


Will it help me complete Neverwinter Nights faster?

hahahaha not likely that game was pooh. and im not sure how else it could have been an enlightening read :D
Lifetide, Gift of Unknown Things, and The Romeo Error... all by Lyle Watson

:fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:

and Sophie's World (I really dug it, twas my introduction/crash-course in philosophy)
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
February 25, 2008, 04:43:44 PM
Quote from: LMNO on February 19, 2008, 01:30:15 PM
So Hoops, are you saying that the entire Barstool Experiment can be summed up as Sophistry?

um would that be the derogatory term or the philosophical line of thought  :wink:
or just maybe a deliberate pun.... that would be be outta character tho :D
those be damn cool! 
so far i like #54 de mostest
Bring and Brag / Re: Moar fotos!
February 20, 2008, 09:37:38 AM
the pic with the green train going by and the green platform pillar is frikken awesome!!!!!!
:mittens: :mittens:

do you have them ona flickr account?
Or Kill Me / Re: You are a slave.
February 20, 2008, 09:20:52 AM
Quote from: Fjordd Luftwaffle-Popp on February 19, 2008, 08:23:04 PM
Quote from: Vladimir Estragon on February 19, 2008, 02:43:20 AM

The cult of conformity has made you weak and afraid... You allow them to do this because you don't like who the fuck you are and are to lazy to become the vision that is in your head...

We have moved past the time for polite indifference.

... you are a slave.

So what exactly do you propose I/we do about it ?

Whining is always a good place to start I suppose.


Lets raise a peoples army and seize control of the state. That'll show teh fuckers.

I second-and-a-half that motion!
Literate Chaotic / Re: Twain... which twain
February 20, 2008, 08:10:22 AM
Quote from: Ratatosk on February 19, 2008, 02:25:25 PM
Quote from: barumunk on February 19, 2008, 09:59:10 AM
Quote from: Ratatosk on February 18, 2008, 05:03:47 PM
So have you started on any Twain yet? ;-)
um not as yet, im trying to finish all the books Ive started recently before moving on (lest the pile gets outta hand)
im busy with 1984 :D

and I plan on reading twain only in hard copy, so thanks to your list i kinda know what to look out for.
and in the interim ive bought "a connecticut yanky in King Arthurs court" by twain, but looks bad (im trusting the overall review of twain as to whether its worth the read) so i'll give it a try.

but im looking out/forward for/to those others you mentioned.


I would put Connecticut Yankee toward the bottom of a Twain list, unfortunately...

yeah the cover didnt look promising, but hey thawt i'd not judge it from the cover. hehehe but the title didnt leave much to teh imagination. I'll keep looking for those others
hahah cool pics suu.

I was wondering what was up going through new postes and suddenly every1 started to have the same kinda avatar, twas like a conspiracy. but then i found this thread, only to find out it was a big conspiracy.
Principia Discussion / Re: Indie Party Tunes
February 19, 2008, 03:04:25 PM
Principia Discussion / Re: ATTN: Colbert or Writer
February 19, 2008, 11:50:11 AM
Quote from: Cain on February 19, 2008, 11:08:02 AM
Tha Dalai Lama approves of Indian nuclear weapon tests.

isnt that just cus they giving him political refuge?
I'd also rather say yes to nuclear testing than Die! :D
Or Kill Me / Re: You are a slave.
February 19, 2008, 10:58:20 AM
tis very bleak.
and sadly true for most 1st world citizens.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Twain... which twain
February 19, 2008, 09:59:10 AM
Quote from: Ratatosk on February 18, 2008, 05:03:47 PM
So have you started on any Twain yet? ;-)
um not as yet, im trying to finish all the books Ive started recently before moving on (lest the pile gets outta hand)
im busy with 1984 :D

and I plan on reading twain only in hard copy, so thanks to your list i kinda know what to look out for.
and in the interim ive bought "a connecticut yanky in King Arthurs court" by twain, but looks bad (im trusting the overall review of twain as to whether its worth the read) so i'll give it a try.

but im looking out/forward for/to those others you mentioned.


Quote from: Janvier on February 18, 2008, 03:05:24 PM
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on February 18, 2008, 02:39:37 PM
I didn't have a problem with the humor either.  But I'm into that kind of cornball/punny humor.  But I also know that not a lot of people these days are.  Yeah, the BIP message was substantially different.  In a certain respect, it was really written for the time it was written in.  The Bush Presidency has brought us tons of crap to deal with.  Yet, it feels like a majority of Americans are too apathetic to actually want to do anything about it.  They are perfectly happy as long as they still have their American Idol being pumped into their living rooms.  Anyone who lives in the states may have noticed how the Gov't is offering coupons for people who still receive analog signals for their television.  The gov't is really concerned about the public losing their teevees.  I think that is very telling.
I was wondering whether our disagreement is fueled in part by the fact that I don't live in America... I'm a (Czech/)Dutchie.

um No I dont think thats It, Im from South Africa and I still disagree with you :D
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on February 18, 2008, 01:43:59 PM
Honestly, as time goes on the PD, in my opinion, will have less and less impact.  Because the one big mistake Hill and Thornley made when they put the PD together is in how then constructed their message.  Obvioulsy, the philosophies are timeless, but the way they framed it isn't necessarily so.  The 50s humor just doesn't translate very well in 2000.  Oh sure, some people will still get it, but many will be instantly turned off by it.  Think of anyone who hates the Three Stooges and that kind of old-school slapstick humor.  They will wrinkle their noses at the PD and not bother with it. 

This was one of the reasons for the BIP.  An attempt to reach some younger cats who aren't going to get into the old-thyme humor. 

And like I said earlier, it IS working.
Incidentally more so in Emo groups, acts more like frikken wildfire.
... but hey, the more the merrier.

Quote from: triple zero on February 18, 2008, 01:42:18 PM
Quote from: barumunk on February 18, 2008, 01:38:42 PM
Stick around Janvier, maybe you'll come round, as I did.


hahaha mother fucking zombie lords!!  :evilmad:
Quote from: Janvier on February 18, 2008, 01:11:02 PM
Quoteif the PD didn't tell you there's something wrong with you, read it again :lol:
I disagree. The PD told me that it's wrong to take anything too seriously. BIP takes itself too seriously.

Well the PD did say that if you can see the machine for what it is, and decide to go about your business anyway then you are a fucking Greyface! ... um sounds like telling someone there's something wrong with them if you ask me.

Its quite strange, I'm relatively new here too, and tis weird how not so long ago I had very similar criticisms of teh BIP. BUT not anymore. I think its kewl its more like a extra communication device, as apposed to a entity of its own. The BIP (and i dont mean to kiss arse (cus of all teh authors here), but its converted far more of the people I know to discordians than the PD on its own.)

its more of a philosophy/perspective of the how the world seems to work, within the discordian context/framework, which the the PD didnt really deliver. (in a relatively instantly digestive form)

bleah, I'm losing my train of thought again.

Stick around Janvier, maybe you'll come round, as I did.