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Messages - Don Coyote

Quote from: Doktor Howl on March 25, 2019, 04:42:59 PM
Welcome to Howl's World.

For real. I restrained myself full on shitting him because i am an adult and I actually do shut up and listen, when folks are talking other games I am not interested or about the intersection if racism and the like.

But the instant some punkasses start trying to say what dnd OUGHT to do, I just have to say 'why.' DND is always at worst the 3rd best game at doing any one thing. Like if the thrust of someone's arguement is 'shut up white boy get fucked.
Quote from: Hoopla! on March 25, 2019, 03:05:21 PM
Quote from: Don Coyote on March 25, 2019, 03:04:28 PM
Some little shit ass indie rpg designer deleted his whole fucking account including his storefront because I reported him for harassing me.

Details, please.


So, someone started up some noise about making the place for folks to set-up and selling rpg shit because drive-thru rpg takes a stupid big cut. We get a forum specif to table-top games.

There is a discussion on how games in general need more tools for narrative guidance. Sure, some do. Then op goes into why DnD NEEDS them. Shit like 'explaining what a dragon can mean metaphorically' and 'how to use violence to tell a narrative explicitly.' So I start asking questions. And I get misunderstood. And insulted. And misunderstood. Repeatedly. So I finally say, 'look I know what a fucking metaphor is. I have a fucking degree related to this.'

So THIS ASSHOLE doesn't even get into this thread, even through two of friends, were two different degrees of hostile to mean, who I both reported and nothing happened to them. This asshole white cis man makes a thread in the same subforum passive-aggressively saying white (cis) men need to  shut-up and not "explain and keep explaining and cite our qualifications and rephrase ourselves,' because I guess me being in ONE thread was dominating the forum.

So sure, he sort of had a point. I had no idea what I was doing a pattern of behavior that has a chilling effect on marginalized creators. But he ended with a  "ps if you think I am indirectly talking about you, I might be." At first I was, sure, maybe he has a point, kind of a rude shit with his childish ps.

Then I notice that him, and two of folks who were aggressive, and two of the mods, and another person who was 'reasonable' are all part of a small gaming cohort. And I start thinking, 'wait. I recognize this. This is a trolling tactic.'

So I called him out for calling me out, telling him to shut up because why the fuck should I listen to a white cis man telling me wut. And reported him for indirectly harassing me.

Another mod stepped in and gently reminded us to adhere to the code of conduct, which at a the time was in an inaccessible sub-forum.
Another mod locked and archived the thread after I reported the OP citing the breaking of the site code of conduct.

Then I find out this piece of shit was vague tweeting me on twitter crying about how I won an argument because I kept talking in the powers that be step in to support me.

Like no?


The forum, while still new, is kind of dead except for a bunch of theory wank. All of the game specific dev forums have minimal activity, and ostensibly this was supposed to be a place for trad and indie/story gamers to start talking to each other again. But all I see is mostly indie gamers wanking about theory.
Some little shit ass indie rpg designer deleted his whole fucking account including his storefront because I reported him for harassing me.
RPG Ghetto / Re: I made some nerd game shit
March 16, 2019, 09:28:15 PM
I wish you a speedy de-whelming.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on March 11, 2019, 03:16:13 AM
Tone policing is a funny thing.

If someone calls you out on something and you go along with it, that person - doesn't matter who it is - will start doing it more and more over less and less until you hate their stupid face.

Have you considered being really nice and passive aggressive instead of being a proper upright hominid?
Quote from: Telarus on March 10, 2019, 07:31:05 PM
Oh gods, I just accidentally a whole political thread on Kill me now.  :roll:

(Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.)

Surprised that I wasn't assaulted by Cram with this on tumblr.
WB Telarus.

In Coyote related news. I look to have made a massive 12.26 USD from my shitty storygame.
Or Kill Me / Re: Balance
March 01, 2019, 03:25:56 AM
Quote from: Al Qədic on March 01, 2019, 03:19:01 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on March 01, 2019, 03:15:21 AM
Yes.  The only reason to watch star wars is because, unlike real life, things are nice and black & white, the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad, and you can solve all of your problems by chopping people in half. mean chopping people in half doesn't solve all your problems?!  :horrormirth:

Well for one. You know have a messy corpse in at least 2 pieces you need to deal with.
Can we just all agree that Libertarians are just a bunch of toddlers who due their lack of object permanence and long term thinking just want to smoke weed and live in a more dystopic corporate dystopia?
Principia Discussion / Re: The New Wave
February 27, 2019, 07:06:29 PM
Noble-chan, could please define xenobia and xenophobic for the class?
Principia Discussion / Re: The New Wave
February 27, 2019, 05:23:37 PM
 This just in. Racists, Nazis, and trolls are the same class of checks notes foreigners, and therefore being mean to them is checks notes xenophobia.

In other news. Words have no meaning.
Principia Discussion / Re: The New Wave
February 26, 2019, 05:26:34 PM
Quote from: rong on February 26, 2019, 05:25:34 PM
lately, i've been floating the idea that this board is really just one person and a bunch of alts

Look. if I want to pretend my penis is a separate person and use it post on the board, then who are you to kinkshame me?
Quote from: Doktor Howl on February 26, 2019, 04:48:15 PM
Quote from: LMNO on February 26, 2019, 04:43:38 PM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on February 26, 2019, 01:12:12 AM
I cannot conceive of a libertarian solution to the tragedy of the commons.

The Libertarian solution is, "remove the commons".


It's actually "Take the commons the taxpayers paid for and just flat up *give* it to corporations of your choice."

"Please Corporation-sempai. Take my everything. Just be gentle"