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Messages - Slyph

Quote from: Sir Squid Diddimus on June 10, 2011, 07:50:28 AM
Ps- "malt liquor" doesn't always mean a 40 of colt 45. It just means strong (higher abv) ale/lager/beer with malted barley and little hop flavor [/party pooper]

It's a government term, a legal designation in some states, It's not a drinker's term.
Nasty Ice
It Felt Like A Kiss is p.short, I think it was shown in a gallery space and was only part of a larger "project" but I may be wrong.
Classic Youtube comment on Venetian Snares

"Wow you guys have a really good drummer..."
"Oh we're brother and sister"

I have a relationship with skepticism that basically amounts to "Whoah I've stumbled on to something." I'm not a particularly intelligent person, but I have an amazing ability to escape the usual pitfalls of being a dum-dum by following basic rules of evidence. My defining intellectual characteristic is that I see the flaws. I identify with "The Emperor's New Clothes" a lot. However, I find it way, way easier to break a doctrine than to create one. I'm not creative, but I'm sometimes rational.

I like to eat, drink and carouse. I like barbecue, I like burging, I like to cook, I like Das Racist, Bad Brains and Black Flag. Dubstep's okay. I like a lot of music. I can't make music, I can't even sing along, I sound like shit, but I like to listen. I think that while it's totally aok to wail on popular music, the versificator culture of the top ten, I try not to automatically shit on genres I don't automatically "get". I always try and give everything a fair hearing.

Big Adam Curtis fan.

I'm playing at being apolitical, because I want to be more rational. I want to suspend judgement until I've read more fucking books, but I'm inescapably Socialist at heart.

I'm from Liverpool, but I've lived in Janesville, WI and Chicago, IL. If I'm really pressed on the matter, I'd say I support Liverpool over Everton, but I don't really watch footie. I have nothing against it, I've loved every game I've ever watched, but I'm just so out of the loop now that I don't even know the player's names. I watched the last Superbowl, it was rad. I dug it, and Packers won, so that was cool too.

I've thought about escaping my scrub ass social care job to join either the Royal Navy or the US Army, but as a married man, (I married at 21) it'd be bloody irresponsible of me, I'm also aware that I'm uncoordinated and crap at sports, which would probably make me a poor seaman/soldier, anyway.

During a CAT scan to determine the cause of my clumsiness as a child, abnormalities never properly explained to me were found. "slight cerebral palsy" was mentioned, but I think that was for comparison. I'm pathologically forgetful, and I think it's related. I will forget your name, unless it's weird.

I try to be civil. It's an experiment, I wasn't always this way, I'm just trying something new. It's hard as fuck.
I think it's fine.
You forgot "25 Million Pounds"

"Barings Bank (1762 to 1995) was the oldest merchant bank in London until its collapse in 1995 after one of the bank's employees, Nick Leeson, lost £827 million ($1.3 billion) due to speculative investing, primarily in futures contracts, at the bank's Singapore office."
the Power of Nightmares is in part about how Neo-Conservatism and Islamism are co-parasitic. Since it's a familiar subject, I'd start with that one.
Quote from: Cain on June 08, 2011, 03:08:11 PM
The thing is, most terrorists view themselves as warriors anyway, so while they want to avoid death, at some level they accept it could happen and are mentally prepared for it.  They're not going to go out and try and get themselves killed, not if they can find a way to avoid it, but if they have to die, they're going to try and go down fighting.

That's why I found the propaganda about Bin Laden cowering and pleading for his life so hard to credit - people forget towards the end of the Afghan occupation by the Soviets, he took to the front lines and was involved in some of the most brutal fighting there.  A man willing to take up arms against the Red Army at its most brutal probably isn't especially fazed by Special Forces breaking into his place.

You reminded me of this:

QuoteIn truth, notions of "cowardice" and "bravery" are entirely irrelevant when we contemplate the horrors of terrorism. To call a terrorist "cowardly" is to substitute testosterone for morality. Somehow it isn't enough to abhor an act of terrorism or even to promise to make the terrorist pay dearly. The rules demand that the terrorist be branded a sissy. This is not only a childish reflex, but one that weakens the moral force of the condemnation and thereby dishonors terrorism's victims. After all, we don't want brave people to slaughter innocent people any more than we want cowardly people to do so. Still, the public seems to demand that our presidents call terrorists cowards, and our presidents are too--well, cowardly--to deny them.

Cain, can I dump linx to more Adam Curtis in here or is this just AWOBMOLB... I watched his Bearings' Bank doc recently, that was a good one.
Das Racist - Speaking in Tounges

fucken sooo good
Quotethe most important being enjoying the show.

SURE AM  :lulz:
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Sad news
June 07, 2011, 03:19:34 PM
In, not even pagan. Fuck it, it's a new board,  :kingmeh: