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Messages - P3nT4gR4m

Quote from: synaptyx on February 15, 2007, 02:26:44 PMYep, I see where your going with that. Interestingly. I'm going to attend a meeting of network marketers tonight in Glasgow.

Ima be in Glasgow tonight too. Small planet!
Yeah - Pick a side motherfuckers!  :evil:
Everything gets lost in the middle of a thread like this, that's the beauty of this place, only the regulars benefit from it. Kinda makes me feel special.
Someone who doesn't drink the kool aid, works on building up their memetic immune system or just plain uses their fucking head where all around them are plugging theirs into the machine.
Quote from: triple zero on February 15, 2007, 01:12:10 PM
we've been over this before, but i feel i need to add (my own view) an important elaboration on your point 4 :

4 - an example of people forgetting they're in prison, is when they forget that they are just primates, animals, and animals always have instincts and imprints. and oh how much do they want to forget, dressing up in their suits etc.
when people forget this and they still find themselves reacting in an instinctual way from time to time, they try very hard to rationalize their behaviour. from this mixup come a whole lot of the "sin" and "social norm" and "our people" and other straightjackets.

and even if the effect is not very pronounced in everybody, the cumulative effect still fuels the Machine.

:mittens: Wake up and smell the monkey!
Quoteif mental health is the same as forcing yourself to 'go along with the status quo', does it even make sense to be 'mentally healthy'?

i could have a bias here - so if it seems off point, then call me on it

Compare mental health to physical health. Poor mental health is anything from disease to paraplegia - this is a disadvantage in anyone's book. Socially accepted mental health is kinda like being a skinny emaciated runt or morbidly obese - society want's you tho be like this, yuo are a good consumer but in no condition to buck the status quo. Then there's the Health Freaktm this guy scares society becuse he is strong enough and lean enough to pose a problem if he puts his mind to it.

Society makes no distinction between poor mental health and the Health Freaktm mental equivalent - both are 'mentally ill' both are enemies of the state.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: what does....
February 15, 2007, 12:18:54 PM
Honey ants FTW
Call it what you will, baptism of fire, armageddon, hell on earth ... Only the strong and/or the incredibly stupid survive.
Quote from: LHX on February 14, 2007, 04:03:27 PM

is this a component of the generic map-in-progress here?

can we agree on the manner in which we disagree?


Inspired this tangential effort. Took me fucking ages too, so I don't care if no one likes it somebody had fucking better use it for something!

Quote from: LMNO on February 14, 2007, 02:42:55 PM
Oh No, More Discordian Chaos:  On the Eris-Specific terms of Chaos, Order, and Disorder.

When a bunch of pretentious Erisians get together to talk Shop, they usually babble away at each other with no real understanding of what anyone is talking about.  It,Äôs like the United Nations.

Anyway, to help, some of them came up with some terms and concepts to help figure out what they hell anyone is saying.

So, to start with, the Universe is Bullshit.  Please keep in mind, this is a Discordian specific definition of Bullshit.  So, this says that in the Universe, and every nanosecond that passes, something different is happening.  If you were to be able to observe the entire universe completely, down to the last quark, it would be impossible to discern what the hell is going on.  Simply put, Shit Happens.

Now, when you put a Human into the mix, they don,Äôt see Bullshit.  The Human brain is wired to seek out patterns. 

When the Human sees patterns that follow some sort of progression that Human understands and can follow, we call that ,ÄúOrder,,Äù as well as ,ÄúThe Aneristic Illusion,Äù.  Those patterns are still just Bullshit, but the Human mind has decided to separate it from its Universal surroundings.

When the Human cannot see a pattern, or cannot understand that a pattern exists, we call that ,ÄúBullshit,,Äù as well as ,ÄúBullshit,Äù.  The absence of a recognizable pattern is still just Bullshit, but the Human has decided to differentiate this from ,ÄúOrder,Äù.

In this way, Erisian say that those who hold Order over Disorder, or Disorder over Order, are both deluded by their Illusions.

Edit by way of emphasising the point I made earlier about the words taking second place to the meaning. Above is still   :mittens:  Regardless of terminology, message is same.
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on February 14, 2007, 02:17:09 PM
Do we think that even if we can come to some loose consensus of what chaos is that we can then impart that consensus on the larger populous, or at least portions of it.  I think 000 illustrated nicely a few posts ago at how different people think of "chaos", I think the example he gave of "your room is chaos" is a good one.  Of course this has a lot to do with how lazy society has become with language and words.  It seems like precision in language has been lost over time, or is it just me?

Language is constantly and chaotically :wink: evolving. Memes run rife. Not a problem as long as you introduce your word. Define it for the time being in the context of your essay - "Chaos is...." And don't get too hung up on the fact that it'll mean something different tomorrow. Only the meanings stay the same. The words are just fridge magnets.
Read the bit about "I wouldn't advise it..."
Quote from: Comrade Kenan on February 13, 2007, 07:11:58 PM
Hah. Totally, dude.

You wont get it ya dumb stoner bastard!

Ha can't believe I missed yuor 50th

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: what does....
February 13, 2007, 11:18:30 PM
Quote from: triple zero on February 13, 2007, 09:28:18 PM
Quote from: SillyCybin on February 13, 2007, 09:25:10 PMthey get fucking shot down in flames. Does one good to have ones shortcomings pointed out in this context.

should i take this as lighthearted as i hope i should?

Wasn't having a dig if that's what you mean. I have benefited from this trouncing whenever I have thought something stupid, makes rectification a much quicker process. Being called on bullshit is always a good thing. Especially if you actually believe it at the time.