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Messages - IntoxiChrist

While I concur with a great deal of Roger's commentary, one has to acknowledge a very ugly fact: The Greyfaces won decades ago, and it was groups such as the Hippies, Yippies, the violent revolutionaries, and yes, the Discordians, that allowed them to do so.

Americans no longer live in a society that allows the cognitive wiggle room that allows Discordianism - or Discord itself - to flourish. Americans are dumber than ever, to the point where some of us can no longer even reach them on a semantic level that allows for mindfucks or other "enlightening" practices. America knows television, and it seems pretty goddamned difficult to find any room for mental maneuvering within that stodgy and intellectually suffocating environment. There's no ammunition, and there's also no target.

Even when we manage to do something that gets on radar - via the evening news or NPR or the more popular blogs - we're hard-pressed to find a single damned perosn who will spend a second of their lives to even think about the act. With all the information at their disposal, Americans are better than ever at ignoring Damned Things.

Nevertheless, re-reading the Principia for the Nth time, it seems like the aforementioned anti-establishment groups did their jobs just fine. The Bureacracy destroys itself through the Game Without End of Order Imposition. At this point, the only way to even make the establishment take notice of you or your Discordian Mandate is to blow something up or kill people or destroy a tremendous amount of government property in a flashy way. That's Destructive Disorder, and condemned by the entire goddamned philosophy. So it seems, at this point, that the wisest course of action is to let the establishment paint itself into a corner, and Totally Flip Out.

So what do you do in the meantime?

The missus and I, on the other hand, are taking a course of action we consider to be saner for all involved - we're leaving. We're saving up for a vineyard in Italy. I'll go grow my grapes and drink my wine and avoid newspapers and television and the Internet like the plague. The loss of Hot Pockets and mass produced music delivered to my door and Cros'anwdwiches seems like a reasonable sacrifice.

Back to why Roger's right, however:

Reading between the lines of the Principia, you find that Discordianism is, like Islam or Zen or the Copenhagen Interpretation or the Ku Klux Klan, a philosophy.  Underneath (and contained inside) the jokes and nonsense you find a sort of Western Zen that other, more serious minds have been trying to create for decades. It seems to me, however, that a great deal of Discordians I've spoken with today are unwilling or unable to understand or even glimpse that underlying philosophy.

"Some say he is a holy man. Others say he is a shithead."

A great deal of what I've found on is meaningless chatter. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, contrary to the opinion of some, such as Roger. I think they attack this chatter because they think that, somehow, it's detracting from the discussion, evolution, and implementation of Discordian philosophy as more than retarded jokes and abused catchphrases.  They may believe that with a little less distraction, and a little more focus, could continue what the original group started.

I submit to you that many of you never intended to discuss those subjects to begin with.
Principia Discussion / Plug your cabal/disorganization
August 01, 2005, 10:12:51 PM
If it's still early enough to get in on this:

The Unorthodox Church of Inexplicable Whimsy, inspired by POEE, but closer to the JAMs in methodology.
Quote from: Zurtok Khan*ahem*

Freedom is not of the body, but of the mind and soul.

Slap the sage silly, please.

I disgaree. Of course, I don't see any demarcations between the mind and the body (the mind being the brain being integrated with the body to such a degree that the two are indistinguishable), and I seriously doubt the existence of the soul beyond metaphor. So, it stands to reason that I'd disagree.
Or Kill Me / <curious>
July 17, 2005, 11:06:35 AM
Quote from: Zurtok KhanIt did?


It did. Or, at least, it did to me. Here's my intepretation:

Looking for "mindblowing experiences" is assuming that those experiences are different, somehow, from "normal experiences", which really aren't normal at all. Since every signal creates a neuroendocrine response, which in turn extracts (or invents) new information, every sensory impression has the capacity to be mind-blowing. It's just an issue of being interested and observant enough.

Of course, you could've meant none of this, but who cares? It's a good statement on its own.
Or Kill Me / <curious>
July 17, 2005, 10:11:18 AM
Quote from: Zurtok KhanHrrm, I'm going to be a poumpus(sp?) ass for a moment, bare with me.

While considering the different things that ultimately put my reality grid where it is currently, I begin to realize more and more that it is not any one experiance that does it.  They are all the small rocks that compose the mountain, and that is how you move it, one rock at a time.

Guido, was quite right of course.  But, I shall endeavor to say something that will get me given a bitchslap...or maybe not (I can never tell with you lot).  It's a secret, so you ought to tell everyone you know about it.  Blowing your own mind is more being in the state of mind in which your mind can be blown.  That made no sense.  Slap the sage silly please.  Or, take this: Don't go looking for mindblowing experiances, realize only that they are present everywhere you want them to be.  Expect them, don't wait for them.

Slap the sage silly!!!  NOW!

Stop cowering. It made perfect sense.
Or Kill Me / <curious>
July 17, 2005, 10:07:31 AM
Quantum Psychology by R.A. Wilson. Go down to Mexico and read it on the beach. Try all the exercises, even if you can't put a group together. That's the most important part, really. The exercises are the thing, the book just puts the results into perspective.

If anything, it'll change your viewpoint on viewpoints.
Laaaa la la lalala laaaa laaaa lalala la lalala la la la laaaaaaaaa laaaaa
Literate Chaotic / The Haiku Game
July 15, 2005, 09:42:11 PM
Quote from: the other anonymous
Quote from: IntoxiChrist
Quote from: the other anonymous
Quote from: IntoxiChrist
Quote from: the other anonymousNext Topic: The Complete Lack of Topic


Next Topic: What each point on the 8-star of chaos means.

IntoxiChrist does not like the Crash Test Dummies.

I've been called a name
I do not know what it means.
Please explain, kind sir.

Nothing, good sir
I do not play Name Calling
That game's for idjits.

Okay then, kind sir.
Shall we continue this game
That is called haiku?

Next Topic: Where is Jenny Jones now?

Ha! Jenny Jones
Crackwhore for blowjobs in snow
Blah blah blah the end
Literate Chaotic / The Haiku Game
July 15, 2005, 09:23:16 PM
Quote from: the other anonymous
Quote from: IntoxiChrist
Quote from: the other anonymousNext Topic: The Complete Lack of Topic


Next Topic: What each point on the 8-star of chaos means.

IntoxiChrist does not like the Crash Test Dummies.

I've been called a name
I do not know what it means.
Please explain, kind sir.

Nothing, good sir
I do not play Name Calling
That game's for idjits.
Or Kill Me / Rant 91
July 15, 2005, 09:14:41 PM
Quote from: Jesus Tittyfucking Christfor fuck's sake.

Eric? is that you?

Hugh, it's all yours.

you deserve it.


Who's Eric? My name is Bob. As strange and synchronistic as that name is to Discordians and subGenii.

Perhaps you meant:

Literate Chaotic / The Haiku Game
July 15, 2005, 09:13:05 PM
Quote from: the other anonymousNext Topic: The Complete Lack of Topic


Next Topic: What each point on the 8-star of chaos means.

IntoxiChrist does not like the Crash Test Dummies.
Or Kill Me / Rant 92: Know Chaos
July 15, 2005, 08:25:35 PM
Quote from: gnimbleyEldora? What is this obsession you have with fractals? Are you a math
geek or something?

And, again, Hugh, excellent rant. Love it. Encore! Encore!

She is a math geek.

"And the geek shall inherit the Earth."
Principia Discussion / Behold!
July 15, 2005, 08:19:06 PM
Quote from: Buddha's Ghost PenisWHY DID YOU BAN ME!?!?!

Literate Chaotic / The Haiku Game
July 15, 2005, 08:18:07 PM
Quote from: Buddha's Ghost PenisNext topic: Why ban BGP?


Principia Discussion / Behold!
July 15, 2005, 08:11:09 PM
A conversation with my Woman just now:

bobproletariat (12:08:49 PM): If you knew you were myriad, you wouldn't be embarrassed.
bobproletariat (12:08:55 PM): You'd have someone to blame.
Woman (12:09:17 PM): Oh.

Let's hear it for scapegoats!