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Messages - Reptyle

Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 28, 2006, 02:10:04 PM
yeah im finished. keep the damn barstool it doesnt exist anyway.  lazyness and a lack of creativity to think of query's has beaten me again.
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 28, 2006, 02:05:15 PM
  it some sort of transcript...
"Because talking about it makes you
the worst person in the community.

(man) When did you first meet Lenny?

lt was back in       . Baltimore.

l was, uh, headlining... Headlining?
l was working at this club.

A-one, two, a-one, two, three, four!"
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 28, 2006, 01:57:56 PM
butterbee vs the collage of idiots corporation sections 13 through 28 was all i could find, but its really very legal stuff in there you know, very very complicated lawyers and all that with wigs and fancy hammers. very descriptive. well worth it...
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 28, 2006, 01:48:00 PM
ill buy the refined copy back off you for the transcript of one lawsuit and 3 cold potato wedges with a small amount of sweet chilli sauce and sour cream on each.
that about all i own at the moment.

and ill be downloading the transcript in a minute if u agree.
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 28, 2006, 01:30:13 PM
as long as its i get back at least 75% yield im happy.
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 28, 2006, 01:06:09 PM
well im not gonna do it. if you want it refined you'll have to do it yourself.
i think the gist exists clear enough, ill refine things i buy off the street.

Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 27, 2006, 09:48:07 PM
refine away
Principia Discussion / Re: The Barstool Experiment
November 26, 2006, 11:38:28 AM

it was friday night , raining outside, a bunch of soaking wet people some standing, some sitting, all trying to dry out by the fire. I was talking to one of the random people who had managed to find this small corner of the city we all call home. we were discussing the nature of ultimate reality in relation to quantum physics.
"it came down to wave particle duality" i told him."nothing exists until you percive it, which means you create your reality"
he replied with a grin on his face, "so you honestly belive that you created that stool over there?"
"yeah" i said "everything, its a figment of my creative imagination"
he then stood up walked ever so slowly to where the stool was sitting, picked it up and returned.
before i could ask what was his point he screamed "then stop hitting yourself" and proceeded to knock the shit out of me.
before i could think about where i was i awoke to the bustling of a group of people in a small room trying to dry themselves by a fire talking about quantum physics.
the person i was talking to said "so you honestly belive that you created that stool over there?"
i told him i didnt know anything about quantum physics and that i would prefer to walk in the rain than finish this conversation. he was baffled and  annoyed that id avoided the topic, he assumed that it was because i didnt have a seat and i was tired from walking, so he got me a stool to sit on. when i tried to sit down i got a flash of the previous time i had been in this room, the stool dissappeared and i hit the floor, he laughed and said" you gotta make sure you remember it exists, BEFORE you sit down. dont you know anything.