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Messages - ZombieIcarus

I love you Warren Ellis, Your comics are pure 100% gold.  I'm sure he poops it out too.

unfortunately they forgot shotguns


Always gotta love this one.

Or Kill Me / Re: The Laws of Physics
June 16, 2007, 03:19:54 AM
I forgot! DC, I made something special just for you!

For those of you who are wondering (because someone will) Nietzsche claimed that fat women are a third gender in his book "the gay science" (I forget on what page).  Much like this post, there was no lead in, and it was entirely at random.

P.S. yes that unfortunate picture is me, and yes that's Nietzsche's mustache.  Oh yeah, and I'm 23

Or Kill Me / Re: The Laws of Physics
June 14, 2007, 10:09:04 PM
Quote from: navkat on June 14, 2007, 04:13:14 PM
But you know what? this isn't just about projects...I mean to some people, yeah, I guess it may be but to me, it's about something else entirely.

I mean, most people are content to spend their entire lives living in the same place. People get into these comfort zones and fail to recognize that they even ARE comfort zones. They come to take for granted certain factors being static and never consider that everything in life is really a variable.

Let me repeat that:
Everything in life is really a variable.

So Be It.

Very very true, I'm actually afraid of just that happening.  I love moving around, trying new things, and getting to know new people.. I just got out of college though and I'm kind of out on my own.  It's cool, I'm just afraid I'm going to get comfortable in my new job.  Even if I do, I've set myself a goal, get into grad-school, graduate, get promoted, do research, do excavations, and eventually make the directors job mine... by any means necessary o.o

Academic god-hood shall be mine! Even if I have to make ridiculous pulp style expeditions to the antarctic to get it!  actually more in spite of those expeditions, I totally want a bomber jacket and explorer pants.

Or Kill Me / Re: The Laws of Physics
June 14, 2007, 01:03:26 PM
If you're dropping by on Saturday to be a museum rat, then watching empire then I probably am.  I accept you're kittenz with glee! hooray!

Or Kill Me / Re: The Laws of Physics
June 13, 2007, 10:56:41 PM
I have to admit that I pulled the same thing with guitar when I tried it as a kid.  I forgot to practice till the day before, then spammed all I was supposed to do over the week.  I burnt out on it, but other interests came up and I'm a bit more diligent now :D

Thanks though! Mythology + zombies for the hilarious win.

Or Kill Me / Re: The Laws of Physics
June 13, 2007, 10:36:30 PM
Humorously this reminds me of something I've been telling my friends for years.  "Absolutely no one here has any excuse to be anything other than wildly extraordinary"

Honestly, no one really has an excuse.  A person need not be a genius to be proficient or even talented in a variety of technical fields, need not spend every waking hour in a gym to be in good shape, and need not practice their art 24/7 to be exceptional artists, all it takes is the ability to stop making excuses and actually dedicate a small amount of time on a regular basis.  For those  that actually <i>are</i> genius' (myself definitely not included) you have a gift that could substantially affect not only the people around you, but quite possibly the course of history if properly applied.  Use it.

DC, I've made my goal, his name is Philippe de Montebello, he is the current director of the met, I mean to make his job mine in the next 20 years.