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Messages - Nadezhda

Quote from: Bruce Twillis on May 09, 2012, 06:50:39 PM
Nah. She is a pretty openminded person who does like to have legit fun. But she comes across as very bourgeois and is super cereal about things that only require a small bowl of cereal.
This phrase gives me a feels! :mrgreen:
My mom had a Camry and then she died.  Using my precognitive powers, I predict that anyone who has ever owned a Camry will die.
Related to a couple pages ago - I want tools with lime green handles!  I don't like the baby pink, or the fugly semi-navy blue most tools come in.  Lime green is a little too happy, and I like that.

I would take apart things like my barbie van and my laptop.  My dad made the same face when he saw them disassembled, and the same face when he found out I put them back together by myself.  Shock, horror, disbelief.

I want a lime green hammer.
Quote from: Pancho on August 24, 2011, 03:18:03 PM
I quite literally pissed myself, so happy to be wearing a diaper!  :lulz:

I'd like to repeat this sentiment of how awesome this work is, but with less diaper  :sad:
Ginger snuff pron?   :fap:
Quote from: navkat on August 20, 2011, 06:11:03 PM
It was more of an encouraging poke saying "Fuck what these morons think! PUT IT IN YOU."

There was an Engineer in my Medieval Archaeology class last month (Summer classes are only 3-5 weeks long!) We had a conversation similar to this about the retardity of some of the humanities students trying to apply their non-logics to our respective group projects, and then he put it in me.  The moral of this story is that we were being snobby Anthropologists and then we had sex.
I have a secret fetish for gingers.

If I found a tall ginger engineer, I would accidentally all over myself.
My Doukhabor ancestors came from the Caucasus region.  Am I invited to Georgia too? :p
My brain, as far as number-like things go, is to FLAIL and NOT UNDERSTAND and be ANGST and then all of a sudden get it and be able to do it perfectly.  It's easier to do this under the care of a professor/TA.  I'm not sure how difficult it would be to take American courses as a Canadian student (as far as transferring credit goes :P)
According to my Professor, all CEO's are sociopathic elites who have a big gigantic conspiracy to enslave the world.  After several weeks of several hours a day with her, I'm starting to believe and am seeing conspiracies everywhere.  TIMES TO GO STALK GLP AGAIN LOLS
Quote from: navkat on August 20, 2011, 05:21:29 PM
Quote from: Nadezhda on August 20, 2011, 05:17:26 PM
Quote from: Fuck You One-Eye on August 20, 2011, 03:53:47 PM
They are NOT engineering courses, they are computer courses erroneously called "engineering" courses.

My  :)  turned into a  :sad:

Why? Because some of the big kids aren't impressed?

zOMG do u maek ur lyfe decisions based on wut ur frends say to?

You were interested in these courses simply because you were interested. Go with that, it's guttural and it what drives the apes out of the nit-picking, ass-scratching jungle. Fill ur meet-bucket, spag.


I was looking for real engineer courses.  Software engineering is cool, but not really something I'm interested in at this moment in time, hence the sad.  As a student of Anthropology, in the middle of her degree, I HAVE been fillin mah meet-bukkit with the actual reasons that apes went out of teh junglez.  I have too much reel edukashuns to focus on to waste my time with something mislabelled that I was never interested in, in the first place.


[EDIT - I type slow.  Basically, what Nigel said, but with a splash reactionary asshattery!]
Quote from: Fuck You One-Eye on August 20, 2011, 03:53:47 PM
They are NOT engineering courses, they are computer courses erroneously called "engineering" courses.

My  :)  turned into a  :sad:
Okay, so I just wrote up the whole shabangle about "have to" and the 'correct' usage and how it evolved in popular speech and stuff, but then I deleted it because no one fucking cares.

English is crazy and doesn't make sense!  Poop in non-toilet receptacles!  Physically coercing Cain in a bathroom!
Is it easier to get into Alaska than it is to get through to, say, Washington?  I do not have a passport yet.  Also someone would need to drive through wherever Dysnomia lives and kidnap her, because we are friends on the Facebooks and therefore we ought to meet and be friends in Arr Ell.

Also, it would be worth it to watch all you hilarious southerners trying to cope with northern weather.