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Messages - indifferent betty

how about " can talk!! at least i'm not attractive!!"
Quote from: Sanguine Penguin on January 22, 2009, 05:41:07 PM
         BEHOLD! NEW DRAPES! Sushhhhh, don't tell anyone but I got a sweet deal on them!


are the new drapes the change he's been rattling on about then? new drapes installed, change implimented, business as usual from hereon in.
Quote from: Squid-diddle on January 22, 2009, 05:09:27 PM
i just don't like nazi's and nazi jokes
doesn't matter who posted it to me
my reaction woulda been the same

meh. cant please all the people all the time.

Quote from: R.W.H.N. on January 22, 2009, 05:07:02 PM
I think it's more of a commentary on your originality. 

what, because someone else made obama look like a nazi? strewth, i'd better kill myself.

Quote from: R.W.H.N. on January 22, 2009, 04:58:49 PM
So, this was supposed to be edgy or something right? 
nope, just a small peice of irony. but people seem to have a tendency to read too much into stuff.
Quote from: LMNO on January 22, 2009, 04:27:00 PM
A higher quality troll would have used this:

i must be a low resolution troll then. billy goat gruff has to squint to see me properly.
Quote from: R.W.H.N. on January 22, 2009, 04:09:50 PM
:mittens: to you both.  Though, in Cram's they don't look as jaundiced. 
Huh? How do you tel if a Chineese person is jaundiced or not?
agreed, although there seems to be buttons and shit missing. i guess it's only a beta...........
Quote from: Triple Zero on January 16, 2009, 08:43:33 AM
Quote from: indigoblade on January 16, 2009, 02:18:42 AMJust had two more come to mind. Feirehheit 451 and 1984 of course. Both classics. The time machine was alright too i guess. There is another one by Orsen Wells I can't think of at the moment, but oh well. It's the one where life above ground seems to be paradise while below ground it is revealed that slaves actualy keep everything running above ground. If anyone can think of the name of this movie please let me know. Thanx.

are these movies worth watching or are they just listed cause the themes from the books they're based on are so awesome?

also, save yourself some time, watch Fahrenheit 451/1984 and Brave New World rolled into one with Equilibrium. If only just for crying at the horrible badness of the puppy scene :lol:

also fuck yeah Brazil rocks.

Gilliam is always a given.
Shaolin Soccer.
The Game.

to name but a few
Or Kill Me / Re: No more hyphens.
January 15, 2009, 08:54:04 AM
I can totally see the OP's point here. It would seem to me that such cultural/racial references would only really apply if you were actually raised using said cultural/racial ideals.

America, like England is a nation populated entirely by peoples who if you go back far enough are from other shores. The old name for the English was Anglo-Saxon, back when these islands were populated by a mixture of Angles, Saxons and Celts, which pretty much makes England a historical nation of mongrels. Over time this name was dropped in favour of English, after the land they occupied and a cultural Identity of their own developed with obvious references to their descendants cultures and a few little idiosyncrasies of their own.
With America originally being populated by peoples from England, Spain, Africa and the tribes who already dwelled there this to me makes them a country of mongrels too, but with it still being quite young as far as countries go, I kind of understand why the national identity can still be so split as to cause certain of its inhabitants to latch on to their ancestry as a cultural identifier.

I myself am a Welsh-Italian, my mother being Welsh and my father Italian, and I was raised using ideals and memes from both cultures. I have often wondered though as what to classify myself, having dual nationality in a very legal sense, but speaking neither Italian or Welsh (The parts of North Wales I was raised in are almost completely English speaking). Sure, I have an obsession with Pasta and Cheese on toast (or "Welsh Rarebit"), but are such things enough to make me either, or am I something else entirely, or maybe more importantly does it really matter at all?
Maybe, in a genetic manner of speaking, I am a Romano-Celt, but more recently I have been hovering over the idea that I am merely Human and that everything else is just another meme.

I guess what I'm trying to say (and rambling a bit in the meantime) is that the OP definitely has a point as to the irrelevancy of the hyphenated cultural identifier, but it does seem understandable that occupants of a young country would use them.
Bring and Brag / Homemade Bowel Disruptor Gun Theory
January 12, 2009, 10:11:55 AM
3D3N was chatting to me recently about the Grant Morrison comic Transmetropolitan. She informed me of an amusing weapon that the lead character Spider Jeruslam had, the Bowel Disruptor Gun.
I chuckled to myself a little (quite childish really, but making people poop themselves is funny), and then had a bad idea.
Surely, you could construct one of these quite easily A-Team-style with just an mp3 player, a high quality mp3 of the brown note and a directional microphone. The idea being that if the directional microphone only picks up sound from one direction, then if you use it for output instead of input, you can direct the sound (away from yourself, unless you're a fecal-loving-oddball) at some unsuspecting spag for shits and giggles. Literally.

Is this feesable to anyone else?
Bring and Brag / Re: Jan. 1st.
January 12, 2009, 03:50:38 AM
Quote from: Primrose on January 12, 2009, 03:46:08 AM
it would be awesome to have a hobby i can share with the kids!

try screaming.