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Messages - Rev-Retail-Therapy

by reminding me of the glorious resurection of my lord you have blessed my heart  :cry: :oops: :x

Christianity is about believing about whether Jesus does exist not whether He DID exist.

Call me weird, but the reason I am a Christian is I think it's true, and I try to fit in the reality I see around me with the New Testament.  If I ask real people for explanations when I get stuck I usually get a decent answer... if I ask the Church you often just just the same lines quoted back like yesterdays burgers in the work canteen

I am a discordian because i think people need to "think for themselves schmuck" and I think Christians especially need to learn that, but because I believe Christianity is real I dont think that will lead people away from it, permanently anyway.

But then - who the fuck am I ?
Quote from: Darth Cupcake on August 02, 2007, 04:20:19 PM

Discordian Christian: A Christian, but with Discordian leanings, such as perhaps believing in Jesus/the crucifixion, etc, but also believing in the ideas of chaos, mindfucking, etc.

for the record, that's me that is

GASM Command / Re: mysteryshopperGASM
May 27, 2008, 07:27:22 PM
mystery shopping is wide open for abuse..... they are desperate for staff as a lot of companies do not actually pay any money... you just get the expereince of staying in a hotel or catching a plane somewhere, just to come straight back.... or get to keep £5/$10 worth of groceries....


i am off to watch porn
GASM Command / Re: mysteryshopperGASM
May 27, 2008, 07:10:50 PM
when i worked in retail i got a cash bonus for getting a 100% review, my friends in retail in the UK - last week - told me the same....

the whole system is another level of control brought in by the corps to scare the chumps on the floor away form jacking off in the salad bar...

but to corrupt the system surely is cool....

personally i wouldnt give a good employee a bad review... but that would be an option

GASM Command / Re: mysteryshopperGASM
May 27, 2008, 07:03:54 PM
and to participate you have to go and get yourself a job as a mystery shopper!! its really easy, I just had to fill in a few forms online... take an open book test...

i can help people in the uk find suitable companies, i am not so sure about the USA though... i am sure google will tell you what you need to know

to become a mystery shopp you do not need any qualification, and you never need to pay - people saying that are probably scammers

GASM Command / Re: mysteryshopperGASM
May 27, 2008, 07:01:19 PM
Well the deal is, for those of you unwilling to read past the first post on a blog, I am a mystery shopper ( i think in the USA I would be a secret shopper, who knows) I get paid to go and assess the merits of a company's staff and things...

so in order to try and level the playing field - i intentionally rate bad members of staff positivly, infact glowingly... to the extent they could get a cash bonus...

thus liberating the evil corp of their money in more than one way - and making life a little easier on some poor chump stuck in a dead end job

and I get paid to do this

does that make sense?
GASM Command / Re: MMO GASM
May 26, 2008, 10:16:03 PM
i used to play MUDs, "back int day"

i ballsed up one entire game by creating a clan of transexuals who weren't interested in fighting, we were called "girls on film"
I flirted my way to become an imortal and then invited more and more people into my clan...

at one point most of the people were just ont here to chat

GASM Command / mysteryshopperGASM
May 26, 2008, 10:13:44 PM

check this shzzel out - if you are up for it please comment on the blog...

23 Skiddoo
