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Messages - Halfbaked1

In my area, jeans and a t-shirt are my perfect disguise.  But I also have slacks and several polo shirts that match the style of several local houses of retail.  Please note, no logos, or name tags.  Just a similar colouration and no admission of actual ownership.  Simply make the appearance of belonging and smile like you are them...or in some cases don't smile.
Quote from: The Right Reverend Nigel on January 11, 2010, 10:34:01 PM
Have I mentioned how much I hate all of you?

Egads, I thought it was TGRR for a second.

But anyway, It makes perfect sense that Discordians would be the opposite of whatever the norm was.  not because we are contrary, though we are it isn't the only reason, but because like was said we seek balance in this world and the only way to do that is by opposing the status quo.  Still, what happens if we ever achieved a balance?  Not that I really think that such a thing is possible, but what if we, the monkeys i mean, actually managed to pull it off?
Aneristic Illusions / Re: The case against Obama
January 12, 2010, 04:50:09 AM
I just can't add anything to this really.

I simply want to thank Cain for pointing out these facts and say that I intend to spread this word to the forums that I frequent to see what sort of hell I can unleash. 

Also, can I have some citation on the torture thing?  I have no problem believing it, but i will be facing wingnuts that won't and I would like a bit to throw back at them.
Bring and Brag / Re: I aint a poet...
December 25, 2009, 04:16:44 AM
I used to read Longfellow, keats, Frost and Kipling alot.  They were my introduction to poetry, and my older material is rather derivative of their work I think.  heh, if I could find any of it then I could get your opinion, but that stuff is long gone after 2 decades.  I would like to write poetry worth a darn, I don't feel like I write enough at all anymore, since I used to write short stories and the like all the time.  I really don't feel like any of you were harsh, I appreciate the unadulterated honesty.  Nothing you said was that much worse than critics used to say about some plays that I worked with, my skin is pretty thick to that.

i believe I will start creating more poetry from day to day things and see if it gets any better...shyeah, maybe after 10 or 20 years. :lulz:
Bring and Brag / Re: I aint a poet...
December 24, 2009, 10:57:28 AM
Quote from: The Right Reverend Nigel on December 22, 2009, 11:13:26 PM
And for fuck's sake, if you're not a poet, don't fucking foist your wretched mockery of poetry on others.

Thank you, I needed the feedback, and I knew this was the most honest place to get it. 

I actually have written some good stuff, at least so I have been told by people who are not related to me and don't owe me money, and this got some as well, but I just wrote it to get something off my chest so I thought it was dreck.  The positive feedback was not logical to how I felt about it so I needed to get the skinny.
Bring and Brag / I aint a poet...
December 22, 2009, 11:31:19 AM
But i wrote some drivel that I thought i would share.  Kinda Emo, but meh, its kinda where I was...still am.

I Never Showed You.

Living years in quiet pain, never knowing why I care.
This world, I hate, and fear for its indifference to itself
I can't look in your eyes for trying to look strong.

You think you know me when you see my face,
when you hear my voice you think you hear what I say.
My spirit broke, and no one knew, looked for concern, no trace.
I want to be you, I want to fit in, but bliss was the price i had to pay.

I gave the world my ignorance, I saw into its soul,
I chose this path, thought I was in control.
Now I know much, but the quests go on,
even though now, the joy and thrill are gone.

Is there someone listening? Does it matter if they are?
Is there really any point? Can you tell me now?
Whether I wasted my life, wishing on some star?
I don't know if I care anymore, my mind has started to blur.
Some form of madness has come, and made my decisions unsure.

I beg and plead with my words and my art,
seeking some sign that you can see into my heart.
But I close up, and you cannot see.
How can you? I never showed you the pain in me.
What about, "America has never waged war against another Democracy."?
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 14, 2009, 05:53:20 PM
Quote from: Doctor Rat Bastard on December 14, 2009, 05:51:44 PM
The Tea Party is some fantastic shit. I mean, they may actually try to put someone on the 2012 ticket. It will be absolutely hilarious. They were apoplectic at losing 2008, but they could blame the 'RHINOS'... how will they behave when they lose on thei own?

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz:

And that someone is...guess who?




No, really.  Not kidding.

I am terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

So irrational thought tells me to get together an Anti-Teaparty, Party to confound theses wingnuts and put forth Cobra Commander as a nominee.
Principia Discussion / Re: Off the Tracts
December 16, 2009, 09:53:32 AM
Eh, I tend toward pinealism when I do things like this, but I will give er a go.  Please note that I have taken some thoughts from others and put my own bend to them.

1. You have just found a clue to something that you probably didn't think you wanted to know.  Now put it down and walk away before you realize different.

2. Still here?  Okay then, the fact is that everything you have ever experienced and the situation of your life is dictating how you see what you call REALITY.  Where you were born, how you were born, what you were born are things you cannot change.  Your personal experiences, how you react to those experiences and the experiences that you will encounter in the future are the things that you can do something about.  The world, and all the other monkeys in it, will try and tell you how you are supposed to react to things, THINK FOR YOURSELF SCHMUCK!  You cannot escape the prison that is built from your biological circumstances, but if you can think for yourself then you can remodel the cell.

3.  The world is a mix of order and disorder.  We look through the frameworks of our situations and our experiences and we see patterns, we call the patterns ORDER, and the things that fit no pattern we call DISORDER.  Now if you could see the world through the next guys framework then you would see that his idea of ORDER and yours are, more than likely, fundamentally different.  You might have known this stuff, you might realize that the world is all just a mish mash of order and disorder.  Even if you didn't, you do now, so welcome to the ranks of The Discordian Society. 

4.  What's a Discordian?  Not a stupid question, but the wrong one.  Discordian is just something that a group of people call themselves and have been doing so since the fifties, it's a name and therefore not relevent to what it means to think for ones self.  The right question is, "How did I become a Discordian, and how do I think for myself?"  The first answer is simple, you were probably always were.  The second answer is alot more interesting, and no one can give it to you.  This humble pamphlet can tell you to think for yourself, but in the end, how to do that is up to you.  It is freedom that we speak of here, you can use it, or ignore it.  but if you were going to ignore it you would have stopped reading by now.

5.  Now you realize that the world is a crazy, mixed up collection of personal viewpoints and opinions that are being inflicted upon you by people who see reality a certain way.  Here's the way to cope with the situation.  Realize that you are a human being, and cannot possibly see reality as a whole.  Go off someplace on a Friday and eat a hotdog by yourself, think about why you MUST have a hotdog bun.  Listen to what all the clambering monkeys around you have to say, then decide what you REALLY THINK, and don't change it just because the noisy ones don't agree.  Or don't.  I just told you that you were free, don't give the writer of this pamphlet the power to tell you how to think.  Never give that to anyone, in the end it's all you have.  Or maybe I am completely insane and this has been a supreme waste of time.
 :gheyforum: Not gettin any younger here.

In the meantime, video of LMNOs junk getting punched.
I vote for the death panel one. 

i may not agree with the damn bill, but I would rather argue facts than rhetoric.  And like LMNO said, the damn things are still being talked about.
Ugh...I can't believe I supported some of these assholes.

But in my own defense I was supporting the right to protest, not their POV...still, if you are going to protest have the fucking stamina to walk across town at the very fucking least.
I didn't see any evidence of torture.  Physical and mental discomfort are part of any military interrogation process.  Break the subject down and destroy their belief in anything except the interrogators.  I think waterboarding, and pretty much everything that was documented at Abu Grahib was torture.  You cant do that shit.  But loud music, sleep deprivation (to a degree), yelling, denegration, and even denial of comfort are viable interrogation techniques that I would expect to be used on me if I were an enemy combatant.

The question that needs to be considered is whether these people are enemy combatants, subject to military law, or criminals, subject to criminal law in a Federal court. 

But seriously, this guy is either innocent, or the best trained Al Qaeda soldier you can imagine.  Everyone breaks eventually, and untrained people usually break fairly easy.