
Everyone who calls themselves "wolf-something" or "something-wolf" almost inevitably turns out to be an irredeemable shitneck.

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Messages - Chief Uwachiquen


It's The Faint's "Symptom Finger" the video is pretty neat if a bit simple. I like the overall message of the video and the song, personally. Just found out about the song not too long ago, actually.
Or Kill Me / Re: Blind Judgement
January 31, 2011, 07:04:08 PM
The way people of faith can feel superior to others, even of their own creed, because what they know and see and feel is somehow more "Real" or "True".

The way someone who is down on their luck, in a shelter, for example, at possibly the lowest rock bottom moment of their life, can still find the pride to blindly assume that somehow their reasons for being there are superior to anyone else's.

The way that someone who listens to the same music somehow "Gets it" more than anyone else who listens to the same music, or reads the same book, without giving pause to consider, or even ask, what their views or reasons are.

Those sorts of things, I think, specifically.
Or Kill Me / Blind Judgement
January 31, 2011, 06:39:15 PM
(To Preface, this is something that had been floating in my head for the past few days and something I've observed for a while, but more starkly, my face than any other point prior. And for a variety of reasons I've decided I wanted to return to PD. One of them being that I missed the intelligent people found here and the variety of thoughts and information that can be found herein. At any rate, I felt it wise to return with content(The quality is up for debate, however.) rather than blowing air out of any variety of holes I may have.)

There are many in this world that we would look down the ends of our noses at subconsciously, or, perhaps more admirably, make a concerted and intentional effort to look down. I'm as guilty as any other about doing this, though, but at least I have the decency to understand, to process, and to realize why I am doing it. Or even that I -am- doing it. The biggest irony I've had the pleasure of encountering is the sort of judgment, the sort of persecution that comes from -being- the very thing you condemn. Now, I'm not talking about hypocritical people except in a more vague and textbook manner. To be this, they are in effect this other thing. But it goes deeper than that, it's something more...

It's something that I've suspected for some time but never been able to put into words. I know from the, however at times brief, flirtations with Psychology that people tend to seek out and despise the things in others, to nitpick the very things that they dislike in themselves. But even deeper than that, the sense of superiority that one assumes when they're in an awful situation, or with an awful crowd, or whatever it is. That they don't "Belong" there. That they're somehow better despite that they found themselves in the same stinking pit of degenerates they glower at. And this is both delightful and really disheartening from the point of view of someone who recognizes this when it happens.

Delightful because I, in some small way, get to feel smug and superior for being somehow better despite not knowing much else about the perpetrator except for that offense. It's not something to be particularly proud of, for certain, but at least I'm honest. Disheartening, however, because someone who has gotten themselves to that point, one who assumes and makes blanket assumptions is nearly always out of reach, out of touch, and most depressingly, resistant to assimilate new information. And that's really sad, and I can't help but wonder what brought them to that point. What brings anyone to the point where they cease to -want- to understand, to -want- to learn. I can understand a lack of empathy, that's probably the easiest thing to lose, the desire to show empathy, compassion. But when the simple act of learning, and subsequently understanding becomes too difficult for someone to muster the will to do.

It's people like that that I don't know whether to feel sorry for them or enraged by them.
What is George Lucas' next attempt at more money?
So. I'm gonna sound really dumb here but...I never actually LEARNED how to ride a bike. Is it -hard-? Plus I kind of want a car or a moped to get around and out of the town every once in a while. Especially to visit my parents, they're about a half an hour drive away. Plus it's easier to transport groceries and anything else in a vehicle. Although, if I learned how to ride a bike...

I mean, when I was a kid I learned how to rollerblade. I gave up on biking 'cause I kept falling over and busting myself up.  :argh!: Maybe I was just retarded.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Favorite Song Lyrics/Poetry
April 27, 2010, 12:08:11 PM
Grace to Grace - Geddy Lee

A Hundred Thousand Years
A Hundred Thousand Miles Of Track
A Hundred Thousand Tears
Hundred Thousand Souls
You Can't Give Back

When The Dark Subsides
An Eternity Goes By
On The Fault Line
Between Then And Now

When The Truth Hides
An Eternity Goes By
On The Fault Line
Between Then And Now

Grace To Grace
Immaculate Vision
Of What Should Have Been

Face To Face
Eloquent Stories
Of What Could Have Been

A Hundred Thousand Dreams
A Hundred Thousand Beams Of Light
A Hundred Thousand Schemes
Gods In The Heavens Can't Get It Right

When The Dark Subsides
An Eternity Goes By
On The Fault Line
Between Then And Now

When The Truth Hides
Integrity Falls Shy
On The Fault Line
Between Then And Now

Grace To Grace
Immaculate Vision
Of What Should Have Been

Place To Place
Elegant Story
Of What Could Have Been

When The Truth Hides
Integrity Falls Shy
On The Fault Line
Between Then And Now

When The Truth Hides
An Eternity Goes By
On The Fault Line
Between Then And Now

Grace To Grace
Immaculate Vision
Of What Should Have Been

Face To Face
Elegant Story
Of What Could Have Been

Grace To Grace
Immaculate Vision
Of What Should Have Been

Grace To Grace
That as absolutely assanine. I can't believe they're actually trying to regulate that shit. That's. Ugh.

Tear them a new asshole.
Well, I actually picked up a new roommate a few days ago.  :lulz: I talked to my original roommate and he was like, "Dude, no offense to you. But I would've done it a lot sooner."  :lulz:

First thing I need to do with the money I won't have to spend on his half of rent is get a phone, then save for a car. Walking three miles every day is, while healthy, kind of a pain in the ass.

...That Deaf, Dumb, and Blind kid sure plays a mean pin ball.

It is however a very lame music video.
Quote from: Pēleus on April 27, 2010, 06:31:46 AM
"This is Horus. He is the Sun God of Egypt of around 3000 BC"


He is the Sun God, he is The One God, RAH RAH RAH.

Hello, folks. It's been a long ass time and a couple of you have PM'd me 'cause you've prolly seen me down at the bottom as signed in. Work's been ridiculous and been pissing me off. The other thing was having a roommate that wasn't paying rent but I somehow managed to keep the place afloat. While I realize that that sort of environment was ripe for being very angry, but it didn't really feel constructive.

Work is still pissing me off; been there almost an entire year and they still haven't given me my three month review OR my raise I was supposed to get. I've at least been getting decent hours; they'd been screwing me around for quite some time. They FINALLY bumped me up to full time. Unfortunately it's the shittiest shift they have, of course this GUARANTEES me hours 'cause no one else wants to fuckin' work them. Aw well.

Anyway, I'm posting this to let y'all know that I'mma try and check in and contribute again. Missed y'all crazy bastards.

@ LMNO: Sorry 'bout not comin' through on that thing I said I was gonna write on the guitar. I just couldn't get my head in it.
As an aside based on the context of eye color: There was a stocker I worked with a year or so ago that had turquoise contacts he would wear that actually looked kind of cool.

I'm not sure if I can bring myself to read this thing. It sounds so god awful I may have to gouge my eyes out with my broaches; provided I had any. Ugh.
RPG Ghetto / Re: WEREWOLF - Players Only
January 26, 2010, 03:06:26 AM
I'd go again.
RPG Ghetto / Re: WEREWOLF - Players Only
January 25, 2010, 09:29:14 AM
Motherfucker! I knew Shrunkenheadspace was the god damn werewolf. >< I however never would've guessed Iason.