
I hate both of you because your conversation is both navel-gazing and puerile

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Messages - *GrumpButt*

Thanks guys  8)

Gonna be lurking round catching up for a while :P
The leap was awesome TBH.   :)

How you been?
Well I've been gone a while!

While I was gone we have moved from Tennessee to Montana.

     Had planned on moving but not for a few more months. I woke up one day sick as hell of all the druggie drama and all the bullshit. Told the Husband that we were leaving the next morning, and we did. I packed clothes and whatever fit on our car's trunk and got the hell out of there. We left a house full of stuff, furniture,clothes, toys, dvd's, TVs, 99% of my books, EVERYTHING... Left it all for the vultures that were sure to swoop in and clean the place out once word was around we had gone. RAWR
Never looked back, it felt so good to leave that place and know I would never have to see those people again.

      I was more than happy to leave everything if we could get the hell out. Three days, three kids, one Husband, cat, dog, later we arived in Bozeman MT.  No home, no jobs, just a trunk full of stuff and hope.

    Some few months later we have a new home, and new friends, seems like a new life for each of my family members.  I have never been happier anywhere.

  I have missed everyone. Here are some pics xD


And one of me after a swim at Fairy Lake
Man that was like 5 pages of  lol-tastic lols.

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz:
Juicy pears.

That is all.
No lactating for me.

Bring on the nubbly socks!

Everytime you'd take a step... YEEEEEE :D
I read the article, and didn't see if it said or not, but...

I wonder if that foot nipple has feeling?  If it does.. I want one too. One for each foot.
Ew. It's a hairy nipple. :vom:

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
July 28, 2011, 12:18:20 AM
You both look fantastic <3
Hey there Sita.

Or Kill Me / Re: Optimists: A Call to Arms
July 27, 2011, 11:23:28 PM
Optimists unite! 

I am not a happy go lucky kind of person. But I do find a bright side to everything that falls into my lap.

I am so sorry.

We are here for you hon.
Yes she has lol.