
I live in the Promised Land, except the Chosen People are all trying to get out. 

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Messages - EraPassing

Quote from: Hoshiko
Thank you so much for this enlightening post. It added so much to the conversation.
You're welcome.

QuoteI've yet to see you do something even remotely "worthwhile".
Where've you been?  I've engaged in several debates on this board.  I haven't had much to say lately, of course, but that's because there's been nothing to say.  I totally empathize with Rog's pie and cookie rant.

QuoteIf you're tired of reading bullshit, then post something good yourself. Or would that ruin your pointlessly critical intellectual elite schtick?
Lately I've been refraining from talking much on the board because there's nothing to say.  Except today, when I got fed up.
And guess what?  As you've pointed out to me in the past, it's an open forum.  That means I get to make whatever comments I want to and there's dick-all you can do about it.  Same as everyone else on this board.
How you like them cookies?
Quote from: Scribe
I only did it in the vain hope that Roger may stop his cookie and pie trip he currently is on.

Don't worry, Scribe, the fact that you started the thread is the only reason I opened it.
It degenerated from there.

P.S.  I like Rog's trips.
Sure, and I'll even use small words:

This thread was a waste of time.  From now on, I'll just scan the icons and make sure I'm not reading posts made by anyone that I already know has nothing worthwhile to say.

"Worthwhile" wasn't too big a word, was it?  I mean, I know it has a lot of letters and stuff...

Is tired of reading bullshit.
Quote from: Most of the Posts on This Thread
Blah blah blah waaahh blah blah blah

Lesson = learned.
Will the Mgt. actually care if the streets run with the blood of the bourgeoise?
Cuz, it's not leverage if the person you're threatening is going to make hors d'oeuvres, break out the good scotch, and egg you to get on with it.
*bites Rog's head*
There's this chick I know who, no matter what the situation you may be talking about, not only has experienced that situation, but handled it better than the person she's talking to, is more than willing to tell you how she handled it, and is far too jaded and blase about life to ever be impressed with something that might strongly affect another person.  She's absolutely chock-full of oh-so-well-meaning advice or related comments.  And on and on -
Well, yall get the mental image of the kind of person I'm talking about.  

What makes her condescension less tedious is that she actually has a clue.  Even at her most condescending, she's capable of holding her end of the conversation coherently instead of liberally splashing around advice and comments which, for all I know, are inspired by the fairies in her head.  This agreeable personality trait, and more importantly, the fact that I've never caught her talking about me behind my back, is what makes her completely different from Eldora.

And for anyone who doesn't understand this, the term "relationship" is really nothing more than the specific interaction between two people, and any given person on this board has a relationship with any other given person on this board.  If, as Eldora not-so-subtly hints, Rog's private relationship with her is stronger than my very public relationship with him, and this posts offends him...  Too bad.  I'll accept my "do never" comment.  At least I'm not interfering in that relationship behind her back, which is a courtesy she has, at least once, not bothered to extend to me.

So, yeah, this is a public forum, and we all get on each others' nerves after a while.  We all have irritating habits.  That does not mean that when one person has been the victim of another person's irritating habits more than once, that we are obliged to keep our mouths shut about being fed up with it.
Well, that's very interesting, Hoshiko.

Possibly you might be confused as to the nature of my conversation with Rog because it wasn't meant for you to understand or comment on, or for you to use as a springboard to try bringing yourself to Rog's attention.
Here's an idea:  if you don't quite understand all the undercurrents of my relationship with any given member of this forum, you can safely make the assumption that your butting in will not be appreciated.
Bar fight?  You think they scare me because of the possibility of getting in a pissant bar fight?  In a biker bar?  

Damn.  You make a lot of quick assumptions about people you've never met before, Eldora.
But, ell, you accused them of leaving out the verbs.  They do have verbs.  Just because the verbs are conjugated incorrectly, doesn't mean they're not there.
Or Kill Me / Chaos is...
March 11, 2005, 08:44:34 PM
*bites him*

Also appreciates the value of action
That's true, if "fucking" is being used as the verb, instead of as an adjective, which is how it sounds in that sentence.

Thank you, ellemeno.  *smooch*
Or Kill Me / Chaos is...
March 11, 2005, 08:38:59 PM
Give over, ellemeno.
Or Kill Me / Chaos is...
March 11, 2005, 08:33:09 PM
I really liked the imagery.  Hugh expresses himself coherently.  People don't do that, everyday.  There are people on this forum alone who are incapable of forming a coherent thought, let alone express it in such a way that it leaves an impression on others.  Even when I don't agree with him, he makes me think about it for myself.  Therein lies Hugh's artistry.