
Yeah, fuckface! Get ready to be beaten down. Grrr! Internet ain't so safe now is it motherfucker! Shit just got real! Bam!

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Messages - Arin


A Discourse

"Soo that's it then?"


"Seriously? I mean yesterday, this morning even! I was just stumbling along, working, payin' the bills, watchin' TV, ya' know, living."

"Well, you're not anymore, stumbling along I mean.  And you weren't really living were you?  just drifting from day to day really."

" . . . I guess so.  But still shouldn't there be some sort of, I dunno, fanfare or something?"

"You expected more ceremony?  More symbolism and holy light?"

"well yeah I guess, seems silly now . . ."

"It's nothing like that, it's just openness, exploration, all the things you didn't get to do, because you were too scared or it was too expensive or whatever."

"Woah, really?  Even that thing with the llama and the roller coaster?"

"Sure, why not."
