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Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: PARENTING
April 05, 2013, 09:48:20 PM
Sounds like the main issue with your kids friends is lack of parental attention.

And it's also true that food at someone's elses house always looks tastier than the crap your mom serves you. 

But that doesn't explain the greasy unwashed look you describe, and lack of parental attention does.

My best guess based on the info in this thread combined with personal experience as a parent is that it is a combination of those and other unnamed factors.
Quote from: Alty on April 03, 2013, 10:59:55 PM
Quote from: Nast on April 03, 2013, 10:46:31 AM
I pop in and out of this board so frequently that I feel that it hardly merits a post to announce that I found my way back, but I wanted to express my gratitude that this board has provided me with so many diverting things to read while I lay through the three days of throat infection and insomnia. For awhile there I was on the verge of taking up knitting again to fill the long void-like hours, but then I realized how much knitting infuriates me so I thought of coming back to you spags instead. Love you all!

Its so nice to see you back, Nast.

Hey new people.
If you ever talk about drugs I will hunt you down and apply Religion to your living souls.
I take drugs for my hi blood pressure.  If applying religion would make my hi blood pressure not be hi anymore, you're welcome to apply religion.

Yes, I'd even invite Eris into my life if it would fix my health problems

my Butt doesn't hurt.

And anyway, people wouldn't care so much about being butthurt if you were nice enough to give them a reach-around.

just sayin...
If i hacked dawkins facebook page it'd end up with a video of some lighting their farts on fire on it.  It wouldn't quite be nsfw.  The gentleman doing it would have boxers on.

And he'd be wearing a Dawkins mask.

Or a James Dobson mask.  not sure which.

I'm trying to comprehend but I guess I'm having a hard time. 

What, from the courts perspective, would be a reasonable and legal form of protest against the action that was required of her, clapping for her rapist?

Allowing protest seems to be ingrained in our culture, and is one of the many things that our "right of free speech" is touted for.

Free speech doesn't apply for raped cheerleaders in small east texas towns that love their athletes?  That seems to be the message that is communicated here.
Maybe quantum fighting techniques give you the ability to see the fist coming or feel its impact but not both at the same time?
It's not you.  I just riffed off your shriners motif and took it in a totally different direction.  You were perfectly clear.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: ROGER!
March 26, 2013, 08:54:51 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 26, 2013, 08:44:24 PM
Quote from: stelz on March 26, 2013, 08:42:59 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 26, 2013, 08:40:55 PM
Quote from: stelz on March 26, 2013, 08:39:34 PM
That still gives us twelve years to work with.

Poor bastard was born "Marvin".  He had to crack sometime.

OUCH. OK, we'll leave him alone.

We still have Axl.

We'll ALWAYS have Axl.  Just like we'll always have Keith Richards.
Keith Richards will be the zombie that runs the world after the zombie apocalypse.  Zombification can't touch him, so he won't lose any faculties he happens to still possess.
Quote from: Cain on March 26, 2013, 04:50:39 PMUS plans for the region, which revolve around encircling China while pretending it's not, and not pointlessly antagonising them.
So the US is playing Go with China on a worldwide scale while pretending it's not?  That certainly fits, but I hadn't thought of it in those terms before.

You inspire the conspiracy theorist side of me, Cain.
Evan Ebel, the kid that was shot in Texas for this, was the son of Jack Ebel, a longtime friend of Governor Hickenlooper.

I guess that could just be a coincidence, but I think it's pretty bizarre.


Evan was a member of the 211's, a white supremacist prison gang.  A perfect person/group to pin this on.

I can easily see it as a message: "See, Governor?  you can't win against us.  we can get to your specially appointed lieutenants, and we can even get to the kids of your friends.  You are not safe..."

Quote from: Cain on March 20, 2013, 07:51:34 PM
Unlike most news agencies, I don't think this is related to the proposed change in gun laws in Colorado...but looking into the El Paso County Sheriff Office, Terry Malekta certainly seems incensed by the proposals, has been a very vocal opponent of the laws and has accused local Dem politicians of "extortion" over the issue.  Extortion in this case meaning not paying sheriffs who don't intend to enforce the laws of the state.
well, yeah.  El Paso County has had a concealed-carry program for longer than any other County in Colorado, and Maketa is a HUGE supporter of concealed carry.  I couldn't imagine him being happy with the new law.
Quote from: Cain on March 20, 2013, 07:51:34 PM
He's a complete wingnut with only a tenuous grasp on reality, in other words.
Maybe, but this is Pretty much Anti-Denver talk/posturing more than it is being a wingnut.  El Paso County is one of the most politically conservative counties in the United States;  for example, Bob Dole beat Bill Clinton by a considerable margin in El Paso County.  This is tough talk for locals and for posturing in front of those damn liberals in Denver
Quote from: Cain on March 20, 2013, 07:51:34 PM
This doesn't mean he's necessarily involved...but it does make any judgements from the county office suspect.  It also means Maleka may have links with the local conservative elite...which may include people involved in the private prison industry.  Requires further investigation.
He DEFINITELY has very stong links with the local conservative elite.  But I am unaware of any tie-ins with the private prison industry.

In the interest of clarity, I've been a resident of Colorado Springs since 1993.  So I'm not speaking from any specific source other than some level of awareness of local politics.
There's been times in my 51 years that I've done it and there's been times that I've bent over and taken it up the ass like a good little boy.

Wish I knew which version of me was going to be in charge at any given moment.  Or not.

I'll say this.  Doing it is usually the hard choice.  Sometimes it's worth it and sometimes it isn't.   Sometimes it's better to just undercut the motherfuckers from the inside and be the rot in the core of their precious little system.  And the truth is, sometimes I just don't care enough to do the hard thing. 

I don't think there is any good fix for not caring, and not having enough motivation, ya know? At least I haven't found it.
Quote from: McGrupp on March 15, 2013, 03:08:22 AM
"I'm in the wrong parade!"
Along that theme:  "Where can I find the NYPD entry to the Gay Pride Parade???"
As I listened to that, it felt like there were cockroaches scritching around in the song.  I felt the heat and smelled the smell and tasted the dirt in the air.  It made my palms itch and felt like something was moving around, on the small of my back as I was reading the part about the wino.

It made me feel like I know the heart and soul of tucson, and I've never been there.

You have a weird little talent there, Mr. LMNO.